Go to a party with my late teens-mid-20s peers

>go to a party with my late teens-mid-20s peers
>have actual fun
>this album clicks instantly


(incoming tranny obsesseed closet cases)

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Other urls found in this thread:


You post about this album 10 times a day and you actually expect us to believe you go party

Nobody who actually parties holds parties to this high of a level you're just a fucking insecure idiot who's never emotionally progressed past high school

it's just brokencyde with distortion

I'm certain if you played gecs at an average normie house party you totally wouldn't be called a weird faggot

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sounds pretty cool to me

>brokencyde bad
back to RYM tranny

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As a straight man, I want to make love to a transgender woman. Like, a cute transgender chick. I'm a pretty big dude (6'1'', 180, all muscle) and I just want to wrap my arms around around her small, trembling body, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, and feel her lower back, and look in her beautiful hazel eyes.

I still fucking hate this album.

Same as if you did that in 2012 with Death Grips but now they are common place now.

Lol gay

never said brokencyde was bad, just that this album is not very groundbreaking

>Same as if you did that in 2012 with Death Grips but now they are common place now.

You're literally a 14 year old fantasizing about the day you finally have cool hipster friends in uni if you think people play Death Grips at parties

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What music in the last 5 years do you consider groundbreaking

what said

Dude Death Grips isn't obscure anymore

>band x is simlar to band y

ok and

They never were

People don't listen to them at parties though.

>6'1 180 lis big

i'm 5 foot fucking 8 and 180lb pure muscle and i'm not big by any measure other than compared to normies. try eating food when you lift.

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Go out in public and ask random people who death grips are.


>thinks 180lbs is big at any height above 5'6
so it's established that you are LITERALLY a retard.

none in particular

I'M delusional?

>thing that didn't happen: the post

i can only imagine how cringe your parties are if gecs is anywhere near the playlist.


>their concerts are verifiably filled with normal college aged white kids having fun. On video.

Uuuhhh.. oops.

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He didn't say he played them at a party you retards. Read the post again

a few avant-teens at a concert is not indicative of the average party.

You literally can't even see anybody there

>There are even far fewer people recording the show than usual concerts, just pure fun-having

My god. At last I truly see.

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Imagine being a fucking tranny. Mentally ill subhuman filth despised by its parents, spending the little time before inevitable suicide by attention whoring for a few (you)s with this garbage music. Everytime you feel down, remember that at least you aren't a pathetic tranny.

>white hipsters
Yeah no shit

Explain how lol
oh you can't because you don't go to parties.


this will be my last reply to you

>It's just one person making these threads
Yes. You are.

You literally can, every time a camera flashes. It's almost all white kids with normal clothes and haircuts.


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(and by the way, name a musical genius that wasn't mentally ill.)

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normal people's parties are playing travis, kanye, uzi, migos, thugger, etc., not the shit you see in Yas Forums chart threads.

>they're genuinely having fun insteadd of pretending

Well, i guess you tried. Maybe lurk a little longer though.

>when a tranny filth replies to you hoping for a pity (you)
Fucking gross, I'm leaving this shit of a thread and taking a shower.

ok, dude. I doubt anyone ITT is an unironic tranny desu.

>normal people's parties are playing travis, kanye, uzi, migos, thugger, etc., not the shit you see in Yas Forums chart threads.

This poster actually believes he's fooling people who actually go to parties. Let that sink in.

Almost every party is comprised of local artists assuming your city isn't dog shit and doesn't have a music scene

Consider this next time you lie to random strangers you think are stupid

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I doubt they actually played gecs at a party
cool story bro

>I'm leaving this shit of a thread
okay kid lol


yeah, you are having to guess since you haven't gone to one.

Imagine literally outing yourself on accident LMAO

it doesn't. fucking. get old.

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I'm not the one making the threads fucking retard. I'm telling them to fuck off. What the fuck are you talking about?

>I'm not the one making the threads fucking retard. I'm telling them to fuck off. What the fuck are you talking about?

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maybe that's what you do at your reddit meetups, but normal people are playing hype shit, not Yas Forumscore.

>Why yes, I AM a 100 Gecs fan, how could you tell?

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You.. you'are actually doing it. you're trying to convince people you aren't a shut-in.

>d-dude reddit
>h-hype shit
>l-local music acts = Yas Forumscore (??????????)

Seek professional help.

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that's highly irresponsible you're going to spread the virus

You accidentally posted a picture of a gec-hater lol

Trannies are gross

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>dude trannies
>dude reddit

Attached: gecs hater.gif (224x224, 3.8M)

Haha my bad dude, you are right. I must have misclicked, lmao. Here's the real pic.

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It's very obvious that the shilling for 100 Gecs here comes either from one of the band members or someone who is close to them.

Attached: 58e4e0afa7f3ced2a91a109fe8f1c67c.jpg (995x900, 125.36K)

>the a one hundred gec's - [420]BigChungusPenisMusic_xXxX
>paper magazine hack writer publicist: WhOa maN DaVid FoSTEr WaaLlAce BRO tHiS IS inCreDIBLe

Maybe. Or maybe it's just random faggot, tranny or whatever despicable creature attention whoring and using Gecs as avatar basically.

they make these threads for you. because you and your ilk are guaranteed replies.

i think he's a pol guy falseflagging actually

Either way OP is getting super heated over people calling bullshit on his little story lol

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OP here, I am neither. Guess you aren't as smart as you thought, tranny.

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>gets mad

>"n-no YOU'RE mad"


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So you are just falseflagging lol

What trait or behavior, specifically, am I projecting? i have videos/pictures of me at parties (including banging).

What, the professional help part? i get counseling eveyr 2 weeks

consider it, incel

OP here. I am a homosexual zoophile scat fetishist who wants to cut his penis off and glue it to my head to wear as a unicorn horn. The only way I can pay to fulfill my sick twisted highly specific fantasies is by shilling for the 100gecs online.

this "band" is dogshit