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Other urls found in this thread:

laughing at faggots who try to stir up shit 300 posts into a thread


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Looks like Pinky... broke her promise.

cute helmet

Lapenis Manoballs

Attached: lapenis manoballs.jpg (434x400, 135.3K)

btw Taehyung mogs Junk cock

Do I want rocket punch's light stick?

that's 'cause taehyung mogs everyone in the world

why did she do it, bros?

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rich man’s taemin



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does lia bring anything to the table besides being able to speak english

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Lalisa Manoban

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Did you anons see the new Stray Kids MV in which Hyunjin gets cucked?

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of course he does

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it's you who are retarded. they had photoshot this day, and after this they go to love hotel, take selfie and then had sex
it's was three years ago, just move on

post his feet please

Cutie Lali

Lovely girl

how did she breach the contract?

happy dong day

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>squid is supposed to be the ugly one
Did she change or did I? She is unironically attractive

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not even john cook akgaes dispute this

were based

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i wish dubu would mug me


love them so much

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yep like 10+ CEOs died already

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Is chewy okay??

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quarantined tranny lovers assemble!

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God, wony we don't want to go to jail

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Love her

rip jennie

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Squid sisters have always been cute and charming. There's just a propaganda hate machine against them by jealous roasties.

she wanted to play minecraft but they let mina instead

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In other news
water wet



>2. However, in early September of 2019, Kyulkyung unilaterally sent a baseless notice of termination via mail, email, and an instant messenger, and she is avoiding any communication with the employees of Pledis and XCSS Entertainment.
>3. Since then, Kyulkyung has been excluding Pledis and independently appearing on dramas, variety shows, and advertisements in China and thus promoting in the entertainment field very actively while violating our exclusive contract.

happy bday wuhan poison

Never trust a chink

she's okay
I'm not

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I want one of these to play with

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For me its

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Slug night.

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who's the girl in the middle? she's cute


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happy birthday to colonel xiumin (30 btw)

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pledis has it coming

You retards can't shut the fuck about whose dick went into whose vagina cause you're obsessed monkeys trying to cope with the fact that you get no attention otherwise.

She's happy. You not. She's happy. You not.


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thinkken about it

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EXO’s already slowly going into their 30s holy shit, I feel like a grandpa now

That one is very expensive and difficult to obtain

Attached: 79.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

doesn't look a day over 12

Is he really a colonel?

Isn't it funny how one of them actually became a father before anyone reached 30? Goddamn Chen.

Pledis could burn to the ground tomorrow and I wouldn't bat an eye

Pls post Ga-in noona

you didn't need to point that out asshole

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