Do you ever feel like you'll never make music with any weight to it?

do you ever feel like you'll never make music with any weight to it?
my favorite albums just feel like such a giant musical responsibility from the songwriting perspective. Especially when I start getting into a song I realize how deeply woven and intentional everything is. I can write songs fine but all my songs feel like scraps and flakes compared to the heavily risky and full songwriting that they do.

I am absolutely not talking about music theory, I probably know more music theory than 95% of the musicians I'm thinking about right now. I'm not talking about technical ability either, just pure songwriting magic it seems.

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then get better at songwriting.

I never will. I feel like I come up with decent ideas in my head but don't have the skill or patience to execute them.

>do you ever feel like you'll never make music with any weight to it?
yes and i don;t core, i'm content making a couple of tracks that i think are cool for [esfores] collab albums every three months and i don't really have any need for anything more

Its even more frustrating when you cant produce a sound thats good enough. My closest path to producing whats in my head is playing jazz guitar which I'm getting a bit better at.

But I wanna sing, I wanna play piano well. I guess I just join the tide that learns to appreciate the greats.

i can write songs with weight to em.

just dont have the means to record them and no one to play with to flesh out the songs. so all i have are little phone recordings of what they should sound like and i listen to what they could be in my head.

my motivation to even play anymore drained near entirely after 10 years of this. its really embittering considering how good i got and how much money i spent.

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>how much money I spent
>10 years
>phone recordings
You're spending your money on the wrong things m8.

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well i wouldnt spend any real money on recording materials if i dont have anyone to play with. i cant drum, i only play guitar and bass. dont know how to add reverb to my vocals and all i have is an SM-57 and an alesis multi mix, and REAPER. i dont think i ever bothered with those 3 because reaper confused me.

Buy a good PC, a $70 midi controller, a $100 mic, and then pirate a DAW. You don't need to drum but you should learn how to at least play the fugging keyboard, if you know any music theory, and if you play guitar you should at least know the major scale, it shouldn't be too difficult.

i can chicken pick keyboards, i dont think i can learn to properly play the piano but i have one in the house, out of tune. i've always wanted a electronic keyboard to fuck, i dont know music theory its for stuck up faggots. i learned by ear. i play minor scale mostly. melancholy is my specialty. i posted nick drake for a reason in that regard.

to fuck with** lmao

You think Nick Drake didn't know music theory? he tuned his guitar differently in almost all his songs and they weren't random tunings either.

post vocaroos.

my entire setup is p cheap, you could easily make it work. even with your mom's wage.

Yes, all the time.

i learned nick drake songs perfectly by just tuning to his tunings, im good at learning by ear.

CGCFCE, capo off for some, capo at 3 for one song, capo at 2 for most songs in that tuning, capo at 4 for the demo version of some songs,

BEBEBE for a few, capo at 1 for from the morning.

standard tuning for the rest that i know how to play, capo either at 5 or 2 for the songs. i know my drake. i autismed his shit when i found out about him.

so? I'm not disagreeing that nick knew music theory, I'm saying that's not a good warrant. New tunings are actually a good way for guitarists to stop thinking theoretically and let their fingers show them something new.

The minor scale is the major scale, it's the 6th mode of the major scale.

interesting. shows how much i know of music theory. everyone i ever played with was classically taught and INSISTED i learned it. nothing ever worked out becuase all the "band practices" were just them trying to teach me ABCDEFG. all i needed was tabs but all they wanted to do was shout NOW ITS F# THEN A B during playing like i'd get it after a single 5 minute run down without even knowing how to play the songs themselves because they never wanted to take the time to show me what they were playing. all 3 people got flustered when i asked them to write tabs or even just play it for me so i could watch their hands. none of them play anymore either, ironically.

Music theory is easy, all you need to know is the major scale, every chord and scale and everything in music theory is based off of it.

its not easy when you already know how to play guitar and can do everything a scale would offer. i know tabs and learning something new would just be unnecessary. and i dont get why people hate writing tabs, i dont know if i just been writing them for so long im fast at it but its not that hard.

That's not how it works because you don't even know what you're playing. You couldn't even transcribe one of your own songs into a different key because you don't even know what your own song is. You couldn't play in a band either, because when someone tells you they're in E phrygian and they're playing the 1 5 2 you would be completely lost. You're just lazy.

It's not THE major scale, tonal center matters a lot but it's the same thing but looking at it from a different perspective so it completely changes its effect.

It is THE major scale. The tonal center just changes what mode it is. but it's still the same major scale. The minor scale is just the 6th degree of THE major scale.

see thats what im talking about when i call music theory snobs massive faggots.

first of all why would i need to change the key of a song if its already written? and your whole second point falls flat could just write a tab. you're lazy.

that whole situation sounds retarded. I play by ear as well but theory isnt for just for fags. and i know classical guitarists that prefer tabs because standard notation cant be as literal. also it is hard to ignore theory when playing a keyboard because it is a visual representation of a scale.
do you use a pen and regular piece of paper to write tabs though?

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Yeah, because your saxophone player totally reads tab. Your keyboardists totally reads guitar tab. You are a useless musician.

i print out tab sheets

i hope you have enough for everyone.

what kind of music do you think im playing lol. i was in a metal band that loved primus and folk metal when i was a death/black metal guy and then a band with people who just "did whatever man" when i asked them if they wanted to make an indie rock project like DIIV. when they came over they wanted to play reggae and funk and lynryd skynard covers. last time they came over they just plugged in and started playing without even saying hi. i just sat there and let them play.

i do

my mum likes my music at least and apparently so do ~500 people too,

keep practicing and learning m8, you don't even need lyrics, let the instrumentals do the talking

They probably didn't need the input from someone who doesn't even know major intervals. They did a better job without you.

is it literally unfeasible for there to be sax and keyboard in a primus loving metal band? you are mentally blocked. stop eating pizza pockets. learn the universal language of music if your serious about playing with other musicians

pirate some Daw and as you mentioned, you know music theory pretty well so you could make nice melodies and rhythms

they stopped playing too. you just want (you)s


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That means its is the minor scale.
True its comprised of the same notes but you cant just say the minor scale is the major scale, the minor scale is the aeolian (6th degree) mode of the major scale. One doesnt say that dorian is the major scale, you can obtain dorian from the major scale but that doesnt make them the same.

keep your pants on. shit like this is why our little friend carries a sack of tab sheets with him at all times

They are still the same scale, the c major scale has all the same notes as the A minor, D dorian, G mixolidian etc. The tonal center is the only difference. And sometimes when you're just a solo acoustic player it's hard to write a song with a tonal center. Usually the bass player fixes that.

they call me the tax man because of it.

If you are unwilling to learn new things you are not a good musician or instrumentalist. You should always be identifying aspects of your playing you can expand and improve otherwise you’re going to play things that come from an extremely similar base. I think the people you’ve played with are in the right in this case man

Shill your music in SoundCloud threads man :)

you havent read anything about who i've played with beyond the bands they like and the fact they wanted me to learn music theory.

i already know how to play. tell me why i need music theory?

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the homos talking about modes are basically passionately debating whether caitlyn jenner should be called he or she.
most people just memorize the notes on the first two strings. you'll notice some patterns after that

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It's not our job to make you a good guitarist dude.
Stay a bad one for all we care.

good = knowing theory?

we're all on lockdown man is this really how you spend your time? i cant think you'd be getting enjoyment out of this beyond a satisfaction seeing the (you)

Basic music theory is both easy to learn and makes your ability to communicate ideas and get on the same page musically a breeze. I think the real question is why are you so vehemently opposed to learning?

its unnecessary if i already know my way around the fretboard and can create songs without using theory. what use does theory have at that point?.

beethoven wasnt a fucking retard. why are you so reluctant to learn about something you are passionate about? you might expand your horizons and become a more confident and interesting musician. its common for metal composers to have classical pretensions
post vocoroo sample of how good you are sans theory

I literally answered your question in the post you responded to at this point I’m just going to be talking in circles. Good luck making music happen for you man it doesn’t seem like it’s going to

i play shit like burzum, nick drake, and DIIV. beethoven is unrelated to my style and so is theory.

and have a gander. tabs for a song minus the variations on the 2nd verse, and what the second guitar is doing over the rhythm (which is what you are looking at)

ability to communicate ideas. thats it?

write a fucking tab you couch potato.

Fishing for (you)s is trolling to get a response from many different people. I'm only talking to you. I'll get one (you) at best. Learn how Yas Forums works. also learn basic music theory. It'll take like one youtube video.

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i dont underestimate the faggotry this website can produce. you've been banal since the begging over learning music theory like i want to create a symphony.

>he’s one of the fags where you have to tell him “open on the thickest string, then the third fret, then the fifth fret” instead of just “E, G, A”

people always talk about theory “ruining creativity” but one of its best uses is to just be able to communicate musical ideas to other people in a much more efficient way

its much easier and faster to look at a tab

are people just playing single notes on one string? low effort. look at my tab and see if you can just say E F G and have someone shit that out on the spot with just 3 letters and no other knowledge.

It's not about creating a symphony. Hell some of them completely ignore everything. But I can write a song in literally 2 seconds. "give me a song now" "Ok it's in D 1 6 2 5 3". And everyone will know how to play the song just from hearing that one sentence. Every person you work with will know how to play it.

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people learn by ear too you know. if you want strictly people who know how to do that instantly and are on your exact page down to the sentence then you are going to have a bad time finding people. not everyone spent years learning how to do that. this is why music theory fags are so stuck up.

If you seriously think real musicians are explaining shit to eachother in terms of tabs only youre either underage or retarded. It’s also more than that. Music theory will make your ideas grow and expand and you can come up with more sophisticated (not even necessarily more complex) chord progressions and harmonies if you let it be part of the process

You can learn by ear but you don't know what you're learning. Example: If you are so good at ear learning to the point where you know what an A note sounds like without playing it, not learning what keys A is in, is just asinine and lazy and a waste of talent.

so you have to input rhythms into this? thats related to theory.

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when you're doing specific rhythm guitar parts like that it is probably better to use tabs, but if someone suggests playing lead in dorian instead of aeolian, it wouldn't make sense to have to write the whole thing out as a tab

real musicians understand not everyone was taught music theory and will write a tab for someone who cant just immediately know every single note to play in a complex song just by hearing "its in D, 1 6 5 2 3 6"

see this is where tab comes in or simply playing it in front of the person. if you arent willing to show someone how to play your song you are lazy and just expect someone to read your mind.

burzum and DIIV do not account for the whole second half of your argument. go listen to what the style is im making. im having trouble finding like minded musicians who want to play the same genre. not learning music theory. ive only played with music theory snobs. the whole point of my comments.

OP thinks he is a renegade crusading against theory and we are retards for engaging with him i am sorry for myself

i just noodle on my own until something sounds good then i write it down into a tab sheet.

>expecting someone to know where an F# is on a guitar
>music theory snob

why even tab it? why not just record it and build on it from there?

i never ran into any problems learning a song by ear and never needed to find out what key its in. i either look up the tab, listen to a song enough times to -get it-, or i look at live performances if available and just see what they are doing. im having trouble figuring out why exactly thats so abhorrent to you.

basically your like an illiterate person driving a car my dude. yeah you can find your way around by memory or exploration or if someone shows you the way but wouldn't it be easier if you could read the street signs?

you can say "6th string 3rd fret"

Same. He’s got a good (you) crop planted here but he isn’t infuriating enough to get actual big based retard replies. Just like in music OP is a shitty half baked shitposter only realizing a fraction of his true potential

I spent $25k on my 1964 stratocaster. Playing it here, not even that good at guitar. Problem?

Just to add something interesting.
Other modes dont have a center of gravity as strong as major and minor.

The reasoning is kinda complicated but I can go into it. Essentially the other modes dont have their own functional harmony, as a matter of fact minor doesnt really have great harmony either which is what forms the divide between tonal and modal music. I'd be happy to talk more about this if anyone is curious because its one of my favorite topics.

Follow the Beatles method.
Start with simple songs and move your way up into more experimental territory.

if i ever forget what exactly im playing i dont have to listen to it a bunch of times to figure out what im playing again. i can just...look at the tab

writing something is permanent unless it burns and a file can be corrupted. a memory can be forgotten but you can always look at a tab and the notes below it to remember a song you've written 10 years ago yet never recorded it.

Naw I'm just astonished by the waste of instrument and money, enjoy the instrument though I guess man.

Why would you though if you can just say F#? You're calling the people who actually took time to learn the proper names for things lazy when you're the one not willing to put the effort into learning the most basic shit

like a tab? lmao

i just dont want to learn theory. i dont have to. who says im crusading against it? who says im OP?

nah a tab is more like a map drawn on a napkin. sorry youre lazy

there are many F sharps on the fretboard. which one? which string, high or low?

or maybe its the map itself. or the GPS since its 2020. silence yourself.