Celebrities sing imagine for coronavirus

Is this the most tone deaf self indulgent bullshit of all time?


Singing "Imagine there's no heaven" to people who are dying or losing loves ones, and singing about " Imagine there's no countries" when boarders are the only thing protecting us and depending on other countries for food, resources and products is devestating at a time like this.

Also, with everyone locked at home together, is it really a good idea to be promoting someone who beat his wife.

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Imagine is a great song with lyrics that don’t mean shit

Its a song about trying to bring the world together in peace. Stop being so autistic

Honestly, Imagine is such a trash song showing how full of shit Lennon was and seeing Hollywood millionaires sing it is perfectly fitting.
A song about living in a commie-hippie wonderland written by one of the most commercially successful artists of all time sung by sheltered out of touch overpaid actors whom everyone knows shut up about how horrific and creepy their industry is.
It's absolutely perfect.

Whoever wrote that fucking song should get shot


I agree with Chris Delia, they look like assholes

Yeah,it always baffles me that people like this love this song,yet they don't redistribute any of their own enormous wealth, even in times like this. It's all just masturbation. They have absolutely zero convictions or morals.

>is it really a good idea to be promoting someone who beat his wife
can someone explain this?

Hell yeah dude

A notorious wife beater and closeted homosexual.

The balls on these people.

imagine being so weak minded watching "celebrities" sing makes you feel comforted

For reasons that are very, very hard to understand, John Lennon used to beat his first wife but DIDN'T beat Yoko Ono...

This is sickening. Why would anyone think this was a good idea. Fuck this gay earth

They’re really just sitting in their million dollar mansions telling us to “imagine no possessions” Why? I’ve now realized how out of touch celebrities are with normal folk. Literally it’s a modern day “LET THEM EAT CAKE”

Celebs singing “Imagine there’s no Heaven” to people dying of Covid... so comforting

Sounds like a real jerk!

This is wrong on so many levels

It’s literally Marxist bs you idiot.

John hated communism hence why he wrote Revolution. This is just hippy jargon

Well just shows how brain dead he was becuase His boring song exemplifies Marxist values and he didn’t even realize it.

It’s like yuri said

yeah they were open capitalists, not just Tax Man but actually forming a corporation was pretty ballsy

"Imagine" having your head so far up your own ass that, of all people, Larry the Cable guy is calling you out on your pretentious bullshit

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Imagine as a protest song has so many legitimate places where it would be appropriate. How the fuck did they pick the absolute worst one?

Larry the Cable Guy is just a character, user.
The guy isn't actually a dumb redneck.

There is some overlap but Marxism isn't simply just no religion and no countries. I don't remember Marx saying we should all share possessions like its some kind of hippy commune either

I dont get this argument. Are you only allowed to have opinions if you don't own anything? I'm sure Larry is pretty well off as well, why does he get to talk

I know he's just a character. But I think it's funny that somebody who writes jokes for retards is ten times more insightful than these other multimillionaires

nah the whole no/one religion and open borders concept has always been the plan by the elites and occultists, Communism was just one possible offshoot those fucks tried. A capitalist or monarchist one world government is just as acceptable to them

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Imagine anons knowing what they talk about

user seriously? You don’t see what the COMMUNE has to do with COMMUNISM ?

how do you miss the point that bad you fucking retard

You’re wrong mate, the no religion no countries is needed for global communism, that’s why it stopped at Russia and didn’t go all the way around

Shut up commie

Yeah I get it, it comes from the same root word. Doesn't mean its the same thing

those fuckheads doing it only for fame

right but global control is the actual end game, however they do it

oh I should add that it's all a plan to put the Anti-Christ on the world's throne, so the no religion thing is a red herring

Tell me what the point is? That there are less fortunate people that don't have as much possessions that can't afford to take a year off? Literally what does that have to do with them, they are just singing a beatles song

>implying that's a bad thing
The celebrities are idiots, and I hate Imagine including it's lyrics.
But I don't see why should you give two shits if an actor sang a song they liked, they're not politicians nor are they role models. Them singing a song that's just hippe jargon is the least of the worlds worries.

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Global control by the people, not states or companies

>Sarah Silverman is hilarious
Wew lad


I hate celebrities so much bros

>world's throne
where is this?

>boarders are the only thing protecting us

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this song remains a monument to the bourgeoisie status of those espousing socialism


>Imagine no possessions

who cares? according to the authorities we are all going to die

>"Imagine no possessions"
>literal millionaires

Imagine being so clueless

>user doesn't believe that everybody is going to die at some point


It is.
Marxism promotes the destruction of the state by replacing it with communes just like how anarchist do. That way there will not be any hierarchy.
Difference is that Marx believed that the workers can't just instantly destroy the state like anarchists believed, but instead needed a "dictatorship of the pproletariat"until they purge the remains of the capitalist society completely.

I'm a left-leaning atheist, but this is cringe as fuck
I do find Gadot sexually appealing, though

Ok but not all communes are the same

how do you know god doesn't exist asshole

>writes song protesting the vietnam war and trying to get people to imagine a peaceful world
>still triggering people to this day over small technicalities with the lyrics
based John

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>imagine being so disconnected from the common man and reality that you make that and think it's a good idea

Is that the mouth you pray to Jesus with?

I don't. I'm not an anti-theist, I'm an atheist. How do you know he does?

There are some religious traditions I find very interesting and valuable - Zen Buddhism for its philosophy and meditation practice, Taoism for its philosophy, Quakerism for its history and practices, some Sufist ideas. I'm just not going to pretend I believe in any of them, even if I find value in them.

Why does other people not believing in God threaten you so much, cunt?

That's the point.
From eachaccording to his ability,to eachaccording to hisneeds.

What "authorities"?

I hope as many of them die as possible.

>being so attention starved that you have to make these cringey videos just so people pay attention to you

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Definition of atheist: a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods

Yas Forums

This song is actually a Catholic song. It imagines a world where everyone believes in Christ and so religion can't actually exist since it's a way of life

>PJW tells people to shut up
>can't shut up

That's right, and I don't believe in God. The default position between believing in something and not believing in it, is not believing. I see no reason to believe in God. If I saw evidence that he existed, I'd believe in him. But I don't see any reason to believe in him, so I don't.

Why do you believe in God? Why do you believe your religion or denomination has the right interpretation of God? Why don't you believe in Vishnu?