Why does anyone like this disgusting tranny?
Why does anyone like this disgusting tranny?
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le quirky depressed big bazongas xd zozzle watered down white friendly version of black art
I wish
just listened to her record for the first time. it was okay. last few songs were notable. I don't get why zoomers are cumming themselves for this stuff.
>Another fucking Eilish thread
Commit suicide immediately
I like her jubblies.
She's not trans. It's more like her vegan diet ravaged her face.
>haha I'm shy about my huge tits so I wear baggy clothes to conceal them
>whoops looks like I just uploaded a video of me bouncing my tits around in a bikini lmao whoops
>but remember that I'm shy and I don't like showing off my body
>haha I just honked my own titty while performing on stage whoops lmao
>please don't objectify me for my huge tits ok, my body my choice ok
>hey look at me writhing around on the floor in tight shorts in this music video haha whoops I just assumed the doggystyle position - is this a good enough view of my ass and pussy mound? haha
>you don't get it - I wear these baggy clothes because I'm ashamed of my huge tits and 5/10 white girl ass
>those pictures of me showing off my ass clearly don't count, ok
>look at me on stage pulling up my shirt so you can see my underwear haha whoopsie!!
>gets called out about this hypocrisy
>her marketing team decides it's time to double down on the whorishness
because she’s a disgusting tranny. jk she has some cool songs and is young and successful. gen z look up to her i guess. plus she got big tits.
edgy enough to make them feel cool while still being a safe corporate product
He's a closet homo.
she’s not even that cool tho.
My gf looks just like her but skinny :D
her huge tits
>le quirky depressed big bazongas xd zozzle watered down white friendly version of black art
Hi user, Billie here,
Thanks for defending me, user. I will now have sex with you because you defended me on the internet.
you dont understand how great it would be for what you say to be true
to a sheltered zoomer, where the hardest artist theyve listened to is like imagine dragons, she is.
good point
Dammm she looks nice on that one. Is she +18 already?
She looks like a 14 year old boy with long hair and definitely shaves her unibrow. Also going to die once she gets into alcohol since she's always on too much prescription benzos to open her eyes halfway in literally any picture. Good riddance though.
>big bazongas
now you're speaking my fuckin' language,
She was born in 2001 lmao
whats funny about that
t. insecure about age and the fact im only getting older
she's the second worst thing to happen in 2001
She looks like a 40-year old wine aunt.
You would UNDERSTAND if born before 1999
>Lawrence Tribe
>so fat she has to sit on a chair during performances
I'd rather she sit on my face.
Wrong video.
...no. like I just said, i wish i were younger
so rude user, what would your mother think of you treating a young woman this way
I just wanna catch a glimpse of those warlocks
wait a few weeks for her relevance to fade. then she'll bust them out.
>wait a few weeks for her relevance to fade.
Do you people have any self-awareness at all when you spout bullshit like this?
stay mad, simp
>if you call me out on the numbers not adding up, then [some sort of ad hominem saying you like that the artist has a vagina]
Her career is already taking a few hits:
>everyone pissed off she won several grammys over artists who were equally - if not more - deserving
>the comments she made in vogue about hip hop being "fake"
>her parents being revealed as gentrifiers and hated in their home neighborhood
>her brother supporting biden
>her "anti-body shaming" performance which was denounced as hypocritical, given that she's made comments attacking ugly men in interviews
>her bond theme plummeting off the charts now that the bond film has been postponed due to coronavirus
>her tour being postponed due to coronavirus
All of these are bound to weigh up.
i know nothing about her career
no idea how many insta followers
numbers she pulls
but do you unironically, sincerely think you're of sound mind for believing her "relevance" will fade in "a few weeks"
you absolute imbecile
Not entirely but her popularity and the hype surrounding her is definitely starting to wane.
You know she has a huge amount of streaming payola, right?
Sure thing bud.
>>the comments she made in vogue about hip hop being "fake"
>>her parents being revealed as gentrifiers and hated in their home neighborhood
>>her brother supporting biden
>>her "anti-body shaming" performance which was denounced as hypocritical, given that she's made comments attacking ugly men in interviews
This shit is only an issue on Twitter.
she's wearing an ankle cast
What's the first?
Every vegan I've met has been at least a little unstable
It's just zoomers pretending to be depressed who like looking at her tits
I hate women so fucking much.
Found the guy who sends money to streamers on Twitch
everyone's opinion is wrong this thread is gay
billie eilish fans are gay people who hate billie eilish are also gay
Her bad guy song was clearly made for faggots
kek what a seething negroid
she's probably made a lot of money already and probably will make a lot more money in the future