Has shit vocals

>has shit vocals
>"it's actually le quirky and unique that makes it great xD"
when will this meme end

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good vocals and maybe just stick to mac miller or whatever

nah shes a good singer she just sings with that tone and I happen to like it.
On the other hand I dont understand alice in chains or pearl jams singing styles.

she's a great singer
she even refined her voice on the whole of Have One On Me

>hasn't listened to her two most recent albums
you're missing out retard

>has shit vocals
>"it's actually le quirky and unique that makes it great xD"
>when will this meme end

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what a limited criterium you have. sad.

>has never listened to appalachian folk music
>dislikes anything that's not modern conventional
why are you on the music board?

The novelty of hearing this harpy pluck on strings gets very old 3 songs in. One of the main reasons why fanbase wise she's at the very bottom compared to the other 00s "alternate" girls.
Her biggest legacy will be that she's Mrs. Samberg, a little sad but definitely deserved.

am i supposed to know what the fuck that is

Big Simpin out here. Her voice is Lisa Simpson trash

well I'm not american and I guess you are so... yes?



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ok so congrats I guess you don't have to know anything at all

simps should be burned alive.

>shit vocals
She is objectively a good singer, you just don't like her timbre and project your (shit) opinions as facts.


Her timbre is objectively grating and annoying. Yes that's why I don't listen to her.

criteria desu, Anton.

Singing ability is objective, opinion of timbre isn't. Nice try. Also her music has plenty more to offer besides her singing. Sorry you're being filttered by such an accessible artist.

>He doesn't know the theory of timbre
Oh no no no no no
Nails on a chalkboard create an objectively bad timbre, many many people agree. It's the same with Newsom. You listen to her despite her vocal timbre, not because of it.

>the theory of timbre

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>Nails on a chalkboard create an objectively bad timbre

Yes it's something I'm developing. I'll publish my essay soon.

but i like her voice

> the theory of timbre
my sides
anyway comparing chalk on board to the human voice is dumb
I do enjoy her timbre but nice projection
Try Fiona Apple she also does some chamber stuff and has a more normal-sounding timbre

No you don't. You need to introspect a little deeper on why you like her music.

i like the melodies and the lyrics and her voice

>no you don't

Haha, maybe one day you will get what I'm trying to say.

>stop liking thing I don't like
listen to more music, lurk more

>Why yes I do like screeching harpies in my ear. I LIKE it. This is GOOD.
You are the one who is delusional.

i just listed all the aspects of her music i like what are you talking about
i like this rendition of peach plumb pear specifically because of her voice is that enough to convince you?

criterion is singular
learn greek retard

This but unironicly

op has multiple criteria
>good vocals
>traditional vocals

you can't even comprehend someone having a different experience to you. that's why you're delusional.

You can't comprehend how Newsom's voice is doo doo. It's not about experience. It's about the objective timbre coming out of her sandpaper throat.


>Timbre is like subjective, maaaan. I just hear what I want to hear bro. What's a sound wave?

yes, joanna newsom's timbre is objectively good. i have analysed the sound waves, and you are objectively wrong user.
it's just that easy baby. i've come out on top once again

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You keep saying objective timbre. Someone already said singing ability is objective but opinion of timbre isn't. You can like someone's voice because it's untrained. For example I don't like Ariana Grande's voice and like Joanna Newsom's voice, and Ariana Grande is more technically skilled.

>I like something that is objectively bad, therefore it's actually good
That's how dumb you sound. Timbre is objective, yes. Opinion isn't, I never implied it was. I'm saying that Newsom's vocal texture, if you will, is not good. Regardless of her "traditional skill" it all comes out sounding like a dying cat.

timbre isn't objectively bad, it's just objective.
>it all comes out sounding like a dying cat
that's your opinion bro

No, you don't understand. Just like how an untuned piano will have objectively bad harmonics, you can have objectively bad timbre. Newsom is a prime example. Even harsh noise can be more pleasant than Newsoms vocals. Her timbre is objective, and according to the universal laws that guide my opinions, it's a bad sort of objective.

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>Stop disagreeing with me and disparaging my viewpoint
>How will my fee fees recover
Facts don't care about your feelings, libtard.

how can a waveform be objectively bad

You can measure the "distance" if you will from her voice to a pure some tone. As a result that difference is an objective measure of how off her voice sounds from the target note. You can also just hear and listen to it and hear that it sounds like a baby crying. A sound that scientists have proven has an objectively bad tone no matter who you are or what your opinions are. So you can put those ideas together and you can see that her voice is not pure, but muddled, and it also sounds similar to baby crying (and waveform analysis would prove me right, since similar timbres share similar waveforms)
All of that is an objective measure.


If what you say is true about waveform analysis could prove she has the same timbre as a crying baby and scientists have proven no one likes the sound of a crying baby, why do I still like her voice? Maybe I really am lying to myself.

When this guy wants to post what he thinks is someone uncool, he leaves off the swastika.

She sounds NOTHING like Appalachian folk music, and I've heard way more live than recorded. I used to go to family reunions deep in the sticks, and they'd usually get a band together. Sounded nothing like J.N., you're going to have to finally toss that argument.

People can get used to a lot of things, but that doesn't make what they're accustomed to good.

but I didn't grow accustomed to it so it just doesn't annoy me I like it

Simping for who? Do you think Joanna Newsom browses Yas Forums? Fucking retard aren't there any Billie Eilish threads you can lurk in?

This slang needs to stay in twitter.

Yes, read the post I am replying to though.

I see it. It was just a general comment, not aimed at you in particular. It's creeping into Yas Forums, and it's unneeded and mostly unwanted. I think Yas Forums is doing it again.