Lalisa Manoban

Attached: 414.jpg (1242x1540, 183.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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thread already ruined


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damn he ugly and smells like shit

that barely equates to 15k albums, chink blinks have raised 10x that amount in the same time frame

No they had some decent vocalists unironically. I don't think they were the best of their gen or anything.

underrated song

wizcucks on heavy damage control after getting BTFO by both onces and coronavirus

Attached: 1585350145036.jpg (904x1508, 303.7K)

cute sextoy

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No way

you finally got it.

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we are here

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licking dubu's bear pit

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No one actually believes this made up numbers that can't be backed up right?

A slug post.

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Attached: [예능연구소 직캠] ITZY - WANNABE, 있지 - 워너비 @Show!MusicCore 20200328 02.15.webm (1330x1186, 2.69M)

Do SEAs really smell like shit?

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onces still haven’t recovered from this day
possibly the greatest btfo in kpg history, with momo getting railed by a faggot grandpa in close second

Attached: B9BB2DAD-D5BB-4638-BB22-DCF9F1216397.jpg (1000x1600, 520.31K)

yes especially lisa trannyman cause he bathes in his own shit

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there are ~655 million of them so some are bound to. But definitely not Lisa

Not sure about that but they definitely look like shit

>premiere stream
I hate these

Attached: 1517964882363.webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

>they had some decent vocalists
like who? don't say sera


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Aaaaa so cute. Love her smile lines

post smiles!

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switch c-tier with s tier

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thinking about SinB...

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Is izone pathetic or is Tzuyu just that powerful?

somi is crying again

thank you for complimenting my ugly husband he doesnt get a lot of those, usually people just throw trash at him

Nice fake account. As if they'd ever post something like that

If you switch RV and Itzy I can word this.

i blame squid

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In the beginning she was all they had until moon. Pyo eventually got better and they added keumjo.

Attached: 1554120582987.webm (822x1440, 2.97M)

absolutely everyone here hates loona, thats why they are banished to /trash/

You're mean for no good reason

>hit you with that hiatus

my husbando lisa refuses to wash his smelly nuts what should i do?

Attached: 1538829022754.jpg (580x1030, 505.01K)

>oncels are seamonkeys
why so much self loathing?

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that was only during predebut when their kpg fanbase was cancer nowadays they are pretty chill

For me, it's Jung Eunbi.

Attached: Eunha-CRBT1.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

What's your problem

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somi show

wash them in his sleep (get some baby wipes)
probably you wanna check the foreskin too while you're at it

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my last trip to pattaya

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why are the eunbis so great?

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Aladdin remake sucked

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ngl it was mostly a bait list but i'd actually support that change

Yes, I am Tzuyu

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You're so lucky that you got to meet her

i want to punch teddy's face

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lisa doesnt use toilet paper he just keeps the shit in his asscrack

>absolutely everyone here hates onces

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Why do you keep bashing her?

God wills it

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just you tranny


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so this is why twicetrannies are so annoying

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Sera is never going to sleep


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how does this fucker manage to get involved in literally anything somi does

she could get personally invited to walk on the moon and he’d somehow sneak into the cockpit

he smells like shit and keeps stealing my bananas

love them so much
long to be their boy

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who are you talking about? matthew wasn't there


you cant be a boy roastie

Can you give a serious answer please

I assume he's managing her. Honestly a good way to make sure she doesn't get taken advantage of and keep an eye on things.

plundering lisa’s firm ass

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this is why the SEA twicetrannies are so bitter now?

Attached: 1531614087144.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

can you stop trying to have gay sex with me

>tranny ass

Attached: 1528546943623.webm (748x630, 387.57K)

Also the delayed comeback

Attached: 1534333033218.webm (544x800, 2.85M)

She cute

I wanna bully twiceboy...


Heechul is a very lucky man

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Attached: cucked.jpg (496x496, 23.1K)

he’s not

my girls

>teehee look at my ass guys
So anxious and shy...


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Stop lying to yourself

Attached: 1556117306884.webm (752x1080, 2.81M)

stop masturbating to transexuals

we hate them actually

for me it's Joy

ugly blobfish should be ashamed of being called an "idol"

Of course they had to get fake tattoos for that ad. Americans are degenerates.

Attached: 1519491413403.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

No idea where you got that from

from your posts trannylover

For me it's Joy (Seulgi can join though)

Do you guys ever say "omo" irl?

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*laughs at Momocuckie*

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Just concede already

Attached: 26.jpg (529x650, 52K)

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Why did they make it this obvious?

>when i see pictures of Momo

she was alone with those yg druggies

yo wtf is this image suppose to mean

just eat my shit

Attached: 1534111850845.webm (1200x674, 2.15M)