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Other urls found in this thread:

Twice stinky and bad

dubu's moist pussylips

I miss this noona like you wouldn't believe.

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You make me feel SPESHUR

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Lalisa Manoban

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10 2 1


>Corona isn't even real you're all being played
At least it's extremely exaggerated.

I think the real underlying purpose is to instill martial law, bring militarized forces into society, and of course to further erode the little freedom we had left. They'll probably come up with some injection everyone has to take globally too. It's all part of the plan.

Attached: 10 busters minji salute.jpg (1334x2000, 486.67K)

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cub deserves better than this

Attached: 1_aYWgb3MHbqDF_I6LbtAQoIVecg8JPeIEM5SvchBGk.jpg (905x905, 90.54K)

Jeongyeon is the ugliest Twice

You adore her

Attached: 1574642637832.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>sponsored her way into idol school
>pre debut bf with photo evidence
>groped by middle aged korean man on variety
>oversized austrian chad fuckbuddy
why is song hayoung so impure?

honestly my dick cheese smells good I like sniffing it when I fap
I never go more than 3 days without washing my dick tho

stinky and good*

Attached: 1584761775901.jpg (2000x1051, 842.8K)

dubuchads wya

Attached: 1584975940627.jpg (750x519, 311.17K)

beautiful feet for all those years jihyo noona spent running

If a group that blatantly manipulate voting appears on a public broadcast it sends a message to society that it's ok to commit corruption. I'd like to ask the piggy IZ*ONE fans what they would do if they were dropped from college admissions or a job they wanted because it was given to someone else through rigged means.

Attached: 354080.png (1345x580, 1.35M)

why did your mom kick you out faggot?

they're all so beautiful

cubuggo is


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daily chae

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10 10 7 and you forgot the 8 in the back

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whoa gowon looks like THAT

Attached: 1533436204937.png (411x885, 560.52K)

You think you a big boy throwing cheese stacks

Post the uncensored picture.

Attached: D39BBBA4-273B-4BD2-9477-C4006E840AFC.jpg (1200x1800, 334.27K)

imagine debuting at an age where you probably still wet the bed

who’s gonna be the chungha of izone as in the only one who gets a career after

I won’t tolerate being spoken to like that

10 10 11 10 11

Dude,... what... the fuck !?!? Don't tell me a fan asked her to show her feet and she actually did it?

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no one, they're all shit tier

I need a quick wash after a piss, but I remember my preeteen cheese, that stage was specially productive

>no masks

WTF are they thinking

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I dream of Dubu

he is 14

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she's fine friend

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Where's Wonyoung hiding?

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that's just what the chinks want you to believe


leave henlo alone

That's absolutely vile. I wash my dick after every fap. Just hang it over the edge of the sink and your pants will stay dry.

Attached: dubu wtf.jpg (1080x1920, 56.6K)

Has anyone tried cheese fondue? It seems a little too decadent for me.

I think my neighbor knocked on my door. I'm not sure because I don't remember what they look like. I didn't answer it.

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do you unironically think that asian women are the hottest/most beautiful in the world?

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Attached: stinky.jpg (411x885, 148.09K)

strong immune systems

they can just suck more dick to a different career

very proportional head and VERY talented

yes 100%

don't be like that, wony and yujin are still ok

shutup faggot, was it cause you were eating too many chicken nuggets and shitposting about choda all day?

Is there less smegma as you age or something


No, I'm talking about the one that shows her bare buttocks.

based not gowon

stfu incel

good thinking, they were probably part of a cult trying to infect you with corona-chan


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some new based nate comments inc

Attached: M.webm (1000x562, 2.93M)

how old is this corona virus carrier

Did you really have to attach a dubu pic to this post?

365 days ago...

no, just my waifu

Attached: cheese2.webm (720x720, 465.11K)

based girl

Attached: areyougonnadrink.webm (640x640, 1.16M)

uh yes?

oh fuck

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cute boy
name? age? group?

STFU already. Ya'll act like it's a huge deal when literally every single show is rigged af. Hell in the current Nizi show you could already tell the core members after episode 2

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will he grow up as handsome as xiaojun or will he look like a baby forever

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yes and its not even close

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not kpop

minji makes my private area grow in volume and length

Looks like it's real dickcheese hours. Kpg is going to be interesting...

Thinking about ... ...

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I just remember having more at 12-14, but thats when males get all hormonal and stinky, it gets much lower after unless you're hobo tier or something

The return of our freakin girls is fast approaching

post cheese1

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why is that when i see someone type stfu i always imagine a neomu neomu angry tumblr gaypop fangirl, her first day on kpg

do they force you to pay for votes in nizi project?


so now that twice and izone are old and busted up whores, who do we move on to?

why? I mean, why are the asian women hotter (in your opinion) than any other type of women

Attached: cheese.webm (382x612, 1.97M)


Attached: yd5qhuzthio41.jpg (800x1200, 274.86K)

They could be checking up on me to see if I'm still alive.

for me, it's cute women. asians are cuter than normal people

eyes jaw and skin mainly.

ella poster pls...

why is the sky blue

why is this dumbass throwing away her Twitch career so she can "focus on learning english"? how many hours a day does she spend learning english? thanks to her absence that succubus goblin jinny is the new flavor of the month

maybe if Twice ate cheese, they would've outsold BTS

the group will be 7 members large
and akari wont be in it


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unironically they look younger

their pusy and butthole

based and true

i didn’t grow up around a single east asian so now i view them as their own kind of special species

those underage chinks that one guy posts

I want to eat that, no joke

well you had to pay for votes in produce even tho they didn't matter

this is how I feel about the irish

I need to know which members are lactose tolerant

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well that's not like it's any of their business anyway (until your corpse starts stinking)

It's just a phenotype I happen to like. Always liked straight black hair and brown eyes. Always disliked phat cow bodies and long noses. So I was predisposed. Doesn't mean I have blind yellow fever. Most Asian girls I've met were horribly Westernized and my best friend is Asian but I don't have any sexual feelings for her at all. I also like some Russian and South American women.

Attached: feet fight.webm (1424x1080, 2.81M)


the cheese I hope

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looks like knets just need someone to hate

been away for a few a bit and this cheese forced meme spammer is a potentially a new low for comedy in kpg, would bet money on it being the same retard that has been forcing his retarded itzy nicknames for months now

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Hey hey hey
Beep beep
I see that I'm cheesy

sky it's not even blue in most countries nowadays retard

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just compare this to your average western roastie who only cares about having a two ton ass, the difference becomes obvious

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It's always jypfags

>e-everyone is rigged!
no, just your producewhores

>same retard that has been forcing his retarded itzy nicknames for months now

Attached: 34857.webm (714x476, 1.26M)

nah his baby face will stay the same
like bacons

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t. dickcheeselet

cope momoland was rigged too

my wives

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i think it's the same dude that tried to force the meme of chewy fucking dogs

leave my friend alone

Attached: Qj62PIo3DtOqT75M.webm (720x720, 681.56K)

make lia great again

Attached: lia.webm (720x1280, 2.8M)

the life of a non celebrity korean or japanese looks suicide inducing tbqh

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henlo's cheese

Good post

is arin cuter (in your opinion) than any other type of idol?

most itzy posters here are anti-twice

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finally something I can blast to

just you

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she looks so much worse on stage and in mvs it's insane

for the longest time i've always wondered what lia's role in itzy was, then i realized that she's the generic korean to balance out all the other members who have unusual features
you can't have yuna's jaws, yeji's lids, squid's nose and rdragon's butt without having a normal person balance it out, jyp knows kpop


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Like pottery

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The real reason for the Blackpink hiatus: Jennie gave birth to a little investor-nim basterd child.

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