Yas Forumssicians, post your gear!
Yas Forumssicians, post your gear!
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Nothing impressive yet
Pedals upon pedals
why would you write on the keys
yeah ikr write on the frets instead
>writing on the keys
lmao are you in 1st grade music lessons
How's the keystep? I've been thinking of buying one.
So I can locate chords and notes easily without having to count up from C
Honestly I feel like I’m missing something with it. I guess because I don’t have a shit ton of synths to control with it. If you’ve got a huge dawless set up with loads of modular synths and stuff then it’ll be good. But if you’re mainly doing live playing and not sequencing then save your money and get something cheaper
how much money are all those
Not much, but it's mine
>So I can locate chords and notes easily without having to count up from C
Thanks for the heads up user.
My guitars. I don't really have a good pic but I also have a few mics, stands, a bodhran and a UX2 interface
also my pedals.
they're all basic pedals, lil nigga, so about 100 each plus or minus some
Protip, (((COOMSUMERS))): no one gives a shit about what you (((COOMSUMED)))
>Talentless hacks general!
My board, use it for both bass (primary) and guitar.
I have that same walkman
cursed pic
So do any of you make music with all this stuff or did you just collect a bunch of garbage because "monkey see monkey do" and you thought owning musical instruments was somehow equivalent to actually being a musician?
So no?
we're all ridiculing you for those lettered keys.
I sense a butt hurt self-rightous band kid who doesn't think anyone's a musician unless they majored in it despite the fact they can only play a poorly executed Vivauldi progression and the Mii Plaza song.
Right, so no it is ;^)
Anybody else?
casual A1 sauce my nigga
dont feed the troll, user
>No one ever plays in bands
What are you actually asking here?
I admire anyone who decides to start learning theory later in life if they weren't privileged to begrudgingly learn by their parents wishes etc
>was begrudgingly sent
>housemate plays piano pretty well now
looking back he didn't write on the keys like a retard, but its an individual process.
Alright, so another no. That's two so far.
Three noes?
This is NOT looking good, fellas.
>So I can locate chords and notes easily without having to count up from C
lol just learn to play dumbass. why spend so much on gear when you wont even take a couple minutes to learn that shit. literal preschoolers can learn the notes on a keyboard. pretty sure i got used to what notes are what within a few days of starting playing
why do u need so many analog monos?
The Big Sky ambient dickbutt bleep blarps require multiple one note textures for all three of the Soundcloud listens they're gonna get.
I sense a lot of negativity in this thread
Who gives a shit what you sense?
>Not much,
thats several 1000$ of gear lmao. clearly commodity fetishism
> never plugging three OD pedals into an amp that has the trems at 11 and the OD set to max with additional reverb at 11
Pedal stacking is how we hear the sounds of the gods.
lol its cute you think thats what you're doing
Big muff -70
Seths fuzz -150
Eq -110
Rat -80
Ditto used -70
Arena -160
Carbon copy -130
Shallow water -250
Op amp big muff used -65
Custom badass od -100
Ego -200
Jerry Cantrell -165
Volume -100
make a tone like this with your gear and get back to us.
>all basic pedals
Did you just see the rat and big muff and immediately post that, lil nigga?
>le incel sausage music
I wonder who's behind this post
Aint nothing special about your Guitar Center collection fool
Just picked up a Microvolt 3900 to pair with my 0-Coast
>neckbearded in highschool
>a s.oy synth
real laff. only when you can spam them will you have finally ascended to reddit
>He has to write the note names on the keys
And how did you come up with that assumption
How much does your dad make?