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Other urls found in this thread:

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kpop? more like boring and shitty for dumb faggots who want to fuck plastic korean bitches. go back to Yas Forums


Attached: 1575886432345.jpg (2000x3000, 1.38M)

But who's your waifu

VERY cute yonhi

Attached: 이달의소녀탐구 #148 (LOONA TV #148)_39.389213 _screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 161.11K)

you will never understand kpop. it is far above and beyond you.

The concept of "good music" is a meme only children concern themselves with. even jazz has become generic from a modern point of view. kpop on the other hand transcends the limitation of pure music and reaches into every corner of what makes a human being.
yes, it offers so much more than just the music itself.
it offers direction. direction you don't have.
While you post on Yas Forums asking "what does Yas Forums think of xyz?" or looking for the latest music and trends, jump from genre to genre, because the last thing you listened to starts loosing its edge, kpoppers still have a firm direction they follow. they're not confused like you. they're not insecure like you. they don't have to "look" anymore. they found. they are adults driving down a secure road in a suv made of absolute wholesomeness, where you are a child, marveling at the most basic trees along the way, drifting from one thing to the next with your limited attention span.

Kpop truly is the last stage of the music lover. the warm place a wanderer has to come home to after his lifelong ventures. a cozy fireplace, mantled with bricks made out of bops and bangers. kpop is truly the pinnacle of man made music, because it offers so much more than any other "music" genre can offer.

>tranny op btfo'd

I am tzuyu

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will he post a selfie bros

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posting in a dead soon to be deleted thread

Attached: 33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)

Looks like the ugly version of Tzuyu

the army won't allow him

This but unironically

Putting my hot glue inside notes throat impeding her hability to sing forever.

Attached: 3dfe3fbc848e13771ac65aec8161f344ee693af3.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

suho might deliver

Attached: 58468718_930253390699314_1465389280080049771_n.jpg (1080x1310, 204.11K)

>2 early threads

Post her pussy thighs and feet

jungkook is the best boy

Attached: googie flowers.jpg (707x718, 38.91K)

Lalisa Manoban

Attached: 177.jpg (1242x1546, 171.39K)

lookin kinda jimin tier blow up doll here

cute Yeonhee

Attached: xx.jpg (474x487, 22.19K)

i want yeonhee to rocket punch my you know what with her talented tongue

you can still use your phone after certain hours, they have a curfew

Attached: chair.jpg (1800x2473, 419.94K)

Attached: ladyboy.jpg (480x392, 104.07K)

Here's my wife

Attached: sana45.jpg (736x1104, 105.74K)

I hope he will

looks like a young pretty version of tzuyu

curious that Gyuri could go live today but less than a week ago, Megan couldn't go live on her birthday

Attached: jlyulp5c7sh41.jpg (1333x1999, 369.74K)

Why don't you post your beloved Yein instead of hating on Lisa all the time?

oh shit how much for one?

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I want to punch her cervix with my rocket


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Interesting we seem to have the same wife

Attached: DHaZgvPVYAAUPA6.jpg (1000x1500, 227.69K)

Okaaaaayyyy to far

best for pump and dump

Attached: ET7jIsfUwAIA7C5.jpg (2000x1333, 293.68K)

It is said that the underage sex trafficking 'Nth Telegram Room' has members that many may recognize from popular media.

The identity of 10,000 paid room members are said to be known but have not been publicly revealed. Among the 10,000 includes a sports star, a famous start-up CEO, a professor, a famous celebrity, and more high profile and unexpected members. Reports on March 24th say that influential figures are part of the infamous room who have paid memberships and that those members used cryptocurrency for payments in order to hide their activities. Many of these members fear of having their identity revealed publicly.

Ironically, it appears cash may have been safer to use than cryptocurrency for these members.

A cryptocurrency trading representative stated: "If they received a transfer with cash, then we cannot identify them by their personally identifiable information. If you send via cryptocurrency, you can find out the receiver's identity through information from their cryptocurrency wallets, such as the transactions (tokens) made to and from their wallet address." The police department also reported on the 24th that there would be a special team investigating the case, including foreign IT experts and investigators.

Many netizens and celebrities are calling for all the identities of the Nth Telegram Room Members to be released publicly. So far, 124 people have been arrested and 18 have been imprisoned.

this is going too far man

What’s a zaibatsu doing on kpg?

Attached: IMG_20190816_000353.jpg (1535x1771, 278.1K)

post his bussy


Happy Handong Day (HHD)

I miss you so much Handong. Ive been close to Tears many times thinking How far your from the other Girls :( I hope you´re returning safely soon. Im Looking Forward to see you perform Scream :))

Love you Handong !

Attached: handong19215.jpg (1066x1599, 226.69K)

as if any of them will be revealed

I want to see the original Lisa pic that was used here please!

I hear Corona can make you infertile. Can I store my semen somewhere and freeze it in case I marry my waifu and wanna have kids with her?

Attached: 1580824662192.webm (640x800, 414.87K)

Been listening to bigbang lately, is that bad?

so crypto useless basically?

i bet they will be


Attached: 0853.jpg (620x540, 52.69K)

cute ivf kid

spamming gyuri with thousands of hearts

Attached: EPABo-TUwAANhtA.jpg (1080x1342, 250.24K)

this is kai idiot
brb though

>tfw juri is the visual hole now that they fixed suyun

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sleep well

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what? her new hairstyle is not good but visual hole is a such a strong word

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for what purpose

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Attached: neo zone.jpg (1366x2048, 589.84K)

오늘 EBS 애니메이션 주제가 녹음을 했어요!

Attached: 90718750_326068881686379_138563725394135930_n.jpg (1080x735, 114.61K)

gonna blast to xiumin

Attached: 1553905842768.jpg (1333x2000, 455.13K)

no it's good to be knowledgeable on them they have a song for every kpop for this feel

where the heck is childyeon

i thought the point of crypto was that it was untraceable

Cool !

Attached: sana64.webm (1576x1072, 2.69M)

post her fat ass, it's still beautiful

Attached: ETyqr2GUwAAKnAI.jpg (828x1104, 262.71K)

built for it


>not using monero

Attached: 2020-03-26.png (1080x1080, 866.21K)

fresh feet

Attached: IMG_20200325_010312.jpg (1333x2000, 330.62K)

Attached: ET7U6_LUcAADd35.jpg (1050x1503, 354.47K)

I have no nose and I must snort

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because I'm madly in love with her

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Love them

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is this a natty nose? if so, it's quite impressive.

Sick robe, I want one

on the bright side, at least they caught the guy when he was 24 instead of much later in life when he might have gotten sneaky with his creeper shit.

studio ghiblin shoemin

Attached: 12.jpg (1680x906, 231.66K)


Attached: ETyy3GEU4AEfgHX.jpg (1536x2048, 420.08K)

Post supersana, sana advance, sana ds and sana switch.

wtf, minji could be jisoo's daughter

Attached: ECte3AmVAAI8Ork.jpg (1920x1282, 379.92K)

retard it's photoshopped. in fucking paint


Attached: UntimelyTightEidolonhelvum.webm (838x810, 918.22K)

Are my eyes betraying me?
Am i really witnessing the ascendance of Jeongyeon to becoming the Center and visual of walled TWICEU, leaving all the second-class twiceoids on the dusty ground beneath her, while she SHINES BRIGHT?

Is it time lads?


Attached: jeongyeon.jpg (2229x4757, 1.39M)

the size of that pencil

for me it’s princess mononoke

Attached: もののけ姫.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

poor jungkookie can't compete there either...

is he right bros?

if you're some big celebrity why would you join a paid rape chat room that seems like such a fucking bad idea


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great movie desu

Attached: poster.png (265x374, 214.41K)

he looked nice

Attached: IMG_20200325_010324.jpg (2000x1333, 284.51K)

Ironically yes, but unironically no


no but kpg is really mentally ill

>you'll never be Yunky's stay at home husband

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Attached: ECRDJcBU8AEgG_0.jpg (1200x1800, 269.68K)

The day Chen got exposed as a racist

based girl

Attached: sansmirk.jpg (3000x3000, 915.11K)

cringe yikes oof seethe cope

Maybe she can be top 3 with good hairstyle and outfits.


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this is what we want

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