Zoomers ruined rym, change my mind

>unnecessarily long bios, nobody fucking cares kek
>use it like a social media site, image obsessed like instagram roasties. nobody fucking cares just shut the fuck up and rate/discuss music
>listen to cancer like kpop and strawberry hospital and rate them highly
>just extremely autistic in general, ruins rym for everyone who just wants to talk music

anyone else agree with me?

Attached: all so tiresome.png (1022x731, 642.76K)

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yeah they're easily influenced by memes/trends too

there are some good kpop actually but yeah i agree they're like building their persona based in music basically

I’m a zoomer and use it, but I basically interact with no one. I just use it to keep track of what I like and my overall collection.

rym was ruined since its inception if you wanted to use it for anything other than cataloging music for your own convenience and maybe trying to discover some new music

>here are some good kpop actually

>when you learn that kpop is the haven for modern jazz and experimental artists to earn money by writing bizarre music and passing it off as pop
>the kpop industry is so thirsty for producers that it is willing to pay these absolute fucking mad lads, unironically, for songs that are absolutely bizarre
Shit's good yo.

post literally ONE (1) example of this "absolutely bizarre" music

RYM but self indulgent bullshit anyway.

Just one? That's p easy bro but ok.


eh, the beginning is pretty cool but the rest of the song is pretty normal, sounds like a bruno mars song

>sounds like a bruno mars song
Ahahah what an absolute fucking pleb holy shit. The amount of complex harmony and rhythm going on in that song is far beyond the realms of western pop music.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but if can't hear it, I guess you don't listen to enough music to have a well-developed ear.

complex =/= good

actually not that bad but considering ive never heard anybody discuss this up until this point (and this only has around 60k views from being on youtube for 3 years) this is not a determining factor for kpop's quality

Nice snark, but you unironically gatekeeping exciting harmony and musical creativity from the pop music sphere is straight up retarded.


Hows' a blatantly chromatic main theme and unusual song structure at 60 million views then?

You should check out this artist named Jacob Collier, seems like something you'd dig.

Not a zoomer and I don't interact with anyone, but I do notice that the tranny meme there really is real. I'm shocked at how often someone will say that they're a tranny in their profile when I'm looking around.

kek that's exactly what it reminded me off, sounds like the usual collier wankery

Jacob has some cool ideas desu, it's just a shame he sucks at actually writing music. That's why kpop is so interesting, in my view. It is seriously creative stuff, musically, and racks up 10s or 100s of millions of views on the regular. It is both actually relevant and musically interesting.

>bad pop
I'd rather listen to fucking Friday than this garbage

>login to rym
>go to an old popular Hard Rock album from the 70's
>Why would anyone listen to (popular band) when (shittier rip off band that is more obscure) exists???
>daddy issues

Just laugh at the flames from hell OP, it's all a big fuck.

>NOW CHARLI XCX AND Fishmans, that is REAL music
unironically true though

>That's why kpop is so interesting, in my view. It is seriously creative stuff, musically
I agree, but I would never admit that publicly

you the type of pleb who thinks Charles Ives' "Unanswered Question" is bad because it doesn't properly resolve

fuck up outta here lol

The comment box on releases is almost always cancer and it really should be removed.

hahahahahahahah. yeah, the verse-chorus with structure with minor additions, so experimental

Go back to RYM and then fuck off to Plebit.

pretty sure the place where they suck off old music for being old is reddit though

>discarding slow introduction of multiple themes, and synthesizing those new themes into the main theme carefully over the course of the song, as "minor additions to verse-chorus structure"
you absolute fucking pleb lol

this is actually pretty cool wtf

>namedropping Ives for no reason to try to come off as knowledgeable
>baseless assumptions
So you do recognize that song is bad but refuse to admit it

>chromatic main theme
Do you even know what chromatic means?

this sounds like it was completely generated by an AI

It's a b-side so it doesn't get huge views, but SHINee is a very popular group, and among the legit titans of the genre. They release songs like that as b-sides on the regular.

They even dived into that type of stuff for one of their major singles, "Everybody".

The whole of k-pop is filled with stuff like that lol. It's when you venture outside of the big-name-groups territory that you start to find the real shit though. Samuel Seo and Lee Jinah, for example;


>slow introduction of multiple themes, and synthesizing those new themes into the main theme carefully over the course of the song, as "minor additions to verse-chorus structure
you're gonna enjoy this bro youtube.com/watch?v=VSPuRXkUWoU

Of course, it means "Diatonic but there's more notes lol"

>the bald guy
heh yeah he's the big funny

>caring a music's age
How is seventh grade? You all hip and cool? How is that new Lil (gun or fashion brand) doing? Are those Jordans "lit"?

>caring a music's age
oh like you're doing right now?

It's just feel good music, chill out bro.
>pic not related

Attached: keep-calm-and-listen-reggae-50-6935.jpg (640x640, 91.52K)

samuel seo's the misfit looks quite interesting, love the album cover. might listen to it

>People complain about pop music abusing I, IV and V chords.

>"Kpop uses a lot of varied harmony you know"

>"Sounds like bruno mars"
>"Complex =/= good"
>"I'd rather listen to Friday"

Attached: 1568788054389.jpg (567x790, 354.22K)

there isn't any idol stuff that is "legimately experimental", jazz chords aren't avantgarde anymore

*coughs in the a-tempo rap section in (G)I-DLE's Senorita*

the idea of what rateyourmusic is is inherently autistic

>talking over a beat

it's not over a beat though.
The beat almost totally drops out, and the rap is completely out of the tempo that the song established.

>I got into the genre for the cute ladies
>I stayed because it was actually good music
kpop in a nutshell

>invents shoegaze electropop
nothing personal kid

>when a k-pop group makes the best Grimes song ever
wtf just happened...

Just remember, you asked for this...

>kpopfags consider this "experimental"

I mean, the album itself gets way more out there than the lead single...

>the rap is completely out of the tempo that the song established
*talking over the song without counting the beat

There ya go!

>there isn't any idol stuff that is "legimately experimenta-

sorry bud we got you beat

Zimzalabim sucks so bad and usually like Red Velvet

>Zimzalabim sucks
what's the matter?
too deep for you?

Nah but the chorus is awful, and the fucking marching band drums with that horrible sub-bass over it in the verses doesn't help much either. It's probably one of the worst songs they've ever done

kpop actually manages to be ahead of its time as in it sounds absolutely dystopian and soulless, people say the future sounds like SOPHIE or shit like that but I unironically imagine this being the norm for music in like 20 years

>kpop actually manages to be ahead of its time as in it sounds absolutely dystopian and soulless
> shit like that but I unironically imagine this being the norm for music in like 20 years
Joke's on you, it's the dystopian norm for music

>It's probably one of the worst songs they've ever done
It certainly is a hard song to swallow, but I stepping out of the box a few times in a discography full of some of the best straight pop songs of the modern era is fine.

not really, even billie eilish manages to sound more soulful than kpop (despite it being manufactured or not), kpop straight up doesn't give a shit and acknowledges that it's nothing more than a product based on image rather than musicality or artistic expression. it is literally shamelessly soulless music that knows it doesn't need to be more than that

>swedenigger pop producer trying to be wacky but it just ends up being a poorly arranged
there's sentimental kpop too

>kpop straight up doesn't give a shit and acknowledges that it's nothing more than a product based on image rather than musicality or artistic expression
That's really a view which comes from not actually diving into the genre. Many of the artists are actually given freedom to write their own music, and much of the music is full of expression.

Just because BLACKPINK puts out disposable pop music that gets a billion views, doesn't mean artists suddenly vanish.