Attached: 1556061965676.jpg (1808x979, 237.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: tumblr_q366gjE6NJ1u9wf7m_480.webm (480x852, 712.49K)

Lalisa Manoban

Attached: 5351299136_c91d93854b_b.jpg (1023x570, 52.44K)

You know what time it is ( drain time )

Attached: 1583884305529.jpg (750x750, 91.35K)


For me its

Attached: Dh0-lGJVAAA7K7Z.jpg (1668x2400, 872.47K)

Attached: happymina.webm (1920x1080, 1.05M)

4:15 AM Time in Jakarta, Indonesia

Attached: a2a8d0d893f1413cc18234cdc63cad04.jpg (770x513, 35.11K)

sana's cleavage...

cub chaeyoung!

we love slug here

digits and every member of twice dies of the coronavirus
i already rolled digits successfully in a recent to kill every member of the drain gang

Why did all the IZ*ONE posting stop?

lal is a man oban
noooo bros
ugliest shit

Attached: 1581081458096.jpg (2706x1858, 921.95K)

They went to the other website

nice music discussion

I don't care how popular your favorite group is. I only care about mine.

very true friend

Attached: ESzKgOZUUAAIqbZ.jpg (812x1024, 97.8K)


Do you really need to look like this to get korean pussy?

dilate tranny

Attached: 33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)


it seems everyone went there


shit music
stop lurking

just gonna give you a lol

i need this but in cub


That's just a meme right, nobody went to that other site?

it's just the same schizos that were forcing the previous site

Someone post that Gowon pic where she's saying "attention all black people" through a megaphone


Attached: 01r.jpg (1536x2048, 204.4K)

Some guy fucked all our waifus so we're taking a break.


sana a whore. A WHORE!

it's picked up in activity but i don't think that many people actually migrated

I did but they're posting pics of old mentally Ill personalities so I came back.

For me, it's the one and only

Attached: ETdr8rNX0AAvrUD.png (773x477, 343.51K)

what other site

Attached: 1564711206258.jpg (1080x1080, 119.72K)

chill out inceru-kun

Attached: 793.jpg (2000x3000, 559.32K)

when are you going to kill her?

nice bunny

Attached: EP8EOO1XUAA8fL_.jpg (730x1024, 78.06K)

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Lalisa Manoban

Attached: 103.jpg (1000x1500, 880.68K)

Some bastard gets to eat that perfect ass and its not me FUCKJ

post that one fat kpop

name of this cute rat looking girl?

Attached: lal is a man oban.jpg (749x446, 161.62K)

Attached: 1583462784305.jpg (1024x839, 62.41K)

What's even the implication?

well, you can say the same about any female on this planet

Attached: twicetagram - B9EErVylUbD_B9EErTSlhP5.jpg (960x960, 61.18K)

kav when

You can't compete against this beauty

Attached: file.jpg (1065x1056, 237.02K)

>cant sing, cant dance, cant cook
dubu is useless and only gets by because she has a fat donk

perfect wife. i will cook

psst, it's Yoo Jeongyeon, still

Attached: 1528591006597.jpg (1492x995, 672.13K)

She's the apex idol, for sure!

Attached: 1563582909741.webm (508x990, 301.24K)

>she has a fat donk
kek delulu

Attached: 175426.jpg (1015x1602, 549.42K)

im gay

How Lia eats a burger

Attached: 595B8648-8BCD-4161-A0DB-11684377FEA6.jpg (960x574, 57.14K)

fuck you and your demonic trips

Attached: .webm (602x1080, 2.73M)

we have kpop for that

Attached: 002gp1nj31.jpg (1200x1172, 142.44K)

nice tranny discussion

attention black people

Attached: 1584411733814.png (736x1104, 1.22M)

>flat, uggo, bully
jeong is useless and only gets by because she bullied her way

cute bunny

Attached: 1552595729663.webm (668x944, 1.5M)

Attached: D-JW1n7U8AAnCDt.jpg (2048x1536, 371.49K)

sent arin a dick pic

heejin's glistening wet pussy

Attached: original.jpg (870x1280, 242.96K)

holy badonkadubu

how lia eats my omostick

Attached: 1486663398-index-tiny-banana.jpg (980x490, 36.65K)

Attached: sica-bahamas1.webm (500x580, 610.32K)

wtf i love fiesta now

what would a blowjob from that be like

thats u


Attached: 032.jpg (867x1300, 667.82K)

>is cute
>is funny
>is pure

Attached: 1583945194260.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>small white

Attached: 1574118405133.jpg (1275x883, 116.28K)

When the old guard start dying off. Keep in mind Korea is still extremely Confucian (and Christian) and most of the oldest generation lived in a time period when Korea was still third world.

she can do all of those you cretin

It's 5 AM in south east asia

real question. if that happened how would it effect the kpop industry? normies get creeped out by kpop girl groups and make jokes about porn being illegal in SK is the only reason girl groups are popular.

Attached: hana10.webm (720x720, 1.45M)

amen, tofu

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>44 IPs during a worldwide quarantine

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Attached: liskook.jpg (460x613, 44.84K)

thought i was the only one who did this

I don't even care about how popular my group is

cooking food for dubu and while she eat the food you eat her asshole

we all do

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I forgot to buy garlic, and the state just issued an statewide stay-at-home order.

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my dream

Attached: 1584306547836.jpg (720x960, 80.42K)

everyone's dropping kpop before the bts world tour kills us all

all me

I don't care about anything

buying garlic is an essential function you're fine

its pink btw

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the lines are long, and it kind of sucks to have to go back just to get 1 item.

Attached: EOqC0y0UEAAYjrR.jpg (1076x1114, 213.18K)

who's gonna take one for the team, eat a bat, and coof in yeri's face?

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Hoarders are still buying up most of the grocery store stuff because apparently zombie apocalypse. I'm just surprised that it seems like most people must have Chest Freezers to store as much meat/frozen stuff as they are buying


for me, its behind dubu and in front of nayeon



Attached: zzzzzzz.jpg (601x590, 41.59K)

Anyway bored so posting Hyomin and other Noonas

Attached: hyomin11.webm (434x720, 1.24M)

>sprays a bunch of cream all over the place
>looks at camera, and smiles
what did she mean by this?

Attached: 1572458401258.webm (640x640, 2.43M)

Attached: hyomin12.webm (400x662, 1.33M)

Thinking of buying a gun. What happens when poor people start getting a little rowdy when they're low on food and other necessities?

I'd rather coom in her face

If you dont have over a 1000 pictures of these girls in your kpop folder you shouldnt be posting here. These are new times, adapt haglovers.

Attached: kgp wifes.png (1136x1107, 2M)

>that eyebrow raise

she uploads a beach holiday video and this is the best we get

its fine. trumpbux incoming

Attached: hyomin13.webm (400x662, 1.23M)

Attached: hyomin14.webm (400x662, 2.2M)

The emergency money they're sending out is like a fraction of my monthly salary, but I might just use it to buy a gun or two. Thinking of a Mark IV and Glock 19.

Mods sticky this please

Attached: hyomin15.webm (400x662, 2.45M)

yeseo > chaeyeon

Holy based

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yujin is the thinking man's 16 year old


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