ITT: obvious industry plants

Attached: beabadoobee.jpeg.jpg (2971x2364, 645.67K)

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Who is this bobedabo chick why do you guys keep posting her

She looks like she fucks white guys

she does, i know her boyfriend lol

he cute

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>implying there is an "industry" and not just labels who try to promote the artists they sign so they can make money
Besides she is from an independent label that is no where as big as most major labels

Why would the industry plant a stale old 90s sound and please dont say nostalgia

Dirty Hit is backed by Sony, Interscope, Polydor and UMG, it's barely independent

Its the hip sound that sells these days. Look at Tame Impala and Marc Demarco
It's the easiest and most disposable sound that a band can have. There are literally thousands of bands exactly like this who are completely forgotten after a few years.

No Im looking at Billie Elish whos being pushed to the moon with a new sound and style.

Even if they get support from larger companies how does that make the musicians themselves plants. They might help them finance things like music videos and advertising but its still on the band do make the actual music

>new sound and style

She is being "pushed" by people who like her music. You can't just buy popularity other wise every successful politician would just be some rich person

God imagine him sticking his throbbing cock into her tight Asian pussy
I'm getting moist just thinking about it.

She's got good taste

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The industry is putting lots of effort into BE's NEW sound and style and its working so why would they be stupid enough to put money into old retro styles ?

>every successful politician would just be some rich person
name 1 current world leader who grew up in poverty

Porn addiction really fucked you up man lay off it a lil

propping up a label like Dirty Hit is literally so they can say 'oh she's not a plant she was on an indie label', also her music is shit-tier nostalgiacore

I'm sure they are waiting until marriage. She is a good Christian from the Philippines

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This is correct. It's all smoke and mirrors centered around preserving an image.

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what's he like

Do you have any proof of this or is it just speculation. Who specially are you talking about when you say "they". Do you have any idea how labels even work or how few employees they have?

His dad was literally the propaganda chief and vice-chairman for the National People's Congress

>1 social credit has been removed from your account

I have never heard of her but thank you very much for bringing her to my attention! Also did you know there's a pandemic going on right now?

He's got his hand on her titties for a reason.
He knows what's up.

Until he was sacked when he was 10

Look at the shareholders of famous "indie" labels like Sub-Pop and Matador

He wasn't a nobody who grew up with nothing. He was born with elite status and a reputation.

All of them are obvious in 2020. The separation has never been more apparent.

>2 social credits have been removed from your account

Shareholders /=/ people who manage her image/make her music and making her famous

He literally lived in a cave and then was sent to a work camp. He might not have been the best example but he was no Donald Trump either

Shareholders are the reason A&R exists in the first place, you dummy

nice guy, very easy to get along with. she does a fuckton of drugs tho as expected.

Well can you give me some solid evidence of them managing the band. Its just hard to believe you based on these vague accounts

does this count as mutt's law?

People are going to be horny on the internet. You dont have to make some meme "law" around it

the evidence is the fact you've only known who she is for about 3 months and she's already being placed on presitigious festival lineups, and has some of the best advertising placements in music

>t. amerishart

Don't avatar post, you'll get banned

That isn't really evidence. Popular bands tour and her youtube videos and spotify are blowing up

trips don't lie tranny

It's basically Snail Mail and Clairo all over again

who is she?

>[insert your favorite musician here]

You ran out of arguments

>That isn't really evidence
It is empirical evidence

>industry plant

Attached: 65006773.jpg (1024x647, 97.33K)

i've given you evidence, has given you precedence

yeah she's the only artist i can think of i only discovered through an advertisement.

Evidence of what?
Prove they are plants. So far all you guys are just saying she got help with advertising and marketing but that doesn't guarantee they will get popular. Look at all the literal who bands that got no were that Dirty Hit signed. Are you claiming that they planned for them to flop and decide who makes it big and who doesn't?

>prove they are plants
>she got help with advertising and marketing
btfod by yourself tranny

>young female artist gets big
>Yas Forumscels all cry plant
what else is new. meanwhile big bands like My Bloody Valentine came from privileged families and had labels give them loads of money yet they go uncalled out

>Dirty Hit
Look at their distributors. Distribution is everything. You can make the best music in the world, but if you don't have the right distribution networks then the right people aren't going to hear it. Distribution is everything.

MBV is actually good though. They might be plants but they used that to their advantage to do something unique. That's the difference

>meanwhile big bands like My Bloody Valentine came from privileged families and had labels give them loads of money yet they go uncalled out

Moron. MBV came from working-class backgrounds and lived in squats and shit.

>Kevin Patrick Shields was born on 21 May 1963 in Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York City, United States. His mother was a nurse and his father was an executive in the food industry.

Beadaboo is from the Philippines. Ireland is at least two steps up from that

beabadoobees monthly spotify listeners went from about 4 million to 10 million in a week considering the way shes been pushed shes certainly a plant.

Coming from a privileged family doesn't make you a plant look at alvvays - molly comes from a successful well off family but they didn't instantly explode in the same way.

Theres definitely a level of sexism to it though.

Also she seems absolutely insufferable so perhaps some bias there.

Dirty Hit's biggest artist came from a rich family and still worked his way up from the bottom, his early bands were great too