Attached: file.png (133x49, 19.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bros i love loona now

we wanted a wony thread

i like females over the age of 18

Attached: 'jin.jpg (452x452, 89.67K)

Attached: redvelvet.smtown_47216813_1112240028934429_6294011363807199232_n.jpg (1080x810, 179K)

Hop in.

Attached: EUDsKxMUMAEiexQ.jpg (2048x1463, 859.12K)

I like females between 16-19 general.


Attached: DvL5AboVAAIP1yw.jpg (1280x2048, 431.77K)


>You will never countdown with Yujin to the new year
>You will never say "I love you" to her as the fireworks go off around both of you
>You will never see her smile ear to ear as she pretends she didn't hear what you just said and goes "huh?"
>You will never see her shyly blush as she holds both your hands and leans in towards you

Attached: 1585207275620.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

Attached: ..png (515x574, 77.83K)

based doesn'thavetolewdunderagedgirlstofitinbro

im not going in a vehicle filled with uggos


Yuna is like yeji, dubu and squid all in one

Attached: 1576685908434.png (640x640, 593.98K)

Slug actually looks hot here.

you now remember when Red Velvet was colorful.

Attached: 1585109173916.webm (750x540, 246.13K)

Attached: 1564899709466.webm (649x1000, 2.95M)

who? nizi project?

sorry I like granny

Attached: 1578549720468.jpg (1500x2250, 335.34K)

is it just me or does suzu look like jeongyeon?

Attached: ETjtKUvUcAALSAH[1].jpg (720x720, 41.25K)


for me, it's noona

>looking like an extra ugly tranny
What did you mean by this?

Attached: Comparison Chart.jpg (1000x1912, 458.72K)

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lisa is cuter

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Attached: CiLqex1UYAAAyBZ.jpg (944x1181, 108.87K)

Attached: 1575559677976.webm (700x1080, 2.76M)

she does (in that pic anyway)

I dont see the dubu at all

would rather drive in the Automatic car


how do we feel about Ryujin being mean to Lia?

Attached: 1584376089093.jpg (1100x1716, 1.32M)

you forgot to add horsè

she deserves it

theres no room at all idiots

super based

She is cuter I suppose, but that's not an accomplishment.

Attached: 1576021875645.webm (608x1080, 2.99M)

her eye shape and cheeks are the same blindbro


Attached: 1579579757260.jpg (1200x1178, 163.97K)


dubu doesnt have monolids

Attached: 1558505057027.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

Just put slug in the trunk

The sad thing about antis is that most idols love each other and respect each others work.
Kpop is all about positivity.

Attached: KBSGayoDaejunIntoTheNewWorld.jpg (4096x2660, 2.23M)

Then just sit on Joy's lap.

Attached: 1584161289534.webm (750x1080, 2.99M)

>wouldn't put one of them on your lap

Attached: 1554925957656.png (1372x401, 998.24K)


*throws yeri out*

Attached: images.jpg (485x574, 18.84K)

Attached: 1555194776962.webm (900x506, 2.86M)

karma for what? what did lia do?

Attached: ESzCidMU4AA2NpR.jpg (800x1200, 123.84K)

i dont care how old they are so long as they cute and smiley

Attached: 1563851133988.png (1366x768, 1.73M)

havent seen this picture in a long time

shes roommates with yuna and picks on her all the time

Attached: 1584240777511.jpg (929x1060, 65.03K)

dont worry about it, just know that she deserves it

>ladyboy land
makes me kek every time

omo imagine sitting in the middle with the middle girl like that but with her legs over your shoulders and her feet touching your legs

the only takeaway from this performance is that gfriend is tall as fuck

Attached: help.jpg (500x500, 26.89K)

slug mogging

as usual

lock him up

Attached: DtFz5dzV4AA4LSk.jpg (400x400, 73.19K)

Attached: ITZY Selfie Cam #NOBODY_LIKE_YOU-6rc_R5XvT3Q-2.webm (1280x720, 3M)



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shark down

Attached: da35.jpg (766x934, 84.02K)

bored? more like cringe

yuna deserves it for being a brat. dragon is way out of line

You will realize how talented Lia is after watching this video.

lia literally can't pick on anyone, she probably already feels like shit for being the weakest link

Attached: batch_LIV_2809-copy.jpg (1280x1920, 183.78K)

Attached: ITZY Selfie Cam #NOBODY_LIKE_YOU-6rc_R5XvT3Q.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>comfy posting without any shitflinging
why cant all threads be like this

Attached: 1560192320755.jpg (2457x3072, 830.07K)

The g in gfriend stands for genetics


when was she mean

because autism

Attached: hi.jpg (275x397, 15.04K)

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Attached: itzy.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Dubu sort of looks like a stupid baby

Idols may be friendly with each other but that doesn’t mean we have to like them
Most loved girls on kpg:
Elris Sohee
Izone in general

Most hated “girls” on kpg:
Blackstick ESPECIALLY Lisa “MAN”oban
Most twiceuggos
The crimson chin uggos that Cripple likes
Any other seamonkeys

Attached: 2002.jpg (1365x2048, 450.74K)

sounds like you want to be in 2ch*d


Attached: 1573824182256.jpg (1218x1440, 359.64K)

yeah she cute i dont post her here though cause she isnt kpop yet

i'd fuck that baby

that's what they want you believe but you can tell from this photo mina would rather be with the other pretty girls and squid

Attached: 1585284974502.jpg (2400x1600, 779.8K)

unwillingly lewd

she's a yg artist

Attached: 1555222648655.jpg (1080x1350, 119.34K)

we are not yeji coomers

post your monolid sex harem
JB, Wonwoo, Sunjae, and Jimin

Excellent list but add the rest of LOONA too

mr bean...

Attached: OH FUCK.png (1156x920, 2.17M)

based stinkyujinposter

ok mommy...

Everyone must be as miserable as me.

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add nature too

love loona

Attached: 1583304524412.jpg (1440x1080, 324.17K)

and izone

Attached: DuNLqffVYAA12V0.jpg (2048x1411, 472.59K)

>the middle girl

is this when cub had her mental breakdown quarter life crisis

Izone is so fucking clapped

so basically we just hate the manfaces? got it

who was that guy who used to do the sc2 beginner youtube video guides? [terran]

Attached: knitting.webm (640x360, 2.55M)

we love rocket punch here

Now you're starting to sound like one of us Depressed Dubu Posters!

Attached: DepressedDubuPosters.jpg (512x288, 23.59K)


remove lia

Attached: 1578869797411.jpg (1365x2048, 191.79K)

Word but we don't like white girls

she pushed lia away in a recent video, lia looked visibly upset

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Attached: Collab.jpg (960x720, 106.59K)

Word, but nakos cheeks

i love red velvet, izone and twice

w-where we go?

based i forgot about that sexskelly

I could hold both her buttcheeks in my hand.

Attached: sharkbuttfeet.png (1712x961, 1.14M)

where the fuck are the sleeping nako pics

for me, it's Saida

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Attached: bean.jpg (350x392, 70.5K)

comfy threads are soulless

Attached: 1581714392269.webm (720x720, 423.11K)

for me, its Bloom Eunha

Attached: eunha roll.webm (608x1080, 1.03M)

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i'm not gonna do it to yeji she looks like my aunt

fuck off dont tell me what to do

Best lesbian porn in kpop.

Attached: Collab2.jpg (2000x1333, 327.57K)

is your aunt single


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love this smelly bitch

Sanas mouth is so unpure dubu has to cleanse her filth off of her with holy water everytime

wonyposters ruin comfy threads

get back here

Attached: 1578077142908.jpg (852x640, 96.26K)


cute slug

i don't even know what that means

Most loved girls on kpg:
all of twice, rv and itzy

Most hated “girls” on kpg:
everyone else posted here, especially izone

Oh watch out. It’s a spot. An Irene hamburger spot. And it’s the hottest spot yet

Attached: uVgD2B[1].jpg (766x934, 41.19K)

hey nerds

Attached: jiu b&w 3.jpg (1027x1280, 104.29K)

Attached: 1566290507567.jpg (720x960, 62.32K)

jesus christ i know seulgi is already ugly but she looks extra haggard compared to wony

Attached: D4G4-wkUwAA-B3g.jpg (1365x2048, 677.3K)

holy shit post more

word on seamonkeys, theyre all garbage


Attached: 1562568000142.jpg (1500x2000, 354.93K)

Where are my JinSoul mates?

Attached: 역대급 촬영현장 탄생! 스쿨룩스 하복 입은 이달의 소녀 화보 메이킹 I SKOOLOOKS Making Film with LOONA.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

this unironically

and wony is the most beautiful princess

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Attached: 1580016972777.webm (1280x720, 193.96K)

yes but she has a son

For me, it is Kang "The Pure" Hyewon

Attached: 72924376_552066342256121_7180129980706639452_n.jpg (640x640, 59.98K)

nako sleeps well
they are just jelly jelly

Attached: 1579889735943.webm (1920x1080, 2.6M)

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yeintranny spotted

Attached: 1582146250656.jpg (2048x1152, 218.22K)

The aging process happens to everyone. One day Wony will also look old and haggard.


didn't she hit her head, she's damaged goods

Rocket Punch mentioned.

Attached: 1579256621501.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

pure SEX

Attached: 1576960872112.jpg (1000x1000, 90.3K)

we all dropped itzy

i want to protect her from ugly old women

Attached: 1560537593410.jpg (2048x1365, 545.34K)

they are using her pics while sleeping as private mail

It's been 25 years and I have never had sex with my waifu

spoiling my wony daughterwife

Attached: D-nyuBQUcAEdW7h.jpg (1365x2048, 472.29K)

our girls:
red velvet

hated girls:


Squidzy bros report for duty.

Attached: SquidSalute.jpg (1462x2048, 299.31K)

wony is perfection. it's not her fault she mogs every girl

Attached: 1563390486735.jpg (1365x2048, 332.41K)

i meant the new ones.

how would you spoil her

Attached: 1565747204638.png (1000x1017, 302.35K)

nizi is very unfair
you guys remember kako, funa and kyoko? me neither, because they get no fucking screentime

Attached: nizis.jpg (1470x2220, 232.25K)

word. blonk should get gassed

we also hate lovelyz

Delete. She is NOT for that

it’s funny how the rvroastie/shitzyshitter keeps trying to sneak in their group in the most loved list

based roora bro

but i like rosie
and jennie
and jisoo

Not even the prettiest in her own group

retard, maybe learn what a monolid actually is before spouting nonsense

okay Nizibros, which girl has the best ass? thats the only thing i wanna know about this show

even blackedstinks are more loved than izone

giving her all my love and support
and some rough fucking sessions

Attached: 1583953591612.jpg (768x1024, 111.94K)

Japanese Slug.

Attached: maxresdefault (17).jpg (1280x720, 77.78K)

succulent button

Attached: 1581347815970.jpg (960x1280, 686.97K)

our girls:
everyone has different tastes so this differs for every person

hated girls:
none because being a hater is cringe

shes only good for one thing and even a bimbo like her knows it

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Attached: 1583036510187.webm (640x640, 2.28M)

apologize to that japanese girl

Link please.

Attached: 1568934936376.jpg (960x1280, 644.96K)
turkeymen get in here

Attached: 1566273240012.jpg (960x1280, 624.14K)

whats the source of this pic? I don't see any news or fansite watermark

Being in charge of purity

Attached: Pure.png (2141x1245, 3.14M)

Attached: 1564541544861.jpg (960x1280, 681.79K)

who wore it best (the fat fuckin thighs)?

Attached: thighqueens.jpg (2211x1125, 1.52M)

my balls need some purifying

Attached: 1572488614971.jpg (860x947, 124.03K)

a newfag who can't even read filenames

true but not before izone disbands and she becomes the maknae in another group