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Dead Careers General - /dcg/
Tyler King
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Brody Flores
i feel like no one gives a shit about Ariel Pink anymore
Robert Rivera
Did he od yet
Luis Allen
No way, he still packs shows. Just because he doesnt get BNM doesnt mean he's gone.
This guy on the other hand, destroyed his brain with drugs
Tyler Reed
Girls were so good, it's not fair.
Lincoln King
Agreed, love them. Why did Chris have to be such a prick
Jeremiah Wright
i miss him
Carson Hernandez
David Ramirez
Kero Kero Bonito
Joanna Newsom
James Myers
Wyatt Green
Kenny Rodgers
Colton Moore
Ayden Young
jesus yeah.. what the hell happened to him after girls? was JR the mastermind behind the whole thing?
Ryan Ross
Jace White
Zachary Sanchez
Jackson Robinson
kek imagine being this wrong
>inb4 replying to an obvious bait
Benjamin Edwards
This guy is scary as fuck. What a shithead. And he’s not good looking, I don’t know how he thought he could get away with that shit. Did he really punch Jewlia Hotler? That’s kinda cool tho.
Ethan Thompson
was it the thrifty jew thing that killed his career?
Cameron Ortiz
This fool’s rich tho. Belee dat.
Jack Young
>Kero Kero Bonito
What happened?
What's the story as of late? I had suspected no label wants to release his new album
Leo Mitchell
Gabriel Long
Logan Murphy
Brody Gonzalez
Jace Hughes
I wish.
Joshua Jones
St Vincent
Logan Taylor
Deservedly so
Austin Reed
Is all that stuff true? I thought it was debunked to an extent. Are there other Real Estate guys like that too?
Kayden James
nah the rest are pussies. matt is a chad. he emotionally abused julia and that's pretty based if you ask me.
Dylan Morales
Met this dude once a long time ago. Could tell he was a sociopath then and there just based on how bland and forced "quirky" his general demeanor was. Dead eyes.
Jonathan Mitchell
>And he’s not good looking
Well maybe not to you.
Samuel Gray
Father, Son, Holy Ghost was the 10's best rock album. Pains me that no one remembers them.
Eli Richardson
none was debunked. just more and more people came out saying he was a rapey perv
Austin Kelly
KKB's doing fine
Grimes is doing great
CHVRCHES is held on life support by videogame events
Grayson Williams
cute trap
Joshua Walker
Word how the fuck did that or Album not end up on any decade end lists but tons of piss poor RnB did
Christopher Howard
Can't shit on Jews and expect to keep a career
William Wood
Connor Sanders
>rapey perv
which means absolutely nothing in the #metoo era
why did you indiehead freaks suddenly stop thinking hooking up with groupies/fans isn't cool?
its ok to fuck a random thot on tinder, but not ok to fuck a fan.
you s0icuccz have destroyed any reason for any financially poor male to make underground/artsy music.
while at the same time thinking its based for no-talent blackies to do the same and make 100,000s to millions of dollars at the same time.
only white men are not allowed to fuck groupies anymore.
Levi Parker
Unlike Guns N Roses or Nine Inch Nails or whoever, who'd just bring groupies into the tour bus and fuck them and then move on with their day, the Real Estate guy genuinely did a bunch of creepy abusive shit.
I hear he's moved to Europe and is fucking pornstars now, which is a pretty smart move considering pornstars are probably the only people damaged and low-status enough to let him get away with it.
Andrew Bell
Christian Butler
i read everything he did, the only creepy thing was he jerked off over a sleeping girl who was over at this place, everything else was on the exact same level as as any other buttrock or lesser.
theres a whole new feminist moment within the #metoo movement which says that if someone holds a postion of power and fame and you fuck them its the exact same thing as rape, because the girl would'nt fuck them if they didnt hold that position of power.
thats what the aziz ansari story was, and thats what the roadhead james franco story was, and thats what the matt stories were
Leo Butler
>the roadhead james franco story
that was so cringe to watch Stephen fucking Colbert on his holier-than-thou throne basically bullly an apology out of Franco on live tv
Easton Wood
She's a cringy talentless cokehead freeloader cunt
And no I'm not defending Ethan by proxy, he's a piece of shit too
Alexander Reyes
Meme post but somewhat accurate even in the underground ex. Dedekind Cut
Wyatt Rogers
>Dedekind Cut
Nobody remembers or cares about this anymore precisely because there was nothing to the story to begin with. The guy fucked a willing groupie(if you can even call what modern electronic musicians have "groupies") and that was it.
Isaiah Phillips
Mac Demarco
Jason Myers
I hadn't heard this until now. So is Chino Amobi just a jackass?
Ryan Diaz
i remember when people accused him of making child porn because he whipped his hog out at a party and his friend recorded like 5 seconds of him going helicopter dick
Jonathan Lewis
Amobi had a bunch of slightly remixed/reworked tracks by other artists on his Soundcloud a few years back, all passed off as his own work. One of those tracks was by Genocide Organ of all fucking bands, who apparently threatened him with legal action after hearing about it, so all the shit got taken down. The whole NON Worldwide thing had no legs to stand on from day one.
Levi Robinson
I beg to differ
Benjamin Moore
why did he have to leave us
Jason Foster
>He has a new band called fucking Curls
This is legit sad.
Kayden Gonzalez
That's crazy to hear, I've actually had this suspicion for a while after he put a track out on a NON comp by an artist from my city who everybody in the community knows as a hateful trollish chump ( but he's black ) among other things like questionable tweets from Amobi. This bums me out, I used to listen to NON.
Joseph Powell
Is he a Jew
Lincoln Carter
Lil Peep did not keep his career, far from it clearly.
Anthony Brown
Gavin Peterson
Colton Harris
Yeah but that's because the dude couldn't handle his opiates, so as a result both his career and his existence ended simultaneously
Despite the anti-zionist tweets he was still able to blow the fuck up in popularity & cause an entire paradigm shift in modern-day rap music, and had he still been alive he would've still grew even bigger in popularity
Jack Taylor
I thought Chrissybaby was moving back in the right direction and then he started that Curls band and it was like wtf are you doing man
Samuel Martin
That guy is a real piece of shit, stop fooling yourself. He acted like a little bitch too, when all the chicks decided they had enough of his shit and went to the media. Are you a real estate/ ducktails fan? Sad!
Bentley Barnes
No, his friend whipped his dick out and Mac recorded it. Get the fucking story straight or don't speak at all, faggot.
Nathan Young
Why did Girls break up? They just didn't have anymore good songs in them? I had the opportunity to see them back when Father, Son came out. They were great. I was right up in front. I shook his hand twice I think. After I turned 19 I dropped out of indie rock/ garage. So did everyone else I think. That's when pitchfork went rap.
Jacob Gray
seething, i was there and mac got his dick out
Josiah Lewis
Is that guy in the Drums? No way. Poor fucking guy. Chicks don't take it easy on ya when you're not good looking.