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Other urls found in this thread:

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Nako makes my pp hard

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Twice sucks


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pinning nako down

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we wanted a seulgi thread

Lalisa Manoban

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For me, its Sana

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This night i've dream about having a blonde gf,when i woke up I've realized that I've wasted the last 5 months(I started following in October 2019) daydreming of having an asian gf not understanding that natural white blondes are the girls i should aim at.
Because of this Im quitting kpop and kpg,I will only listen to TWICE songs until they disband at that point I will stop listening to kpop forever.
I only lasted 5 months in this kpop shit,informed myself on everything that happen in the kpop industry and everything that a trainee go through before debuting as an idol and that stuff disgusted me and made me angry.

looks like we're having another rent free thread here

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and tickling her until she pees and then slapping her for making a mess

ugly transexual

>these losers spend their time on hate
lol, don't let them sway you oncebros, just because they waste time on hate, doesn't mean you should!

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quarantine thread

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>carly rae jepsen
based, need to hear her stuff again

I wonder how many of them were still pure at this point. I'd guess three.

you sound mentally ill

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What did Lisa do to you to deserve that insult

she is the only idol i dont find attractive in any way

Are you a girl bro?

slapping your waifu and then drinking her pee instead of making a mess

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be an ugly transexual

For me it's Jo Yuri

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god I would give anything to stuff those cheeks myself

whoa mama

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>Gym closed
Kpop for this feel?

February and march has been such a let down for antis. Twice was supposed to been dethroned by now.

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both cub and carly have great legs

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many such cases, sad

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very based, sticky this and also upvoted

with food i hope

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give emotion: side B a listen if you haven't
just as good

shame her newest album sucks ass though

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>kinetic manifesto and official mv counts towards music shows
that’s a bit fucking unfair, isn’t it?

Serious responses only: How important really is an idol/group's singing abilities? I think we're all past the point where we may think live stages are actually live

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She’s not that and you know it

>impiying you would ever go there

are gymcels lifting each other yet?

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Based kpop weeding out the weaklings

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>cub has great legs

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see you tomorrow

Yes he is.

Post (G)- IDLE Basedeon please!!!!

the only thing that matters anymore is sex appeal

i have

completely irrelevant, twice range from mediocre to terrible and they're the biggest girl group in history.

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T-T thx bro

moderately important. most idols probably lip sync or use guide vocals to mask their mediocre vocals. however they likely have singing lessons to reach a minimum level of ability

Wtf blinkbros, I don't give two shits about bp anymore. It's straight disrespectful to fans to prolong the hiatus for so long

that's why I have a home gym

Groups that can actually perform while singing have spoiled me. Now when groups lipsync it feels so obvious and shitty, I end up checking out of the whole experience unless the choreo is really wild.

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