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Other urls found in this thread:

real thread

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real thread


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this one is safe from being nuked I guess

this is it

chimp thread


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>He received so many menacing letters...
>that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity.

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Attached: momo strut.webm (610x1000, 1.07M)

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why are you so keen on quoting things user

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DC My Music Taste photobook scans

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post her p


Attached: socks.webm (720x1280, 2.9M)


It's fun for me (I've been called eccentric)
>he kept to his apartment all day, flipping over playing cards...
>looking at his destiny in every king and jack.

Now, excuse me, I have to clean up some dogshit

Attached: tzu remember me.webm (1920x1080, 890.65K)

use it wisely

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sinb is cute and pure

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you sound autistic


>Say Female Idol x Male Idol fanfic is buslhit

Why are you all so autistic?

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It's not looking good

And what country would that be? I've been to japan, south korea, the US and many european countries and girls like this are extremely rare. Like 1 in 10.000.

Attached: 1578776534792.webm (1280x730, 1.88M)

post her coinslot

you think this is bad, oncels?
just wait until twice's next cb
then we will really chase you faggots out of here hahahahahaha

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why do you take the bait

i doubt you've accomplished anything in your life and you're sure as fuck not gonna magically start now

cant tell if kpg is based or unbased today

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so there's no sticky for p-orridge huh? fuckin yikes!

Attached: _qRIYhdyNKw.jpg (1080x1080, 204.6K)

Only Mina and Bambam because its so obvious. Momocucks were just as delusional as you are right now before it was made public.

since you pathetically spammed so hard, we decide to come here to take a pity on you and your late ignored thread

Attached: 1584385971248.jpg (480x392, 22.01K)

they're just stumpy little asian girls that you wouldn't particularly pay attention to without yellow fever or them being highlighted by the camera as idols

stop posting this she's not even in kpop

I want to smell Tzuyu like you wouldn't believe.

groundhog day

have you been diagnosed yet?

Attached: 023.png (880x3164, 985.87K)

>23 year old maknae
>doesn't look like a witch

feels good man

Attached: 093816831_10.jpg (2000x1333, 628.78K)

>he posts in my thread
heh, i win every time

it's unironic roastie behavior. the same type of brain that's obsessed with 50 shades of grey and other shit like that. it's all they think about and they don't really self-insert for some reason

guys i think i'm in love with kwon eunbi

Attached: 1555844017844.webm (886x1080, 2.97M)

is this real?

>implying the twice anti isn't having a meltdown on the KPG trannycord

Attached: 200213162.png (1080x1042, 551.59K)

cant be bait since everyone was sperging out

no you don't get it momo is fake too because dating would mean she's a slut REEEEEEE

defend this

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>twice anti and loona fan

Attached: 15831134131.jpg (350x392, 70.5K)

Yeah, basically every girl I know has a body like this

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that doesn't matter

's mams


Official GG Rankings
1. Twice
2-30. Insert shit group here
31. Izone
32. Black pink

how many time did you spammed in my thread?
nice cope mechanism btw

I cant, its a tragedy. This is actually the first time I dont find tzuyu attractive and I've seen every uggocrop that has ever been posted.


Attached: EHBNH4IW4AEpTgU.jpg (1364x2048, 363.52K)

this person should honestly be institutionalized. i don't understand what his plan is in making twice antis look completely deranged outta their minds

okay ESL schizo

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List of ugliest kpop groups

for me, it's prime sana

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it's now googie general

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this but replace twice with loona

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>No Sana CEO as my boss

Attached: EM2RT9UUcAAzMep.jpg (798x1200, 126.6K)

i love her personality though

Attached: 1583060486591.webm (1352x1440, 2.7M)

Twice fills in the 2-30 spots as well, just so you know

This is pure sex

oink oink

nice dachshund legs on a 5'2" body kek

stop posting this please it makes me so sad to see what has happened to her

just fucked a bicth with 6-sized boobs
kpop for this feel?

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bros they've grown up so much

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>i don't understand what his plan is in making twice antis look completely deranged outta their minds
he legitimately doesn't have self-awareness and doesn't know how he comes across. possible autism among other things

Have you taken a look around?

>Life is water, not stone

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would you describe her personality?

>This is pure sex

Attached: 1570676313498.png (454x520, 12.52K)

kek, nothing changes, looks like this is still a twice general and twice antis are mentally ill

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a man shouldn't be wearing a suit like that

literally who?

For me, it's Twice.

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Jiheon has grown like 8 inches

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no

blonde hair for the ugliest girls

Old Sana is peak femininity, she was made to breed

haha this is a t-twice general haha im totally cool with everyone bullying us oncels, twice is rent free in your heads haha im totally not coping ;)

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based sanebro


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iron & oil

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is that a first generation group in the middle? they're so old.

Twice are ugly and used up. It's Everglow's time.

Attached: 1582583976676.jpg (3840x2160, 432.4K)

Worst twice pic in existence that took 4 years to obtain and they still mog the ABSOLUTE shit out of BP and Izone. Twice just doesn’t miss

cope my friend

Attached: 1578776853015.webm (640x922, 1.09M)

not gonna lie, i see the lighting and composition argument for the twice pic. it does augment their ugliness even more and makes them look even more horrendous.

warm, welcoming, comforting, pleasant

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and no.

i'll take one mia and aisha, please

fucking quarantine posters shitting up the quality of the board

antis define themselves as posters based on twice and and twice content more than their ggs, is flattering when you think about it

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i dont think you are describing her personality i knew it

im not surprised that izone and bp have overtaken twice in popularity and sales now
twice just cant compete in visuals and thats what matters most for koreans

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Johnny Depp, Bubba Fett, Elizabeth
Lil' check, lavishness
Yeah, it's shinin on my ex
Yeah, what's next

Attached: bop.webm (502x880, 2.88M)

lay off the porn for a while

onces refuse to make their own thread unlike many other groups with a certain number of posters here so good luck

studio choom? more like studio COOM AM I RITE GUYS?

Finkl mogs Twice

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good times

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>Yes, edible perfume, work on it

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