Laura les of the critically acclaimed, pop-absurdist duo ‘100 Gecs’ just posted this in their Instagram.
Holy shit!! How will the anti-tranny incels EVER recover?????
Laura les of the critically acclaimed, pop-absurdist duo ‘100 Gecs’ just posted this in their Instagram.
Holy shit!! How will the anti-tranny incels EVER recover?????
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm high on coke rn and listening to 100 gecs
Try to repost this exact thread again when he moves a bit closer to the mirror. See how that goes down
By not killing ourselves
damn she cute
meme arrow 'she'
Terrible grammar, you fucking faggot
...? finish school
They used the correct "their" you retard lmao
I don't particularly like trannies but you have to be a literal fucking moron to not realize those stats are inflated by trannies claiming a """suicide atempt""" for attention.. like jesus christ you are dense.
hurr durr that’s a lot closer mr shill thank you
body fusion 2 ape mode peak white trash explitive type looking ass face when
a hundred and twenty miles an hour
fog horn
ducking and diving
like max payne down a concrete stairwell break your ribs like matchsticks
tremendous negative energy
jimny comet drip
shitting blood
animal mode
perform le lizard brain
i am not a real person i won't do what it says
ok..? that pictures is adorable, zoom in more please. You know even real females show facial hair in bright lights with professional cameras? look up any red carpet shoot
their whole existence is a desperate grab for attention so what's the difference LOL based
>broad shoulders
>no hips
>gnarly hands
You can grow your hair and wear all the make up you want but you'll never be anything but a ghoulish parody of femininity.
Laura Les posted that on his own Instagram, not the 100 gecs Instagram page. So no, they used "their" incorrectly.
>gec haters literally won't even read a thread, just knee-jerk their insecurities over seeing a trans woman that confuses their sexuality
not him but this reply has convinced em no one is an actual 100 gecs fan and anyone who says they are is just trolling
>Laura Les
>broad shoulders
there's no way you actually just types that, and pressed 'post'. It has to be bait.
Imagine being brainwashed to the point of being hœmo
They can and will never recover. Everyone knows that Laura is beautiful and talented, the anti-tranny incels just can't come to grip with the facts and thus lash out. It's quite pathetic.
homosexuals literally and indesputibly have higher average IQs than any other sexual identification and don't even bother googling it because you'll just have to face the reality that I know will be too rough for you. Keep worshipping axe wounds, simpnigger.
literally an awful attempt to bait.. i'm only replying to let you know that you would have gotten me if you tried a little harder
can't even fool yourself
and i'd feel bad but you're doing five-a-days
Terrible grammar, you fucking faggot
No one here believes you’re anything other than a paid shill. There is no one on this board who is an actual fan of 100gecs, and I am 110% confident in that
grammer* idioit
Passing doesn't make a shit album any better lol
>sold out concerts of college students with social lives
>world tour announced a week ago
good timing!
He has goalkeeper shoulders retard are you fucking blind or just plain delusional? Go outside and see for yourself how real women really look like.
What does any of that have to do with you being a paid shill? Since when is going on tour a notable achievement, especially when you have the backing of a sizable label?
ftm chloe grace moretz looking transbianhon
You are fucking retarded and I mean without exaggeration. A normal human male can roughly fit 1.2 of his own head on each shoulder. (this is a figure thrown out by figure drawing professors and anatomy classes which you obviously have never taken) and Laura can clearly barely fit a single head on each shoulder.
You're really going to fucking describe this as someone with football player shoulders? God dude just jack off to traps already it's so fucking obvious you are closeted.
I don't even have to ask if you've interacted close-range with a female in real life because you obviously have not.
Go ahead and post the spider meme to prove my point
>the backing of a sizable label?
Imagine being able to just make things up on the spot and feel no guilt about it.. lol
Oh yeah you are delusional.
Ok mate keep lying to yourself.
>i lose, better call him delusional
there it is
Nah I considered you being a delusional faggot but you just confirmed by writing all that shit.
she's not attractive
try obsessing over more attractive people
find one nonwhite person in this video
Yas Forumscels on suicide watch!!!!!!!!!
>those manhands
He doesn't even try. He just look like your average metalhead.
>He doesn't even try.
i mean that's the point. He isn't pushing a tranny agenda he just lives as a chick... why do people get hate boners (or honestly just regular boners) for this
Bros, can we take a moment to realize that femboys age worse than women? After their early 20's, you just have a creep in drag. Unironically keep killing yourselves before the impact into the wall does.
Holy shit nice cope. Singular they, them, their is grammatically correct. As user said, finish school.
True, based, trannypilled, and incels irrevocably BTFO. This a gec thread, 100 gecs fans ONLY, that means go Fuck yourself, transphobic incel freaks!!!
>Laura les [..] just posted this in their Instagram.
No fucking duh "singular their". It's still grammatically incorrect. Since when does anyone write that in the same sentence?
>Donald Trump just posted this on their Twitter
holy shit I can't recognize who are the actual 100 gecs fans and the false-flagging Yas Forumstards, can't believe this album made Yas Forums seethe so hard it got to this point
please dont' fall for
's bait
>hurr seethe
The album is just garbage. Simple as that.
>100 Gec
Sounds exctly like that eurotrash shit that is played in any mallorca discotheque or at any given skiing resort in the alps when german housewifes in their very late 30rties decide to have a freak-out. Nothing special.
haloween 3 poster she has good taste
It's great though. It's a love it or hate thing so I understand not liking it but holy shit the autistic obsession this board has with the album is insane. If you think it's garbage just hide and filter the threads or some shit what the actual fuck is wrong with you guys
go be an incel somewhere this is a thread for beautiful college age people
You should really finish school. You are both wrong. I'm not trolling, but keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
You must be newfag. People were shilling this album here few months ago nonstop. Looked like they were trying to turn this album into a meme here so it backfired.
And it's garbage, Brokencyde for zoomers.
is this an actual honest attempt?
yea sry sweety, this album is strictly for fun people not grumpy Yas Forumscels like yourself
>so it backfired.
>Gecs are on world tour
I've been here for like 8 years dude, maybe I just didn't pay attention but I swear to god it wasn't this bad last year.
100 gecs is a good band. Unironically yall are hating and need to just listen to the album because it's really good.
ignore them theyre just seething cuz gecs is the most famous band on earth rn
Not for everyone, I wouldn't doubt the people hating it actually listened to it (aside from the usual Yas Forums tourists hating on it because it has a tranny), I mean it's to be expected given the nature of the album and discussion of it would be way fun if it was more people like this instead of (obvious Yas Forumscel tourist)
Return to reddit, abomination.
By "backfired" I meant that people got fed up with this shit and started to insult 100gecs and posters that were spamming the album.
>Return to reddit, abomination.
back to /rdoanld you fat no fun having LOSER
>Not for everyone
Are you serious? The absolute state of this fucking place.
When did Yas Forums became a Twitter colony?
Fuck man I love the album but I think I'm gonna start filtering these threads, you Yas Forums people are embarassing and insufferable. Enjoy LARPing as a nazi until you realize it's too late and find out you ended up alone with no friends.
Yeah yeah the absolute state twitter blah blah, you still don't fit in. Go back.
go back to your safe space, incel
You are not welcome here, queer. Take your estrogen filled garbage and shove down your throat along with your redditor friends.