Is there a popular artist who is hated by surpsringly VERY few people?

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Yellow Magic Orchestra / Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Also, Bjork.

Weird, I came in to say Bjork
Also Kate Bush
People round here only like kooky female artists retrospectively once they've gone through the menopause for some reason. Maybe mummy issues

>Kate Bush
Huh, now that you say it I actually really don't know anyone hating them and I like them too.

>Yellow Magic Orchestra / Ryuichi Sakamoto.
good pic. id say kraftwerk as well.

Chief Keef

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They really polarized and you wouldn't believe how much flak they got for their musical experiments back then and their general use of electronic instruments and especially that robot meme thing they had going on.

yeah but everyone likes them nowadays, from normies who like catchy retro songs to avant-teens who get off on how influential and pioneering they were to boomers who are nostalgic for their sound

Depeche Mode

I wonder if this is true actually
They are basically the Beatles of synthpop in terms of consistency of quality and longevity, they put out like 7 or 8 back to back solid albums over 15 years
But probably some people are just like 'lol gay' (even though I don't think they were a gay band?)

Again, Kylie Minogue

Hardly anyone's listened to her only good album though

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>yeah but everyone likes them nowadays
Which is a shame because the 2 band members of worth and that were actually great left the band literally decades ago.

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The Ramones, Black Sabbath


Pink Floyd

I've never heard from anybody who HATES Outkast, personally.

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Based God is beloved by all

Talking Heads

So? Wasn't the question.
Despite, on her return following the same strategy as Miss Ciccione - pandering to the gay scene to build a strong core fanbase, and flooding the airwaves with vapid high concept dance pop, there's surprisingly little hate in the world for Kylie
(ignoring Nick Cave).
Must be because she's tiny and Australian.

Pink Floyd and Yes, mainstream prog gets a lot of love.

never came across someone who hates Jeff Buckley

Hi. I can't stand his voice. Actually, it's disgust if that counts as well. Turns me into a homophobe.

Weezer, U2, Nickelback, Coldplay, Oasis, Metallica come to mind.

nice b8
coldplay and oasis don't really belong there though
nickelback and u2 have so much haters it's a cliche meme at this point

In the 00s a lot of people thought Coldplay was pussy rock and shit like that. Their rep has improved though.

The U2 hate meme is wearing off the further we're removed from the Apple antics.
No one really hates Weezer except the Pinkerton/Blue die hards
Metallica hurt their rep a bit after the Napster shit and St Anger but no one cares now
Oasis were hated in the 90s for being arrogant but that's probably worn off with time too

Oh, they do. At least in Europe they do.

bowie has a pretty low amount of haters, especially compared to other classic rock icons like queen

I hate weezer.

I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Mount Eerie/The Microphones. Other bands would be Guided by Voices, The Minutemen and Dinosaur Jr.

Soft Machine are probably the most well-liked group on Yas Forums. Whenever I see Talk Talk (probably the second most well-liked group) there's always someone completely buttblasted, but the people who don't like the Machine are a lot more mellow about it.
And considering they're Arakicore there's surprisingly little attention given to them or their members (besides Wyatt) outside Yas Forums (not much here either).

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Bowie's pretty well liked but there's a few who get mad about the groupie thing (or they might be trolls). Never really hear anyone shit on his music ever though.

anyone getting mad about that on Yas Forums is 100% a concern troll. No-one here gives a shit about women.

Iggy too, never heard anyone hate on him

People despise Blackstar even though Dollar Days is my favorite song by him.

Scaruffi doesn't like him.
I will agree that Bowie and Dylan hate seems less common on here than Stones, Floyd, Beatles, Zep. They deserve the respect of course.

A lot of people love those bands obviously but I feel like you're more likely to see someone criticize them than Bowie or Dylan. There's always someone saying "zep stole music" or some shit for example.

yeah DM are mostly respected
ymo are great but idk if they're that big
bjork is mostly liked but not everyone's cup of tea
that's just Yas Forums contrarians. everyone loves floyd and beatles irl. most like stones and zep too.

Roxy Music

YMO are huge in Japan and any music nerd worth their salt knows them. Not mainstream in the West probably but they're a significant influence on synthpop. Sakamoto has done a lot of film soundtracks too.

I've only seen a handful of Fishmans haters here

I actually strongly dislike Outkast and I'm into hiphop (no, not zoomer trap)

Bowie and Dylan seem to escape the dadrock tag a little bit less here. Bit strange when all the other 60s-70s icons get thrown under it constantly. Probably because they were more artsy and changing their sound more.

call me when mick jagger makes something like station to station or blackstar

You're missing out buddy. The Stones had some good shit.

Also since you're a Bowie fanboy check this

haha that's pretty funny man but yeah i like the stones ok but bowie was doing so much more varied stuff throughout his career
stones never really left blues and country territory (ok maybe those disco records and satanic majesties)

Fair enough. What are you into?

Dylan constantly gets hated on in real life, which is what we're talking about I think since this is talk of popularity, in my experience. I'm the only person in my age group (early to mid 20s) I know who seems to have an appreciation for him in my social circles. Mostly just his voice or being old, but still.

definitely skew newer, lots of NY revival and new school NY rap, I also like a lot of stuff that's more more abstract and experimental, and then there's loads of random shit from all over the spectrum that I've picked up over the years. My blasphemous reason for not liking Outkast is for some reason Andre's voice has always annoyed me idk why.

yeah some people don't like his voice
prince is a good candidate for OP, never heard anyone hate his music

I loathe Kate Bush

>I have never heard anyone say anything bad about this music absolutely nobody listens
I wonder why

Neil Young

You are completely divorced from reality

a lot of people hate those lmao

Bowie is not dadrock. The men who listened to him back then have no children today, they were too busy taking it up the ass to think about women.

Mac Miller?

I hate all rap including him

metallica and weezer have a shit ton of haters wtf

Who really hates Weezer besides people who want them to go back to the 90s sound or people who think they're dork music to begin with?

I hate Bjork. Her voice is annoying as fuck.

>people who think they're dork music to begin with
a lot of people

Weezer are not even close to a good example. A lot of people don't like them because their post 00s work mostly sucks.

>just can't fist enuff, and I just can't fist enuff

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Came here to post this

ELO. Not hated and not loved.