
metal is inherently anime edition
Old: FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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First for Bongmang is based

Posting best my personal best deathcore bands

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Post quality band shirts.

Attached: Metallica_Up_Your_1__11917.1543094714.jpg (900x900, 71.84K)

Read something last thread about a Philly based Yas Forums black metal band?

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Middle jersey too. Would jam but corona.
Guess I’m just gonna one man burzum it until that clears up.

do it. some guy is making an album in his closet. he posted the other day, pic related.

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how do I get into black metal without being called a tourist by people on Yas Forums

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ayy lmao


Aye you did

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But it isn't inherently anime.

You read the sticky you bum ass nigga (and also tourist)

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Fuckface looked like THAT?

First for Jason Newsted being the only remotely likeable Metallica member

Attached: YuiFagBattlevest.jpg (1024x1045, 230.35K)

Easy. Don't tell people on Yas Forums you're trying to get into black metal.


I actually bought one of these when I was 18. Never wore it though lol.

YOu don't. It's shit and lacks melody and the only way black meta fans cope with having such shit taste is to call everyone who doesn't like it "tourists"

Trujillo seems like a pretty alright dude.

noooooo but POC noooooooooooooooo

You can check this out
Disregard the non bm albums

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It takes precisely zero effort to be that guy. How hard is it to never say anything remotely controversial and just be "that chill guy that gets along with everyone". I give no credit to that. You meet them in the workplace too. The embodiment of NPCs.

I like old man James

Hate all the classic Norwegian bands.

>Wolves in the throne room

are all the black metal you need

>black metal lacks melody
have you ever even listened to it


>if you're likeable then you're an NPC

Literal autism. He has good presence on stage, plays bass well, contributed to great albums before Metallica, and just comes across as an enjoyable person.

Have you ever even listened to the sound of two feral cats raping each other

You would enjoy him wouldn't you dirty boy

I'm not saying those are bad things, but it's not impressive if it's all based on flying under the radar

>25% of his list is Varg
tourist kek

>slamgaze is born

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is this the purest form of tourism?

Add one more burtzoom album because that list needs updating.

Don’t know why I took off under a funeral moon and panzerfaust yet kept transoyvanian hunger. Both albums clicked and hung trans de-clicked.

Singing about chubby chicks is based though.

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I don't hear the shoegaze in your link, but it kinda reminds me of a less dissonant, more melodic Jenovavirus.

Attached: Jenovavirus demo.jpg (300x300, 22.04K)

Just wait until you see d bonglord show up with his spicy chart

what the fuck is going on in that pic?

>not listening to slamwave

Is Type O Negative considered true black metal or tourist tier

type o negative is not black metal in the slightest

bongman's chart is patrician compared to that chart

Totally different genres though

who starts all those, >ugh, metal fanbase threads on Yas Forums, is it -core homos and hc kiddies?

do you guys have reviews on metal archives?

unironically /meal/

probably söyboys who listen to alt and indie rock

'cats fucking' is the go-to baseless music criticism from thought-terminating fluoride-brain tastelet normies

No one would ever call Type O Negative black metal, is this a poor troll?

this is listed as one of the worst tech death albums on rym

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Peter Steele looks much more like a vampire than any of your kvlt Norwegian pansies

What do you guys think Trey is doing right now at this very moment.

Reading this thread and jerking off.

you are so fucking gay


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Nah, it can't be them, core kiddies are right here in this thread and they don't hate metal nor are they thin skinned to cry about not being accepted to the cool kids club.
it's just a fag that wants to bait to piss someone off, who also seems to genuinely hate metal.

Pete Steele is my hero user, don't lump me in with these BM faggots

yeah it sucks

Any essential Tolkiencore, aside from the obvious (BG, Summoning)? Preferably stuff about Lost Tales, Silmarillion, HOME, the books rather than the movies.

Am I big enough...
For you?

here have a random list you might want to check out
>Desolate Shrine
>Grave Miasma
>Novae Militae
>Triumvir Foul
>Primitive Man

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i like the sound of this

Look at this crazy motherfucker with these middle school burns

Just riling the humorless retards a bit. I like Type O and Pete too

this is considered a tech death album?

Listen to Razor.

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Led Zeppelin I-IV

why are bands obsessed with Lord of the rings? it's cringe like DUDE WEED, read more books get creative for fucks sake

Razor is zappa-esque.

Attached: razor.jpg (736x730, 121.62K)

>t. söy

Yeah, the entire record is great

literally how
also without sheepdog they suck balls

Lord of the rings is great and all but yes it definitely is getting overused by faggots.

What is some /lit/ as fuck metal?

True but that's like reccing Metallica for Lovecraftcore.

ball sagoth

they are pretty amazing

they are boomer proto söy metal

you are wrong because you are a faggot

As much as I love Tolkien, you are right, it better honors his spirit to create your own lore, even your own words as he did.
Then again, the average metal band today is more likely to write a song that is blatantly about video games than one about any book. So my expectations are tempered a bit.



dang celtic frost? never heard of it