Literally how did she gain a successful career in the music industry?

Literally how did she gain a successful career in the music industry?

Attached: sfl-bhad-bhabie-20190328.jpg (415x517, 24.95K)

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sucked jew dick

>is jailbait
>is a coal-burner
>can rap

do you even have to ask

I mean sheeeit


I can think of two reasons.

1. talent
2. intelligence

Yeah, her two giant brass balls.

This isn't reddit. Just say you like her titties.

I was talking about her testicles.

Why is she allowed to be photographed with clothes on?

What about her feet

>her fucking swollen milky badonkadonks would make a perfect bed for my withered cock as i try to unleash my acidic load on her teenage face, i fail to cum, she looks at me in disgust before throwing numerous punches at my me, she beats my head into porridge and proceeds to urinate all over my shattered face, demanding that i submit to her, i submit, and she proceeds to equip herself with a monster strap-on (microwaved for 45 seconds to give it the warm feel every good cock should have) she pounds my collapsing gaper until i pass out from blood loss, i come round and realise danielle has opened up a wound on my left side, and defecated inside me

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Based pedo. Burn in hell tho.

wait is she not 18 yet? o fug...

Being attracted to a 16 yr old is normal roastie, they're legal in Europe.

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I read once that she was literally an experiment by some talent agent who wanted to show off his skills by turning some random idiot into a succesful artist

... huh... alright

i think i read that same article

ok pedo

>he wouldn't fuck a prime white trash 16 year old with tigs
Just go back already, faggot

>Literally how
You're just as stupid

True, and it does not make you a pedo, but that doesn't make it right either. I'd hope that most men wouldn't jump and that chance to do that.


>he waits 2 years for no reason while she slurps up his friends and family

True. Very similar to the Eilish situation. That's the way the industry works today, sadly.

ok pedo.

16 is legal in 30 different states.

and in europe because we appreciate the benefts of 16 year old cooter

>rationalizing being a pedo

ephebophilia is based you seething yank roastie

there's nothing to rationalize dummy, the law is how we decide what's morally correct

She 18 yet?

I’ve never heard her but she seems like a very intelligent strong woman.

Just be honest, pseud.

good marketing and her attitude people are drawn to her because shes arrogant

>people are drawn to her tits

Everybody focus on her tits but what's the ass looking like though?


if 16 is the law, it's ok.

Let me make your argument for you, retard.
The vast majority of 16 year old females are completely sexually mature and thus are completely sexually attractive. The reason why its usually seen as morally wrong for someone who is significantly older to fuck a 16 year old is because they are not cognitively matured and could be taken advantage. This moral consideration can exist with 18 year old women and 20 year old women as well.

So no, finding a 16 year old with d-cup tits sexually attractive is not morally wrong or a make you pedophile (attraction to pre-pubescent females), but going out and fucking one can often be morally questionable and predatory (R. Kelly).

That's the plot of "Pygmalion" and "My Fair Lady."

>industry today
It's how the industry has always worked you fucking retard

To a certain extent, your correct. But currently the level of corruption going on in the industry is unprecedented. You have to admit it has gotten worse.

legal in most of the us too actually

it's partly because album sales are nonexistent nowadays. the only way to make money is with garbage like this that appeals to meme culture

Hoooollllyyy shit

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I can think of two reasons

to all the white boys that are interested in her, she has something to tell you.


Why does she look hot sometimes and then ugly other times



Where's the fun in that?

>"Her father is Jewish and her mother is of Italian descent."
>tries to act and look black
>says she doesn't like white boys
jfc, the shit she does is practically blackface or cultural appropriation, fucking gross

you don't "gain" a career
you're "approved" or "made" into a career

She is mostly followed by white people / wiggas as you would expect

>one picture of those milkers
gas this shit thread

if a girl fucks niggers it just means she is incredibly easy. They never stick to the only niggers rule.
Regretfully, Ive had to scrape the bottom of the barrell for these kinds before. They have no standards.

Ok incel

ok weaksauce

>says she doesn't like white boys
I wouldn't bother her that's a really really bold take for modern women.

on the plus side, maybe we'll finally get to see her tits in the autopsy photos

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