Music for when your gf of 7 years cheats on you with your best friend, and now they're together and I'm still emotionally fucked up
Music for when your gf of 7 years cheats on you with your best friend...
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Remember to forgive her and leave time heal your wound :)
Kek what a bitch
Wow you got 7 years of happiness and it's not enough for you. Just be glad you aren't a virgin with no experiences of joy whatsoever.
That's fucked. Usually when I get that sad I don't listen to music at all
Don't kill yourself :^)
lmao get fucked crybaby
I've been reading a lot. I cant listen to much music cuz theres too many shared memories and it hurts
Fuck off boomer our generation had to grow up during the recession and now we're entering the workforce during the Corona Crash. Our political system is 100% bought. Shit sucks hard.
if he's going to forgive her he may as well go and hold her hair back while she's sucking someone else's dick (sorry OP you'll get through it)
i can now blame her seeing as youre a faggot who comes and cries to a message board instead of killing them both
I feel you man, why does life have to hurt so much?
This song feels comforting to me
I don't know that feel, faggot.
This but unironically
Now OP can focus on themselves and find an even hotter chick than before.
cannibal corpse
Man the fuck up zoomer. My generation had it harder than any of you.
No Internet, only 3 tv channels, no free shit, no legal weed, no online dating giving me millions of bitches 24/7 instantly. Shut the fuck up.
Be strong OP, you have a fucked up situation in your hands. You need to “sublime” all the putrid emotions that are boiling inside of you, and you need to do it as soon as possible because otherwise they will rot. And you will become a rotten human being. Use art as expression. Hope you find the way. If you manage to handle this fine you will look at yourself in the future with proud
>Fuck off boomer our generation had to grow up during the recession and now we're entering the workforce during the Corona Crash. Our political system is 100% bought. Shit sucks hard
Get a pair of balls cuck. She left you for a real man because you're a little Zoomer bitch listening to hip hop and playing Nintendo Switch. You have no strength and no masculinity, because you are soft like the rest of your pathetic generational cohorts. I'm in my 50s and I could out run, out lift, out drink, out jump, and out fuck any of you.
I just wanna be happy fr. Not trying to rush into anything until I can sleep a full 8 hours and remember to eat 3 meals a day.
more like this please
hope you get chink flu'd faggot
I won't, because I eat right and exericse. I am in good health, unlike you lazy faggot gamers. Keep vaping loser, see how far you get.
Lol this thread is full of neckbeards who are jealous that you've even had a girlfriend. Most the people here with negative shit to say more than likely never had a girlfriend or normal relationship.
Seriously what's wrong with you people. How do you have that little empathy for someone. Probably because you have no idea what they're going through I would assume
I mean OP doesn't literally have to go to wherever she is and be as autistic as to tell her "I forgive you, babe", rather, forgive her in the abstract as a way to make peace with his recent past and keep going with his life.
Or seek revenge, like raping his friend or something.
Are you OP?
if you had been born 50 years ago you would be dead already you fragile little bitch.
>noo! you can't just have sex with people you desire more! you have to remain faithful forever
>You need to “sublime” all the putrid emotions that are boiling inside of you, and you need to do it as soon as possible because otherwise they will rot. And you will become a rotten human being.
uh oh
It's been bought for 200 years, retard.
If you're in your 50s... why are you madposting on a Tibetan woodcarvings forum. Dont you have anything better to do?
Also I hope you're in isolation, this virus is much deadlier to people over 50. Stay safe.
Shut up roastie
>How do you have that little empathy for someone
How do you not have any empathy for the people who've never had relationships here? You sympathize with the millionaire while shunning the impoverished.
pfft you could fuck any girl without the fear of she regretting the fucking and accusing you of rape, you were lucky, we are fucked.
Try to thin their relationship as a revenge
>Lol this thread is full of neckbeards who are jealous that you've even had a girlfriend. Most the people here with negative shit to say more than likely never had a girlfriend or normal relationship.
>Seriously what's wrong with you people. How do you have that little empathy for someone. Probably because you have no idea what they're going through I would assume
Show tits, I wanna see 'em c'mon!
Men are more likely to be the ones to cheat in a relationship
If I'm in quarantine, would that not mean I have more free time zoomie? Plenty of time to shitpost with the youngins and do other things too. I work software and music has been a huge part of me since I was a child and it never died. I love busting your balls.
Stupid "doomer" kid was talking about how hard his generation has it and I'm sick of the fucking whining. OP that sucks for him if you are not the other kid.
No that's not OP, hes just big mad.
I've been on here long enough to know that a thread like this will have half of the replies being genuinely nice comments and good reccs and the other half are either trolls or legitimately angry people. I can ignore the ones calling me a cuck and whatever.
>please ma'am, a crumb of cootchie is all I ask
Bullshit lmao
I mean, I'm not necessarily mad we broke up, just that she cheated on me. I'd be way less hurt if she broke up with me and then got with someone else, at least that would've shown that she respected me some. The way it ended it's pretty obvious she didnt respect me at all in the end.
I can't tell who is trollin in this thread. There is nothing but trolls in this thread.
Fuck this thread.
>7 years
>she cheats on you
I mean, how did it happen?
>Did you get bored of each other?
>Did your "friend" make the first move or was your now exgf?
>Are you gonna kys?
>Do you think "all whores"?
probably b8 but whatever
the reason people are angry is because this bitch ruined a relationship and people say "oh forgive her have compassion be sensible" when she went and whored around with no regard for the guy so why should should be forgiving at all
I'm sure you don't deserve this OP
Fuck that bitch, she's clearly a waful person for cheating on you
There is more in life than hoes like that
Try to be happy
Stay strong
We're in our last semester of college, I took an internship in a bigger city 100 miles away. The three of us used to hang out all the time, while I was gone he started coming over more often (and she never told me when he was coming over obviously). I started hearing from her less. Then she fessed up when I asked why she was being distant. Dunno who made the first move, and idk if it really matters anymore.
I just wanna forget about them and be happy on my own.
Added bonus is that now I'm in a city that I know barely anyone in and I basically can't leave my apartment cuz the whole state is on shelter in place and I'm working from home.
Ikr, fuck whores!
You trusted a modern female. Better you eat shit now rather than later. Good luck.
plan revenge. Quit wasting time moping, there's so many ways to get back at them whether legal or untraceable. Get on it, it's probably easier than you think
tim heidecker - i am a cuck