What will her second album sound like?
What will her second album sound like?
I dunno
40 minutes of my hips slapping on her ass
It will sound like balls
Diamanda Galas meets SGP meets Merzbow meets Björk.
Shit just like her first album
By the sound of her latest singles, Coldplay-core.
will be the electra heart to her family jewels
aka derivitive pop shit
Fuck your thread nigger
just an audio recording of her getting fucked by BBC
fantano will rate it a 10/10
she will twerk hard when the attention goes down
evil death roll now
so she's carrying on with her 'sound' ?
this. first dip in sales and the tits are coming out - she'll couch it in some bullshit about body positivity and feeling empowerd
i hope it sounds like john cage - 4'33
So let's plan this out: stop streaming her music. Just stop. Let her numbers start dropping and she'll be forced to sexualize herself for attention.
Like the poop coming out of my butthole rn
Steel. Steel.
only issue is, the most of her fans aren't listening to see her ass and titties. It's fake sad high school sophomores who think the toughest thing in life is not being able to fuck their boyfriend. Eilish won't be dropping pants after she drops in sales
Whatever the industry wants people to hear.
based as fuck
why do you always have to shill your website lol
these are shill threads meant to artificially enhance her online presence, just like the music industry artificially enhanced her entire career. a more powerful online presence means that her record label can charge more for cross-promotional appearances, sponsorship in terms of what products appear in her social media, and the endorsement of a political candidate, among other things.
the shills use "positive" keywords for the industry's web crawlers (en.wikipedia.org
help improve Yas Forums by ignoring these obvious shill threads and by reporting them for advertising/begging.
bump just to piss off this schizo
It'll sound like dogshit like everything else she's ever done
I'd rather listen to Britney any day over this
uhm she already made 2 albums fag!
>Not the first post from this IP
So what? Cry more schizo
based metal poster
shills will post an image like if they're desperate. something unrelated to the discussion which will hopefully spark an influx of replies, which keep the thread bumped with minimal involvement of the shill. might not be a shill, but that is a shill tactic.
another example of this tactic in action
I just want to lick every part of her body.
There are several Dua Lipa album threads on the front page that contain actual obvious shilling, you absolute braindead schizo. You don't care about shilling, you have a chip on your shoulder against Billie.
i want to murder you
yup, she mad.
EVERY part?
poor shill
Kek, that moron is sperging out in every /billie/ thread with his half-witted blabbering. There's also the other guy who spams his badly-written and unsourced blog which wouldn't pass as homework assignement in freshman journalism class. Unironically shilled it about 60 times now.
Don't get mad at them user, they're just desperate for a little attention.
>50 posts, 12 IPs
>"this generic corporate top 40 pop is AOTY! trust me"
>literally linking her Spotify and asking you to stream the album (, )
>this thread
>44 posts, 31 IPs
>nearly every comment is memeing or shitting on the arist
Which one is being shilled?
What did you mean by this
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah everyone else is shilling why can’t I??
fucking pathetic, and the samefagging just makes it worse
the reason I love her so much is because she resembles my girlfriend but with great tits
>I'm totally not samefagging, trust me. I mean, trust him. - you know what I mean.
both. but only one is going horribly for the shill.
imagine being this schizo
Billie obviously doesn't need shilling on fucking Yas Forums, but neither does the Albanian thot in my opinion. Probably just a dedicated fan samefagging the shit out his thread. 99% of the "shilling" here are talentless teenagers posing soundcloud links to their sonic trash. Not even 100 gecs are professionaly marketed (although I'm not 100% sure here) but rather spammed by discord trannies as their insane id pol raid.
Damage control harder faggot. We see you.
please see a psychologist, you are clearly severely mentally ill.
Don't encourage him, he's either mentally ill and retarded (if he honestly believes the shit he's posting) or just desperate for a pity reply or two.
based quads of truth
based retard of shilling
please stop posting this whore i beg of you
>dedicates the majority of his time on hating a random artist
>calling others mentally ill
stop projecting schizo incel
seek help
in a heartbeat
there is literally no reason to hate billie unless you're either;
1. an incel
2. an ugly, bitter, jealous female
rollin, hell yea brother
Or you don't like her music, which is plausible. You like Selena Gomez and Katy Perry too?