What do latinas listen too?

what do latinas listen too?

Attached: latina.webm (640x800, 580.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shitty reggaeton

This, pop rap or country

My shitty pickup lines

me grunting like a dying hog as i pump my toxic load in her

Chad's balls slapping against their ass

Attached: 1566687601323.png (320x149, 83.88K)

border patrol gunfire

digits and she dies of the coronavirus

what does digits mean?
sorry >newfag here

okay so can someone post her name already?

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What a vile skank.

is there any other kind?

reggaeton is awesome


someone needs to study based neeko and take the beanerpill

not really

post her name

post her name

post her name.

post her name

post her name

post her name.

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not

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kimono post her name

Attached: kimonoflashescropped.jpg (1761x1788, 1.07M)

live your backwater shithole in yokel county Tennessee before you overdose on Garth Brooks you McDonalds worshipping inbreed


wetback btfo and sent back to r/eddit

what's her name?

seriously, what's her name?

Every time someone argues with me on Yas Forums i remember that there are actually people who post on this board who haven't creampied a petite latina girl between 18-23

thank god i didn't miss that boat

Attached: rip.jpg (250x232, 4.9K)

that one fucking drum beat on EVERY latin song. Why the fuck is it in every single one?
bum dudu bum da
ad infinitum. Fuck off just play a differerent beat for once


I'm actually Hispanic myself

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OP made this webm themself. Let that sink in.

Shitty post-hardcore a-la pierce the veil


in my experience they listen to mainstream rap. if they're mexican they list to norteno and/or rancheras too

naw im really not. At a certain point of getting into deeper electronic stuff, specifically DJ mixes, dancehall ends up poppin up a lot. Dancehall and reggaeton got pretty similar rhythms. There's lots of super weird grimy reggaeton out there, that DJ Playero mix is basically where it all started.

Back in like middle school I remember being super annoyed by reggaeton cuz ITS ALL THE SAME BEAT, but you might eventually realize how awesome the production can be

maybe scope this, pretty true to reggaeton but gettin a bit experimental


this man is reaching levels of horny we may have never seen before. Please give him this info

ok, it sunk in, now what?

Attached: better quality.webm (640x800, 939.48K)

She's not that hot actually

yeah, good luck with that, she's a local in my town, the chances of you finding out her name are pretty nil.

lol let's see your idea of hot, incel

are you from Spain?

>larping this hard


Not just any Chicago, 80's Chicago

sure thing user

Attached: received_782084865335643.jpg (640x1136, 70.72K)

>tattoos the same
>they are the same girl

forget it then. I don't care anymore. she ugly.

gimme an L!
gimme an A!
gimme an R!
gimme a P!

Attached: che.jpg (1280x720, 82.14K)

if he replies to this bait my faith is absolutely gone

seethe user seethe

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orbiters are worse than trannies

I used to be a Trump voter but fuck it let the qts in the country

what bait? she's an ugly spic after all. at first I got Paz de la Huerta vibes but that crystal clear pictures sort my horny mind out.

more proof lol. uggo puggo. I've fucked girls hotter than this and I'm no sight to see either.

this and retarded spanish hip hop with latin rhythms
also normiecore like Bohemian Rhapsody (their knowledge of Queen stops there), also 90s boy bands for the ironic nostalgia factor (at least millennial latinas), also shitty top 40 club hits

be honest, how ugly are you?

Attached: received_782085338668929_1.jpg (600x980, 83.47K)

i too am ugly and have fucked at least two hotter

Mexicans don't look like that at all. You are attracted to these pictures of this girl because she has European features. She's probably from Spain/Portugal/Argentina etc. Mexicans are short, fat, and ugly. They look like short fat little troll dolls.

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Pic related: Amerikkka's future

Attached: 1512441430914.jpg (941x640, 194.48K)

i would butt fuck either of them after an INTENSE shower and i mean with antibacterial soap scrubbing them raw

it's clearly the present since there's an existing pic of it

explain this


fpbp, I fucking hate how tides have turned. Multiculturalism literally killed music.


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>all of America is San Bernardino
nope. not yet. and that's the point.

>short, fat, and ugly
>projecting this hard
Shut up you jealous burger, try not to fall from your mobility scooter

Do Americans find this attractive?
She's ugly as fuck


>not abnormally short
>not abnormally fat
>not abnormally ugly

you're just denying facts at this point. of course there are hot Mexicans, but they are the minority and it's because of their european DNA. the average Mexican looks like this

Attached: 1421446811102.jpg (400x336, 27.69K)

hope sandoval is peak mexican girl

and peak is not normal. Mexicans overwhelmingly don't look this.

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sorry to break it to you but she is mexican, cope harder.
that wasn't me, must have been someone else, she's pretty famous locally for being a huge slut and having an onlyfans and whatnot so it doesn't really surprise me to see that.

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