
Metallica’s best album, Ride the Lightning in close second.

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Master > AJFA > Ride > Kill ‘Em All

Master’s good, but it’s still overrated. Kill ‘Em All > Ride > AJFA > Master > Hardwired > Magnetic > Black > Reload > Anger > Load is the full list for me, but the first 4 are still all masterpieces, and the 5th is close.

kill em all is mediocre. dave made it acceptable as a historical megadeth album stepping stone.

ride, master, and justice are the only great metallica albums. death magnetic and S&M can also be considered -good-

Based shit take poster

RTL is definitely their best but Kill 'Em All is the album that got me into metal and is still my favorite

Give me thrash that comes from the most violent/shitty places on earth. I want music made by kids who have a reason to be angry and aggressive.

but california / san francisco is a 3rd world shithole

nah people in areas like that don't have access to or don't care about music in such a way

Nice! Upvoted

Seek and Destroy is even more boring than Escape or Frayed Ends


frayed ends is based

Frayed Ends is fucking based

No it's not

Awful takes. Justice sucks my fat cock

jason? is that you?

t. pleb

my thrash album heaviness tier list, what do you think?

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No Jason is a little submissive bitch that says the album is perfect as is.
try harder

Agent orange above Seven Churches and Hell Awaits?

Alright, Ill change that, that was the most complained one.

First four albums are all GOAT and should be listened to in proper chronological order.

how about now

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you should swap peace sells with for whose advantage and push hell awaits to the top because its nearly black metal.

Thrash sucks

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leaving peace sells, but Hell awaits goes up.

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ah you know what, on second thought peace sells does belong there. good charting


Kill Em All's production and mixing sucks and Hetfield sounds like a child and his vocals arent fully developed yet. Must be a hipster thing to say its their best album.

Why do you think the mixing of it sucks?
And speaking of production, why is the bass guitar so buried on so many Metallica songs? Songs like Ride the Lightning or Fade to Black have quite a few bass fills that you can barely hear even if you know where/what notes they are.

>putting The Ultra-Violence in Radio Friendly
>Not putting Razor at the top
user why?

I get that you are trying to denounce Metallica as pleb-friendly (which it kinda is, unarguably) but come the fuck on, Artillery is way softer.


"Hey Jason, we're gonna turn down your bass because Lars wants his drumming to be heard more"
Fuck this album. A bigger shitstorm than the Black Album ever was

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AJFA>Master>RTL>Kill em All>Black>Hardwired everyting else is trash is the patrician opinion

So Brazil.

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Morbid Saint and Demolition Hammer deserve their own tier. They made some of the angriest fucking thrash I've ever heard.

Based album. The vocals were a huge turn-off at first, but they've grown on me.

Best Anthrax album.

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The Ultraviolence should move up at least one tier imo. Mostly because of this song

i guess so, this band would have done so much better if they had a different name, death angel implies that they are super heavy, when in reality they were reaching for the casual melodic side.

The name is great, they just broke a little too late and were too young to be fully taken seriously. That and iirc something about a car accident after Act III that completely fucked their career trajectory for a while

So close, RTL and KEA just need to switch places.

This should be in Are You Man Enough tier.

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>Slayer above Razor
>Sadus above Razor
>Dark Angel above Razor
Razor is way heavier than Slayer and Dark Angel and at very least on par with Sadus.

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Do you count this as thrash?

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>Artillery is way softer
listen to terror squad

Metallica is shit and is literal poser metal.

They pioneered the genre, dumbass. They're not the heaviest at all but they wrote great thrash songs

>to heavy

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nah man, trying to recommend this band to people who like the megadeth end of thrash but not the slayer end is really difficult.

Vio-lence is not that heavy, i'd put them in Too Heavy / Progressive for Radio teir.

That album isn't that would probably go in Too Heavy / Progressive for Radio teir, they had a different sound for their first two albums
But Violent Restitiution I might put up one.

the teir list maker only had one album per band though.

I still don't understand why they'd sabotage their own recording - the representation of the band itself - by doing something so childishly stupid. That album sucks because the sound is complete crap. It's only second to St. Anger, which they also did on purpose.

They don't even count as interesting. Or really that good.

alright fuckers its time to settle this once and for all
what is the best dtl album?

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I disagree. Though, I can't say I like any full album by them. It's weird because I *like* them, but not enough to really get into them. That said, I'd vote Among The Living. It has three really, really good songs

The one they never put out.

I don't get how anyone could think Reload is better than Load

>thrash thread
>posts shitty black metal

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Kill them all through AJFA were tops. The States had a Zepp of their own. Everything after was dumbed down for fags like you so you could pretend to get metal.

god you guys are such dorks
