Panic attacks from weed is why I'll stay the fuck away from psychedelics

panic attacks from weed is why I'll stay the fuck away from psychedelics

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I smoke alot despite getting anxiety sometimes. Psychadelics don't give me anxiety though. Feel amazing euphoria on LSD, shrooms

I avoid weed because of the anxiety it brings too but acid was a lot of fun and as long as your in the right setting with good people it should be fine. Weed sucks

I quit weed because of that, but I did dmt and tripped balls and felt fine

weed hasn't given me a bona fide panic attack but i've definitely felt crazy unpleasant anxiety while high. most overrated drug ever

don't worry too much OP, I have done pretty much every drug there is and weed is by far and away the most anxiety-inducing one for me, no one comes even close. psychedelics can cause anxiety if you take too much, especially the first time since you don't know what dose suits you. it's just a matter of starting with low doses and easier substances, like psilocin (mushrooms) and related drugs. Avoid LSD for the first time, lasts way too long and it's too intense on the mind. Have fun.

alcohol is the only drug that makes me anxious

fix the problem causing you the anxiety
aint the weeds fault

Not OP but the fact it's (still here) illegal is what caused me anxiety.

Dude I get panic attacks from weed and I've done acid several times, it's a different experience and I like it a lot more, you still shouldn't do it alone.

know that even if you got caught, they will STILL not give a fuck a fuck
you're lucky to be alive dude, enjoy your life

the problem is that weed makes you retarded but since you browse Yas Forums that's not an issue

a small amount of alc should help with this, basically a confidence boost
i will just face this head on now these days thanks to old feelings like this

i smoke and do drugs frequently or have frequently in the past. ive gotten anxiety attacks with both. more frequently with weed but occasionally with psychs. the psych induced ones are actually more mild than the weed ones

inhaling fire and pet hair makes me 'anxious'

>Feel amazing euphoria on LSD, shrooms
generally the case unless;
>you don't know what dose suits you.
probably whats happening to you with weed.
>fix the problem causing you the anxiety
what i find here is that the weed brings to the forefront whatever is causing you anxiety and smoking less weed more often is sort of a solution. I tend to only smoke weed in situations I'm familiar with and with people I know well. also I avoid doing it after 7pm because i will never get to sleep. I'm the most careful person I know when it comes to drugs btw

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Should have just done benzos. The ultimate "I'm not actually high I sincerely just don't fucking care about anything any more" drug in the world. Ask your doctor for some Diazepam and hope he's compassionate.

>don't worry too much OP, I have done pretty much every drug there is and weed is by far and away the most anxiety-inducing one for me
This x2

Anxiety comes from something. There's something in the back of your mind that you need to address. Are you unhappy with your job? Secretly a sexual deviant? Do you have secret violent desires? Are there certain physical features on your body that you wish you could change? Are you a good person? Are you honest? What are you afraid of?

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you'll never get rid of your problems if you don't confront them
society is a dead meme, and you're treating it like it's actually something to take serious lmao

One time I drank a heroic dose of mushroom tea (5g) and I started hearing demonic howling in the houses around me and became convinced a mob of possessed civilians were going to come and try to kill me. One of the worst days of my life. I called up my friend and got him to drive me far away for the night. Also, time got stuck and it was 7:17 on the clock for like an hour

>Duuuudee drugs are so fun!!
Lmao i hopr every drug user fuking die, useless atheists

pure cringe. you watch too much TV

I ate 3.5g of mushrooms and nothing like that happened. I barely hallucinated at all. Everything was kind of wiggly and breathing and colors were brighter and more vibrant and textures were more HD, but that's about it. It didn't feel like another reality. It still felt like I was just sitting in my bedroom, except everything was a little weird.

I'm 30+, but I still find it weird that you zoomers took this long to understand benzos.
Yeah, they work on the same brain receptors as booze, it's like being drunk with all the "benefits", but pills and no hangover. Abuse to your heart's content.

Sounds like weak mushrooms. I grew my own and they were strong. Most of my trips were not like that, but there's always a mix of benevolence and horror

I don't watch TV at all. You need to face your anxiety. You're feeling it over something. Either something you can't change (physical features) or something you can change (guilt over bad behavior)

Start with a very low dose (1g cubensis or 50ug LSD). You will not have hallucinations but your senses will be enhanced greatly causing a newfound appreciation of visual, auditory, sensory and olfactory beauty. You will not be confused instead your mind will be more intact than ever allowing you to build incredibly complex thought structures that will almost universally have a positive impact on you. First time I did mushrooms, my dose was so small that I was convinced they were impotent until the days after, where I realized that the insights I had had the day before had been lifechangingly profound.

And for god's sake, don't smoke weed on psychedelics. It makes the trip more intense and gives you more paranoia. Personally I have only had pleasurable trips (even on heroic doses of both mushrooms and LSD), when I didn't smoke weed. All of my badtrips have occured as a consequence of mixing a synergizing drug with the psychedelic causing the trip to become way more intense than what I had prepared myself for mentally.

jesus dude did you just take intro psych or something? shut up

Shut up virgin

What if the anxiety is from existential dread? How do you fix that?

i've never had pleasant trip on acid, it's still been interesting to look back on after coming down but i think my overall shitty state of mind always sends my trips in a scary/confused/anxious place

Nigga, OP is bitching about anxiety. All I'm saying is that something is causing it, and if he gets to the root of it, there's a good chance the anxiety will just go away.

... Not to say that I wouldn't discourage anyone from mixing psychedelics with synergizing drugs. You can still have pleasant experiences, and I find badtrips to be more beneficial than pleasurable trips, if you don't hurt yourself and if you have the spiritual wisdom required to cope with the negative experiences afterwards.

Only thing I dislike about acid is that it lasts for fucking ever when I want off the ride like 3 hours in

stop smoking weed


I used to deal with existential dread, but now I find comfort in it. I listen to a lot of older music and watch a lot of older movies and historical documentaries. I love reading about people who came before me and thinking about the thousands of years of recorded history that took place before I was even born. It makes me feel small in the grand scheme of things, and it makes me feel like nothing really matters, as long as I don't die. Ironically, it helps me live in the moment. I'm just hanging out and trying to be happy and successful, just like billions of people before me and billions after. There is no need to worry.

I agree with you partly. I'd always encourage people to choose benzos over alcohol, but they're both terrible drugs that fry your cognition and leaves you more emotionally damaged on the long run if you're using them to medicate yourself. It's obvious that almost all prescribed mental health medication is awful, since keeping you on a drug for as long as possible is the most economically rational thing for the pharmaceutical industry. I'm still not saying that SSRIs, MAOIs, anti-psychotics and benzos are totally useless, and I'm not saying that they can't help treat mental illness either, but they should be avoided as much as possible, and my own research both on the internet and in real life shows that microdosing psychedelics is almost universally much more effective and a much healthier alternative.

weight gain from coca cola is why I'll stay the fuck away from water

ok then stop complaining about your weed use and try coping shitbrain

My friends get anxiety attacks and panic when they smoke too much, the only trick to not freaking out is remembering that you smoked weed. If you can't avoid being in a public place then the best option is to stay quiet and keep repeating to yourself it's not a big deal

>3 hours in
Sounds like you don't like the peak, which I get, because it is the most unpleasant part imo, but imo it's essential for the incredible amounts of euphoria I get in the comedown and the following weeks or months.

If that's not the case, and it's more just that you lack the time, then do mushrooms or smoke DMT instead. You could also do a psychedelic amphetamine like DOB or DOC, which can last up to 24 hours and then youll feel like the acid duration is too short. At least that's what happened to me.

Honestly the best thing that helped me is reminding myself that if I die then I die, and that's all. Anxiety comes from a failure to accept your own death, I find. Everyone dies, but you will only die once.

what do you guys think of referring to psychedelic trips as "death practice". One of the most uniform effects i've had across all my trips has been the persistent feeling/experience of ego death/suppression

Maybe you should work on that mindset then. Personally I find unpleasant acid trips to be a great tool for understanding why my mindset is bad, and it also makes it easier to change your mindset since psychedelics have a resetting effect on the amygdala.
You may not feel like you need to change your mindset, but personally having suffered from severe depression, afterwards a shitty mindset without self-hatred and now an incredibly optimistic and positive mindset, I can say that even if you aren't depressed, having a shitty mindset is so much worse for your productivity and potential appreciation of life than having a positive mindset.

It's "a lot" not "alot".

Sorry to nitpick but holy fuck this triggers me.

This. Sometimes when I'm driving, I start to imagine how my own death would play out for those around me.
>local 22 year old crashes car after smoking marijuana and driving
Then I think to myself, "Welp. People have died in stupider ways than this. If this is how I'm destined to go out, then it's how I go out."

>actually something to take serious
going to jail is serious
>I want off the ride like 3 hours in
do you take it impulsively or plan it out in advance? acid should be done in the morning with nothing to do that day or the next

I used to think that the place I'd go to on shrooms was the same place you go once you die. It made me completely fearless in my normal life.

personally i don't use psychedelics for the insights, because i get insights of the same quality when i'm sober. instead i use it as a tool to deal with incredibly complex psychological challenges, because if i can deal with a 800ug bad trip, i can deal with a broken heart. i guess it'sa little in the same vein as deaht practice.

>microdosing psychedelics is almost universally much more effective and a much healthier alternative.
Need to try this at some point. Because the SSRI, SNRI, anti-psychotic, benzo train has passed.

and yeah, that post was just me being an old cynical dick. If you can use benzos to get through the day and stave off panic attacks, that's great. But I would never actually recommend people use the shit like that forever, no more than I would say keep a bottle of MD 20/20 in your bag at all times.


That's funny 'cause I remember stumbling over some burning incense when I was tripping on shrooms once, and I got all these visions about a story in the newspaper talking about a kid who burned down the whole neighborhood. Anxiety is always tied to fear, shame, embarrassment, things like that.

Just remember that benzos, SNRIs and SSRIs reduce the effects of psychedelics if one is influenced by them simultaneously. I'm not sure about anti-psychotics and MAOIs can be dangerous to mix with phenethylamines and psychedelic amphetamines, decrease the effects of LSD, increase the effects of mushrooms and DMT, but potentially fatal if mixed with 5-MeO-DMT.

I feel you. I used to worry about it a lot until I realized that it is what it is. If that's how I die, then that's how I die. Not a damn thing I can do about it. I almost find power in powerlessness. Like death is so much stronger than me, all I can do is stop worrying and surrender to it. Let go of your fear and you can live freely.

You're not going to jail unless you're black, selling or live in a fascist dictatorship.

oh this is all true, thanks friend. there's definitely a lot of things i need to change personally that i haven't been able to
i just wanted to attach a contrary experience to user's post about never getting anxiety from acid or shrooms. if that's something you're dealing with for whatever reason then imo you want to approach psychedelics with a bit of caution, and at least be aware you might spend your trip immersed in deeply unpleasant stuff instead of euphoria

well said


I hope I can get into the same mindset as you someday, sounds comfy