Pretentious or Overrated Albums

I'll start, pic related

>guitar 'solos' of epileptic seizures
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
>just low budget, low skill psychedelic indie folk
>songs by one of God's Chosen singing about heroin and how much he loves tranny prostitutes performing CBT
>no one gave a shit at the time
>only 40+ years later people claim this was somehow miraculously influential
>The Doors came out earlier same year, also weird, similar lyrical topics, way better

>In b4 filtered, bite my ass and bring an actual defense if you think I'm wrong
>pro-tip, I'm not

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Other urls found in this thread: Stay Together For The Future Generations.mp3 Privilege.mp3

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Tell me what you dislike about it
This is a salt thread, I wanna hear detailed opinions

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I listen to Velvet Underground for the first time recently and I liked that album

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Man, I just don't get it.
I still have White\White Heat as well as Loaded on my list to burn through, so I'm hoping that their sound is more refined with more direction.
Cause this one was just painful to sit through. The track 'Heroin' was alright, but that was about it

>shit opinion
every time

loaded would be the most refined of their albums while banana being experiential, white\white heat is the most energetic of their albums

>doesn't give counter examples of what they like
every time

You failed to consider one thing: The Velvet Underground And Nico (1967), recorded in the spring of 1966, includes an impressive number of masterpieces (mostly penned by Lou Reed and John Cale, and sung by Nico): the cold, spectral, autumnal odes of Femme Fatale, All Tomorrow's Parties and Black Angel's Death Song, the percussive boogie of Waiting For My Man, the orgasmic chaos of Heroin, the dissonant tribal music of European Son, the Indian raga imbued with decadent spleen of Venus In Furs. They are immersed in the dark, oppressive atmosphere of German expressionism and French existentialism, but they also exhaled an epic libido: each song was a sexual fetish, and a cathartic sadomaso release. It was difficult to find a precedent for the Velvet Underground's music, because these barbarians were educated to the classical lieder and to LaMonte Young's minimalism, while they borrowed very little from rock'n'roll and pop music.

I just want to know, and be honest with me, user;
Did you actually type that out of is that some obscure copy pasta I haven't seen?

this. i dont think its bad, i enjoy some of the songs but its just so...unimpactful. Low-energy might be a better word. It didnt really leave an impression at all. I got the impression that they didnt really care. Besides that i dont remember much except the first track which i think is decent, and i listened to it a couple times.

My choice would be anything by radiohead. I actually really like the lyrics and some of the ideas behind radiohead, but i just cant stand listening to it. I had their best of album when i was a kid and the only song i thought was even a 7/10 was paranoid android. I honestly though they were considered one of those bands thats super popular with maybe 1 or 2 good albumbs but most of the stuff they release is mediocre

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it's scaruffi newfag

Both TVU and The Doors are shit.


Zoomers trying to fit in are the worse.s

I like OK Computer, I just like their other stuff more.
OK Computer makes me sleepy, desu.
I think Radiohead is good, I just can't listen to them regularly. I can't say any of their songs are any of my favorite songs, you know?

TVU is the ultimate reverse pleb filter. usually people who don't have their own taste and only drone what others say praise this album. It's not a terrible album, but if you cant tell the difference between "amazing for its time"/"impactful" and "good" you are stupid fucking moron. if you think TVU and Nico is more than 8 you are a fucking cunt with no opinion

Got it, thanks fren.
Now I know it's an ungodly pretentious art house style blog to avoid like the plague.

You didn't make a single criticism, you just made a bunch of comparative statements and never developed anything

This is your brain on rym.

>this new
come back when you can sit through VU&N kid

I'm here since 2011 and i can't stand Lou Reed.

>proto-punk/experimental my ass
It's an acquired taste
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
objectively wrong
>just low budget, low skill psychedelic indie folk
Indie wasn't a thing in the 60s lol. You shouldn't need a lot of money to make good art.
>songs by one of God's Chosen singing about heroin and how much he loves tranny prostitutes performing CBT
>no one gave a shit at the time
And?? This also isn't true
>only 40+ years later people claim this was somehow miraculously influential
Try 20 years. And it was insanely influential
>The Doors came out earlier same year
Not comparable at all.

Yes, the entire album is not very good. Also have to say that Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys is a bit overrated as a whole, although there are some songs that are really good.

I literally just did, user, hence why I made the thread.
And guess what? It's overhyped trash.

>proto-punk/experimental my ass
It's an acquired taste
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
objectively wrong
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
Indie wasn't a thing in the 60s lol. You shouldn't need a lot of money to make good art.
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
And?? This also isn't true
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
Try 20 years. And it was insanely influential
>proto-punk/experimental my ass
Not comparable at all.

Nice. Thanks for the double bump, Shlomo.
Enjoy your Lou Reed.

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literally google the text

>>no one gave a shit at the time
>>only 40+ years later people claim this was somehow miraculously influential
Objectively incorrect. It was an immediate influence for artists like Bowie and The Stooges, and thus the whole glam era. Also a major influence of post-punk bands such as Joy Division, The Fall and The Smiths, and then later bands like The Strokes. To say people only started rating it 40+ years later shows how musically ignorant you are.

Gotta source that isn't wikipedia?
I fail to see how a commercial failure somehow influenced music in completely different genres.
Perhaps the band got better later, but I still need to work through their other shit
Maybe Velvet Underground's later albums influenced all that shit you mentioned, but it sure as hell wasn't this garbage of an album.
Sorry for your shit taste, user. Let me know if you want to know what good music sounds like. I'll point you in the right direction.
I'm friendly like that.

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Doubling down on your stupidity, huh?

>Let me know if you want to know what good music sounds like. I'll point you in the right direction.
Oh, please do, you delightful little autist. Show us some good music.

> Stay Together For The Future Generations.mp3
> Privilege.mp3

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Based, user!

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Their third album is the best

erm sweatie bowie was covering im waiting for the man live within only a couple years of its release. heres bowies metal version.

Lol, the debut is overrated but on the whole I'd give it a solid 6/10. If you thought the debut was painful, you'll find White Light/White Heat fucking torture. That album contains the track "Sister Ray," which features Reed warbling "she's busy sucking on my ding-dong!" for a full 17 minutes while his fellow downies bash out the most unimaginative 3 chord progression.

The only defense for such crap is that it was edgy in the sixties.

and here's him discussing their influence.

>Bowie covered a band's shitty song
>Therefore the shitty album is magically made good.

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No one even listened to it, how could it influence people

no one would care if this came out 20 years later, but it didn't

I've been binge listening to late 60's/early 70's music since hiding in my pillow fort full of cans of beenz and deenz without taking my gas mask off since early February.

And TVU&N stands out as being the shittiest one. I'm sorry, user.

As Eno sad:
>My reputation is far bigger than my sales. I was talking to Lou Reed the other day, and he said that the first Velvet Underground record sold only 30,000 copies in its first five years. Yet, that was an enormously important record for so many people. I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band! So I console myself in thinking that some things generate their rewards in second-hand ways.

this. I am not surprized its so liked here cause nobody knows shi about music and just say they like something because reddit trends say it's good

>I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band!
I'm gonna need some proof on that. Show me an extensive list of the 30,000 new bands

based retard

same with every other 60s album

you said people were not influenced by TVU&N. Im just proving youre wrong.

> Tranny's
Not this album try harder fagstack

This one nigger I know down the street said:
>Velvet Underground inspired zero bands, and is only liked by pretentious art house honkies, familam. Mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga. You know what I'm sayin' G?

One rando has as much credibility as another.

Attached: everyone is a nig.jpg (711x497, 24.14K)

>I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band!
Okay, I'll concede. TVU did inspire other downies to form punk bands in the late 70s, most of which were forgotten by the 80s.

He actually knows all their songs! The madman!

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>brian eno
RIP Yas Forums

We are all randos, user. All equally worthless, regardless of back catalogue.

Artists that site The Velvet Underground as an influence such as David Bowie, Talking Heads, Joy Division, New Order, The Fall, Pixies, The Stooges, Morrissey, Brian Eno, My Bloody Valentine, The Strokes, Sex Pistols, Sonic Youth, Nick Cave, Can and The Modern Lovers are hardly downies that are forgotten.

But did they influence any GOOD bands is what I'm trying to figure out.

Who are your top 10 bands?

Hue hue hue

It was pretty funny, I thought

90's Green Day
90's Blink 182
90's Nine Inch Nails
Rolling Stones
The Doors
Luca Turilli
Billy Talent
The Living End
Creedence Clearwater Revival

Also this is preddy gud

>accurately describing music is pretentious
Here's a song for you