Hilarious: No one can post one (1) album

What's one (1) celebrated rap album that:
1. Has no swears
2. Is profound
3. Isn't pro premarital sex
4. Isn't violent
5. Isn't about racism

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Stupid bait thread. You are stupid.

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2, 4 and 1
You fail. It's actually embarrassing how no one can post a single album with these qualifications.

Funhouse is more hedonistic than 99.9% of all the hip hop i've ever heard. Why don't you take aim at that album for being immoral?


Stop pivoting, I don't like rock.

because it's good

2 is completely arbitrary. mild fantasy violence and profanity. Still a stupid thread :^)

>3. Isn't pro premarital sex
have sex, incel

Attached: jik.png (220x220, 53.77K)

Young Thug - Beautiful Thugger Girls

>is profound
You can just say "no it's not" to any response with no elaboration. Don't waste my time.

nice get
cope, degenerate

That's not true. The only reason I added that qualification was to filter out materialistic music, music about money etc.

virgin haha

>1. Has no swears
Why is this an issue? Are you four years old?


Meaning can be communicated without vulgarity.

You seem like the most obnoxious type of pseud.

OP btfo

Why should it be? The Canterbury Tales have swear words. Shakespeare is very vulgar. Vulgarity is part of life.

Aesop Rock-Impossible Kid

I'm just curious what you think you are proving with your thread - an album having the qualities in the OP doesn't inherently make it a good album or inherently raise the value of the music. An album can be good or even great without containing any of the qualities in the OP. You aren't proving anything

What do you like?


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all these fantano fags seething this hard, good work OP

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I mean, it's a pretty important qualification for discerning art. For instance, there's a difference between reading Naked Lunch and the Divine Comedy. Both are great, but there's a difference.

Sure, but that's irrelevant. There's certainly a difference between vulgar art and nonvulgar art nonetheless.

I oppose music without those qualifications on a moral ground. I like divine music, such as Coltrane.

>Sure, but that's irrelevant
No, the importance of one of your points is not irrelevant. You need to explain why swear words are unacceptable.


this guy seems like a faggot

HILARIOUS: Nobody can post one rock album that:
1. Doesn't have guitars
2. Is profound
3. Has singing or doesn't
4. wasn't created by humans
5. makes my pee-pee hard

That's what you sound like. You can literally throw any criteria into a trivial list and say "see? This suxxkz."
What are you Ben Shapiro? Grow up.

I already told you? There's a fundamental difference between vulgarity and non vulgarity.

I don't like rock. Why are you pivoting?

What do you gain from posting this?

>For instance, there's a difference between reading Naked Lunch and the Divine Comedy
This is a trite observation and does little to justify your position. I think youre baiting.

OP has no response when proven wrong

>There's a fundamental difference between vulgarity and non vulgarity.
Explain it and explain how the mere presence of swearing=vulgarity. Also explain why vulgarity is a problem at all.

>tfw when OP will never experience life in all of its sublime vulgarity.
feels good actually

How is that trite? Do you not see the difference between a Tom and Jerry cartoon and Fritz the Cat? The difference is between the aesthetic vehicle the meaning is portrayed. Obviously I prefer non vulgarity to vulgarity on an aesthetic basis.

It's a good album. I don't object to it necessarily.

>It's a good album. I don't object to it necessarily.
hilarious that you made this thread then

holy fuck

Maybe reread and actually respond to it.



Kid A

All turntablism, instrumental hip hop, illbient and trip hop albums

>reddit spacing

>I oppose music without those qualifications on a moral ground.
I mean, the fact that you equated music that "is profound" with "music that isn't materialistic, isn't about money, etc." basically tells me all I need to know about your broken ass system of thought, as if music that is profound can't involve money or materialism, or that music that doesn't involve those things is automatically profound. Neither of these are true. Your criteria is completely arbitrary and you're posing as some intellectual when really it's clear that you are just regurgitating "SWEARS = BAD, SEX=BAD" medieval ass bullshit and pretending it makes you some deep irreproachable puritan. Get over your yourself. Also

But they're both art, so what's your point?

check mate OP

Attached: Feet of Clay.jpg (600x600, 88.19K)

I'm looking for another one.

Because the final cause of swearing is intrinsically to be vulgar, and vulgarity is intrinsically impure, and the aesthetic differences between pure art and impure art is bountiful? How do you not understand this?

Thanks for posting this :). I promise I don't have an ulterior intent behind posting this thread.

Yes, Donuts would be a good example.

This is not Reddit spacing.

Different art conveys different meaning, and some meaning I don't like.

You're kind of strawmanning me. There's a difference between music being materialistic and music being about materialism. Any rap album that is anti materialism can be posted in this thread.
>and you're posing as some intellectual
I'm not doing this. Why are you assuming intent? And by the way, I do abide by a medieval philosophy, which is Aristotelian-Thomism. That Kanye album is good.

>and the aesthetic differences between pure art and impure art is bountiful?
>differences is
How aesthetically impure of you.

yes this is reddit spacing

>Different art conveys different meaning
Stunning observation from the mind of a young genius. I am in awe.

>I'm looking for another one.
> Hilarious: No one can post one (1) album
You're really having trouble with this social distancing huh?

>I'm not doing this. Why are you assuming intent? And by the way, I do abide by a medieval philosophy, which is Aristotelian-Thomism.
He was baiting all along boys. Pack it up and stop posting ITT.

>I oppose music without those qualifications on a moral ground. I like divine music, such as Coltrane.
So you like music by a literal heroin addict?

bait thread, abandon

Is it hard being such a fucking loser?

Name one rock album that is widely celebrated and isn’t pro premarital sex

Common - Be

I really don't think you understand what reddit spacing is.

Reddit spacing would be if I was typing like this,

but I'm not.

Not sure what you mean

I said that because your point was "they're both art", as if that justifies a difference in ideology between individual pieces of art.

I am not baiting. I legitimately am not, I'm from /lit/. It's quite a popular philosophy on that board.

Yes. There's a difference between art and the person who made it.

Why are you posting if you're not contributing?

I don't like rock.

I just want you to understand that you're not as intelligent as you think you are, and that you're a loser.

How am I trying to appear intelligent? Can you please explain?

It's weird that you think art should measure up to your autistic "ideological" standards


>probably likes classical
>probably hasn’t realized that most classical music is filled with innuendo

suck a butt, goober

Yes, because I think art is about meaning rather than entertainment.

I'm not here to argue against a generalization. A rap album that fits the criteria in the OP would be better than a vulgar classical piece.

Okay, fine. You're not intelligent, but you're definitely a dork.

I think it's really funny that no one is posting albums and are instead resorting to inane posts like this: God, /lit/ is so much better than this board.

quick recap of the thread:
>OP is proven wrong
>continues posting
>looks like an insufferable prick
op has no friends

fuck off autist

based user
cringe OP




You're original post disqualifies works of art that have more meaning than anything you've ever thought or written. im pretty sure this is bait and if so well done

What do I win?

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I mean, how is that an argument? Of course Shakespeare has written works of art with more meaning than anything I've thought or written.

Rap isn't a genre, its a vocal style like throat singing.

You mean hip hop.

Why yes, good sir. I have read the works of Shakespeare. I have also enjoyed the music of Beethoven and Mozart, for I am a supreme intellectual. Premarital sex? Never. The Bible says its a sin.

It seems like OP is being a pseud but upon reading the thread it seems like he genuinely is looking for nonvulgar rap music. Might be an aspergers kid who gets grossed out by sex or something.
It's a shame hip hop heads immediately took offense to OP and turned this thread into a dumpster fire.

I'm talking about Hip Hop specifically. Your contention, the best and i can understand, is that vulgarity somehow impugns artistic integrity
Also, your an autistic spaz so its kind of hard to understand what you're getting at.

Thats Yas Forums.

Instead of people thinking about it and answering everyone acts like he called their mom a whore and forgot the point.

This thread sucked from the start.