RIP Genesis P-Orridge
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Thank god. Fuck this degenerate. Hopefully the Corinavirus finished him off
I knew this was coming but still didn't believe it at first. RIP
>claims he was the last person to ever speak to Ian Curtis
>claims he knows Brian Jones was murdered
>also claims Queen Elizabeth was keeping personal tabs on him
How can one non-binary person be so based?
Mods, sticky
Fuck you
What a stupid fucking name
Actually kind of sad. Say what you want about them, his work with TG is extremely important and influential. D.o.a. final report and hamburger lady specifically is what got me into more experimental music. The nardwuar interview is pretty cool if you want some insight into early music career and all that.
sticky please
The only non-binary that ever mattered
Can we make sure s/he gets a sticky?
Boomer remover strikes again
his take on being a tranny was probably the least selfish (and, oddly, most romantic) way of going about it.
He got the MI5 seethe in the 70s-80s
what music are you listening to in h/er remembrance, Yas Forums?
probably one of the least boomer of the boomers.
Could've chosen a better target
Mods, please sticky this
By far worse is the hambuger lady,
We must heal them for the qualified technicians,
Alternating nights are automatic,
She's lying there,
Hamburger Lady
Hamburger Lady
She's dying,
She is burned from the waist up,
On her arm,
Her ear is burned,
Her eyelashes are burned,
She can't hold things up,
And even with medical advances,
There's no end in sight,
For hamburger lady,
She wants me to tell you of her claim mind,
From which the double play laying,
The proping chair,
Leave her,
She's Burned from the waist down,
Has to eat her life through tubes,
Hamburger Lady
Hamburger Lady
She's okay if you change the tubes,
Tubes in her legs,
the tubes in her arms,
She's okay,
Then it came out and saw the burn net,
Indeed in the account of killing,
And he flashed on the carpet,
And he flashed on the floor,
The hamburger lady,
She came to rest,
Because of the burn she needs relief,
From the medication,
The qualified Technician,
Hamburger Lady
Hamburger Lady
>it's about a true case of a highly mutilated burn victim and the police report that describes her in such a condition that she looked like a burned hamburger. all the while she was consciously aware of them calling her such.
Beginning by 20 Jazz Funk Greats, but you know I’ll only be listening to TG and Psychic TV tonight, RIP
what the fuck.. gee I'm not foolin anyone, saw it coming, sad
good night sweet prince(ss) F
Genesis suffered from Leukemia for quite some time, has most likely nothing to do with the virus.
20 jazz funk greats because i get nice memories from it
I always preferred D.o.A.
I like Second Annual Report the most but 20 jazz funk greats gives me that nostalgic feeling i'm looking for right now
We all know already.
Off yourself tranny
I enjoy her poppier side a bit more than Throbbing Gristle
reminder that Sleazy was a pedo
Cancer apparently
Beyond the based beat!
Ijust listened to after this thread, maybe someone other people as well. Sorry
he just liked thai food bro
Abusive and controlling cult leader, but music would have been a lot less interesting without him
what's their problem?
I don't feel like being any more miserable than I am so pic related.
>all the "xD I said tranny hehehe!!!" kids in this thread
if you're over 16 and think "wow I said something shocking haha I'm so transgressive lol killing the sacred cows!!!" humor is funny you have developmental issues
F for the hamburger tranny
Fuck I miss sleazy
Press S to spit in his grave.
that's a joke about him being fat. also he's checking your dubs.
>In August 2015, P-Orridge gained publicity for an interview critical of Caitlyn Jenner's self-description as a "spokesperson" for the transgender community, stating that Jenner was "clueless" and did not know what life was like for the majority of transgender people around the world.
Based as fuck.
why did he like to point so much
sounds like a nutter
>if you're over 16 and think "wow I said something shocking haha I'm so transgressive lol killing the sacred cows!!!" humor is funny you have developmental issues
Literally what Throbbing Gristle always was
>lol lets call this 20 Jazz Funk greats XD haha tricked u!!!!
Chris and Cosey are open about their perversions (Cosey did porn and Chris liked SM), I wonder if that's it or if there's anything worse considering their TG bandmates
rym taste cannot be trusted beyond the most basic pop releases
it was a fetish of him
>Filtered by TG
>too retarded to understand the difference between punching up and punching down
only the coolest people point at things.
>why yes, I'm a manchild, how could you tell
>cosey did porn
Which one is Cosey?
I assumed the RYM trannies would love them
the pale one with the enormous bush.
vintage porn really does suck
he's super cute in that photo
>youre only allowed to make fun of white men!!!
go work on your lighting rig, Lansky.
Jazz funk, D.o.A, Second Anual Report and Discipline
I knew this was coming, I knew he would die soon. Kind of a lame name but I’m still kind of interested in him. I like the newer TG releases over the older stuff.
Mods, sticky please.
Just skimming through that vid made me hard as hell, thats cause I don't actually watch/jack off to porn
Your brain is coomfried
>being so retarded that you reduce punching up to that
>zomg how come people who suffer as a result of a power structure are mean to people who benefit from it????? not fair omg double standard
why are right wingers so retarded?
Yes, sticky PLEASE.
>20 ass funk greats
I listened to the Second Report, which is the only thing from Gristle I've listened to.
Where should I go next, Gristlebros?
Holy shit, googling Cosey Fanni Tutti nude/porn. Full spread cunt and her sucking cock, taking loads to the face. LOVE IT!
>genesis the only one not being lewd
He probably stuck his pinky into his butthole.
this picture foreshadows the fate of the band.
D.o.A.: The Third and Final Report
Not gonna deny it. I just can't get off when there is literal 4k BRAZZERS productions with literally every angle and position I could want.