You quite look like a sissy little bitch for someone with such a huge cock
You quite look like a sissy little bitch for someone with such a huge cock
Other urls found in this thread:
She's so cute
this fucker has literally zero good pics
i guarantee you it's this tranny and the other fag in 100 gecs that are the ones coming here and spamming their shit
Well, this settles the debate about 100 gecs being reddit or not
Imagine having a son only for him to turn into this misshapen atrocity
Hey dad I'm a woman now
Feel so clean like a tranny machine
I'd unironically disown my kid if they became an evil cumbrain degenerate. I don't wanna be held responsible when they rape someone.
what will the tranny do when it starts balding
I don't believe anyone on earth honestly believes that's a "she".
I don’t get it. we’re all raised as kids to have compassion and love for one another.
and what point did you become spiteful hateful human beings? why live with so much hatred in your heart?
imagine being this O B S E S S ED
I was raised to have compassion for good people, not sexually predators.
I reckon self-hatred is a component for many of them
>you hate pedophiles, that must mean you hate yourself!
>you had murderers, that must mean you hate yourself!
>you hate the dude that mugged you, that must mean you hate yourself!
>we’re all raised as kids to have compassion and love for one another.
Uh oh, your privilege is showing. :^)
Fuck you too you fucking retard
>If you hate Manowar you are afraid of yourself... of Manowar.
nobody brought up pedophiles, murderers, or muggers
also looks like you're having trouble typing over there, perhaps take a break and chill out
based shroom
Trannies are sexual predators.
How did people people so scared of porn and trannies end up on Yas Forums of all place?
Are you attributing those things to a transexual? Are you autistic? Do you think transexuals are murderers, muggers and pedophiles? Everyone hates those. You're just a bigot. Stop trying to excuse your shitty childhood and your bigotry with "common sense"
he’s talking about WHITE people
Who is?
No you fucking retard, it's making fun of your beliefs. You said that people's distaste for a certain type of bad person must be self hatred, so I plugged in other bad people to showcase the moronic nature of that idea.
It's called an analogy, Einstein.
Except many of them actually are pedophiles.
the analogy doesn't work though as transgender people aren't comparable to pedophiles, murderers, and/or muggers
friendly reminder that coomer to tranny pipeline is real
There's a specific term in this post which makes it obvious it's bait, but anons are so retarded they fall for anything.
fuck this gay thread
You're making no sense, you autistic inbred. What's your point? A transexual did something to you the way a mugger could potentially have done something to you? You just hate transexuals because you're mentally ill, nothing more than that, the same way you hate gays and Jews.
They are. Trannies are terrible people who push their fetishes onto everyone else and groom children. They are incredibly comparable.
Prove it or shut up.
buffalo bills limp dicked cousin
This statement isn't based in reality. Not comparable and also you gay lol.
>the same way you hate gays and Jews.
Except I hate neither of those things. I hate gay people who do bad things, I had Jews who do bad things, but I do not hate gays and Jews as a whole.
All trannies are bad people because choosing to become a tranny, an action which forces innocent people into becoming part of your fetish, is morally bankrupt. It's a repulsive act.
indeed it is, it always straights with "femboy" porn and shit.
>doesn't hate all jews
bro, you're post mega cringe right now, totally unbased. go back to >reddit
Paranoia. "T-There's a photo of a transexual using makeup!! C-children could see this!! What are they thinking? Jews are ruining society! Everyone's depraved now and women aren't submissive!!"
freudian slip there, since they always clam to be straight but fap to "femboy" and tranny shit
I know it's fun to strawman and insult people on Yas Forums all day, but eventually you will need to learn how to actually make coherent arguments.
It's not about children seeing them, children usually react in disgust when they do, it's the fact they literally groom them to become tranny sex slaves.
Also why do you tranny fuckers have such a hate boner for Jews?
wowie zowie, there are people in the world who are garbage human beings that also happen to be transgender, who would've thunk
there can't possibly be people who aren't transgender that also groom kids, hmmm....
tranny sex slaves?
Black people die too much due to each other to have significant suicide rates.
White society is stagnant, hence the suicide. They feel they have no purpose.
I hate trannies but their music is good.
Stop being fucking retarded.
There aren't very many trans people, user. Even a couple of bad ones is a huge percentage. :^)
not my problem
>we’re all raised as kids to have compassion and love for one another.
We were also raised to use our brain accordingly, and to not swallow everything that is thrown at you with questionning it first. Pronouns exist to facilitate discussion between parties. It's absolutely illogical to use pronouns that do not fit the person you're discussing with because it offends them. This person looks more like a man than a woman, therefore I use masculine pronouns. If it was a passing tranny, I would use feminine pronouns. It's not about "hate", it's about not letting everyone dictate how you should act based on their feelings alone.
well they make up about 1% of the population (at least in the west) so that's millions of them so no not really
There are countless instances of mentally ill teens falling into tranny communities, getting told that their issues "are totally because they're trans", and being used by the trannies for sexual gratification. They get off to the idea of making people become trannies, it's called "feminization"
If you look online you'll see many trannies have the word "poly" in their bios on places like Twitter, even underaged trannies. Do you know what this means? It means they either get passed around the community as a pump or they're the ones fucking the various pumps.
What is your problem?
Never said it was, I was just adding context.
>wh*te males commit suicide at high rates
>trannies commit suicide at high rates
no one's forcing you to use their pronouns, it's a free country (if you live in the US), just don't be hateful, not that hard
If only the allies weren't hateful towards those pesky Nazis
the chart says suicide rates by gender so if someone identifies as a woman and also were white then they'd fall under white female
For the record i'm not american and I've never met a tranny anyway