The Smiths first 2 albums are better than their later 2
Let's argue
The Smiths first 2 albums are better than their later 2
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nickleback tier band. please stop.
every album is literally perfect. fight me.
Waste of trips
s/t 10/10
Meat 7/10
TQID 7.5/10
Strangeways 8.5/10
That comes out at 17 vs 16 so yea I'll have to agree.
Your arbitrary ratings mean nothing.
Prove it
They reflect my opinion on these albums' quality relative to other albums' :)
an absolute waste of trips
I could never fight someone over how good The Smiths are haha
it's just his opinion
the queen is dead is overrated
all the twangly twee songs like frankly and cemetary gates suck in comparisson to their earlier more robust postpunky sound
Weird you say that I'd say they s/t is far and away their tweest album
S/T is the most twangy retard
TQID is like corny proto indie pop
the self titled had a stronger postpunk feeling
yeah twee maybe is up to interpretation but reel around the fountain, pretty girls make miserable lie etc. pretty much everything off that album and its b sides twangly is the word that comes to mind whereas on TQID mr shankly and cemetery gates are the exception not the rule
eh. i love self titled but queen is better than meat imo. queen has so many classics
meat is murder is fucking based until the title track so i have to agree
this desu, it would be better than TQID if it wasn't for that horrid garbage
seething carnicucks
Yes because Strangways is clearly their worst
am vegetarian x but appreciate it. barbarism begins at home is fucking based tho
>it's a Morrissey screeching in falsetto song
they're all perfect
Agreed. I'd actually say the albums go from best to worst chronologically. S/T is maybe the best album of all time.
self titled is the only proper album, the rest is label kikery.
The Smiths: 9/10
Meat is Murder: 9/10
Queen is Dead: 10/10
Strangeways: 8/10
The Smiths: 9/10
Meat is Murder: 8/10
Queen is Dead: 7/10
Strangeways: 7/10
Based. The first two was them having fun and fucking around locally. The last two, they got big and realized they hated each other so shit two more albums out before ditching
you are correct
s/t might be the greatest album ever made
And Morrisey's solo albums are better than all of them.
Only a few of them come close to S/T
Viva Hate
My Early Burglary Years
Kill Uncle
keep seething smithseethe
That whole album is ass lol
Stop with this meme, it's not true at all and you know it
Bona Drag
>Now My Heart Is Full
>Spring-Heeled Jim
>Hold on to Your Friends
>The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
>Why Don't You Find Out for Yourself
>I Am Hated for Loving
>Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning
based retard
I love Morrissey as a person but his music is shite. His only good albums are Bona Drag, Vauxhall & I, Viva Hate, and Your Arsenal, and none of those come close to Strangeways even.
Saccharine bullshit for gay old women
How many times have you listened to each album?
I listen to the 4 I listed all the time. I've listened to everything up to Years of Refusal 10+ times.
>his music is shit
>goes on to praise his albums
confused and seething
So if you listen to 4 of his albums "all of the time", then he's obviously not "shite." For the others, fair enough. I don't understand how you can't see how great You are the Quarry, Ringleader and Southpaw Grammar are. Not to mention some of the gems on the other albums such as Maladjusted or Kill Uncle.
I mean, those albums are 6s or 7s to me. The first 3 Smiths records are 10s, Strangeways gets an 8 or 9. His singing and lyrics are still great, the guitar work is just not up to snuff (because Johnny Marr is the greatest guitarist of all time).
Ok his discography isn't shite, but I'd call the stuff he's been putting out in the 2010s shite.
Have you heard the new album? It's great. And as for it being shite since the 2010s, I disagree, though it is generally weaker. However there are a number of great songs he's released since then:
1. Queen
2. Self Titled
3. Meat
4. Strangeways
still puttin out belters after all of this time
many envy him
Yeah this is shite. Sounds like an overproduced Stone Roses trying to sound like generic hard rock.
Yeah I'm seething at the fact that the solo efforts of my all time favorite band are shite, you are right.
Which ones did you listen to? You couldn't have listened to all of them.
Istanbul and Staircase at the University
I tried really hard to rank them but I can't. They're all amazing.
listen to the next three songs desu
Is Johnny Marr's solo music any good? I never hear anyone talk about it, whenever I hear of Marr these days it's just because he showed up to a random band's concert to play Smith songs
meat of murder is not nearly as good as TQID imo
It's no good. His only good work outside The Smiths was The The and his work with Billy Bragg.
>johnny marr
>billy bragg
What are you trying to say?