/prod/ "keep it alive" - edition

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Post what you're looking for in feedback. Be specific if possible.
GIVE feedback to GET feedback.

Post WIP's on Clyp.it or Vocaroo

DO NOT link to Soundclouds, Bandcamp, or YouTube etc- there are dedicated threads for posting them and anything resembling self promotion will result in bad feedback.

Old >>>?

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Other urls found in this thread:


not this shit again


Seems like nobody /prod/ucing anymore ...


I love this track. and he only used a old 80s keyboard and effects pedals


thread's gonna die in about 3 hours.

Has anyone tried the MPX8?

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took this sample clyp.it/i3lkvlui from the last thread and turned it into this loop:


Rekindled my producing flame by getting my first hardware! Have been ITB for 10 years, now bought Digitakt and a Boog.
The Digitakt is a lot of fun, 100% convinced to keep this little sucker.
Not totally sure with the Boog yet. It sounds really nice but doesn't have a lot of sonic range. For the price, I might just keep it for basslines and the occasional lead.
In any case, I need a fucking poly now. DeepMind 12D is insane price/value, but the Novation Peak seems super versatile. Thanks for reading my blog!

if you could record samples from a line input and sequence them on a loop it would be perfect

if you would be so kind


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I like the idea behind it. But it is not suitable for headphones w/o bass-support. There is something missing in the lower fequencies (above that almost sub-bass that grunts around).

Anyone own this book? Would you recommend it for an experienced producer? It looks well-written but I really don't need to be told how oscillators work or what a compressor is for the 1000th time, I'm more looking for something that can help with sound design, song structure etc

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No but I've looked into it and apparently it's buggy as fuck. Could be cool as extra voices for an octatrack/digitakt though

i feel like dance music production advances so fast a book about it would become obsolete within a couple of months

Ain't there the possibility at amazon to look into the book? You could look into the ToC. Or maybe it is at books.google.com?

There's a few preview pages on amazon, but it's hard to tell what the 'simple stuff I already know/actually useful tips' ratio is just from that

Do you already own some books about the matter? If not it might be a reasonably good purchase.

So what. Then someone opens a new one.

I own the 2nd edition of Dance Music Manual, which is alright but feels very dated (the screenshots appear to have been taken in windows 95) and the way it's written is like a science textbook, not very inspiring. For £20 maybe I should just take the plunge and find out for myself, I've spent more on VSTs that I never really used


> vocaroo.com/jEzOQF0dBoG

po-12 plus some shitty legowelt samples, done in an hour

Is there a way to know where it's available in brick and mortar bookstores?
If your country isn't quarantined yet you could go and see it IRL.
Perhaps you could send them an email asking about it.

around 0:11 something is out of tune. Apart from that it sounds interesting enough to me.

Does anyone here use Metropolis Ark libraries?

I can't figure out why some of the instruments are forced to be monophonic, while others have polyphony. For example, the "Strings High Legato 8va" instrument can only play one note, while the "Strings High Sustains 8va" is polyphonic. I haven't been able to find any option in the library or Kontakt's settings that changes this or indicates what the difference is.

Loading several of the monophonic instruments as a multi and trying to play them doesn't work, and neither does loading several Kontakt instances and assigning them to a single Layer in FL Studio (so I can play them in one piano roll) . The only option is using three separate piano rolls to play three notes at the same, which is fucking retarded.

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>decided to start producing to get some skills besides fapping with both hands
>bought a controller 2 weeks ago before the country went on lockdown
>don't know if it's going to be delivered when it's available
Clicking to make beats is a fucking pain in the ass holy shit

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So I want to get a Novation Circuit, how do I hook up a microphone into the system without a computer?

>Blames the tools
Just make the beat, cringelord

three notes at the same time*

can i get some feedback please

99% of EDM out there is cookie cutter.
That's why people hate my music,
I'm actually trying to change the
genre up instead of pooping while
listening to kicks hit on 1 and 3 saying
"yup! that's finished!".

Alright, here's what's really going to help you: Polyrhythms are more important than you beginner producers think. You think"duhh Im st00pid so I du kick one 1 and snare on da 3, yay!" But that's pathetic. Man up and experiment with legitimate beats and rhythms. You should learn about Complex Flow. It's an important aspect to enjoyable beats. Once you man up and start trying to create something great instead of something that will go "viral" (which NEVER do, if that's what you aim for... HA!) But whatever, I can rant to you all day and you'll still be making generic beats.

Btw I'm DJ Dubbi so you can be confident my advice is good.

YU goddammened impostor I told everyone I end my presence here but I hate when some bastard bothers others in my name.

Beat is great. There could be more stuff above it. Maybe something more fragile, spheric?


any tips on getting a similar vintage sci fi sounding synth arpeggio like so:

sounds like one of those modular bird machines

LOL you're getting a little upset I put a rookie in their place? You'll make it absolutely nowhere in the music industry if you have a thin skin like that .

Fake. Dubbi never used a trip

Ignore this retard there -> Everyone replying to a troll feeds him. He can only derail the thread if we let him by giving him the attention hes whoring for. If we ignore him, he either shuts up or does shit that justifies a report.

bout to hire a mixer and masterer

this shit is killing my passion. I don't enjoy it.

how do i get the sampler to only play a sample as long as its triggered in the piano roll and not play the whole thing

i.e, play a sample at one step on the piano roll and it does the same as if i player the sample for a whole bar

Yes I used it for a couple of months as my primary beginners sample player/audio source and it's definitely not worth it unless you're completely new to the concept of
>pressing button = making sound

They usually go for about 30-40 bucks and its a sample player without a sequencer, so you're going to have to get some old drum machine for it anyway (I had an alesis sr16 which did sequence the mpx8 fine but i've tried sequencing it with a dr202 and it just wouldn't work what so ever), so you're going to need a sequencer for it anyways at which rate will run you a hundred bucks total.

The mpx16 is slightly better, and imo is okay if you can get it for 100 bucks, BUT you still need a sequencer for it which will bring you again up to 160 bucks at which rate you should be looking at Electribe's, the MPC500 or the SP505 or even rackmounts if you've got the space.

To answer your question, fuck the MPX8, get a volca sample instead.

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My tiny ass pocket hardware setup.

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>disregarding advice because it isn't "good job!"

Oneshot vs gate trigger/hold?

micro br is shockingly still good compared to its modern day counterparts it's weird

would you consider anything about this track to be indicative of mental instability?


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>made my first vaporwave track
>realize it isn’t vaporwave
At least I learned how to split things in Reaper
Next track will be learning to sample full drumbeats
After than comes learning to trigger them with midi

step by step my dude, every track is a lesson

I need to learn how to write in midi rolls next too!
I was only able to get instruments going by dragging the midis generated by a drum plugin to other instruments
I’m hoping I idiot-savant something nice out of all this

Not at all. I gotta leave now, time for a killing spree ...

You should call it "2 and half a minute in the head of a batman villain".


I tried to make a intro theme for a tv news show. How did I do?

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I have a copy. I like it but I'm not experienced.
Just spent the last few hours puking but I'm around now if you'd like me to get it out and try to answer some of your questions.

light, airy, thin, sparkly
think pads, choirs, high gentle arps

>go to studio
>record ep
>get mixes back
>sounds like shit
>out $500

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absolutely could work but to me it sounds more like the no-name studio intros you see on 90's straight to VHS action flicks.

Got played sucker
Get gud

just get dubbi to do it for free lmao

Does anyone know where to get those early 2000s hard techno/hardstyle kick samples?

A good example is the Importer Kick in FL Studio.

m a k e i t y o u r s e l f


Thanks. Are there any sources on how to make kicks from scratch in general?

there are like 1000000+ on youtube because they're so goddamn easy to make

tl;dw is think of the "click" + body
very fast pitch envelope, for the click, obviously a quickish decay on the amplitude.
As a beginner it might take a while to master but once you get it you'll be able to crank them out like nothing

That's what I figured. I've been doing hardstyle/hardcore kicks for a while so I wanted to spice things up + wanting to spread out my music too.

Thanks,a non.

Why is my input volume so low?
In this screenshot i'm speaking directly into the microphone from 1-2 cm away with the input gain on my interface cranked up to max. Yet it only reaches like -18dB.

Is this normal? Using a ShureSM57 dynamic microphone and Scarlett 2i4 interface. I know dynamic mics are used to record hot audio sources too, but i thought they were also used for recording acoustic guitars and pianos? If i were to play anything but extremely loud the input level would probably be -36dB at which point there'll be a super loud noise floor if i crank the gain up in the DAW which i'd have to EQ out and i don't think i should have to do that.

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