Post what you're looking for in feedback. Be specific if possible. GIVE feedback to GET feedback.
Post WIP's on or Vocaroo
DO NOT link to Soundclouds, Bandcamp, or YouTube etc- there are dedicated threads for posting them and anything resembling self promotion will result in bad feedback.
also that gives you an excuse to stay indoors 24/7 and just make music. if you don't go out and no one else comes in, you can't get infected. and even if you do get infected, odds of hospitalization-requiring symptoms are very low if you're under 50. some young people do get severe symptoms but it's rare
Joseph Turner
i'd assume the majority of /prod/ is young, and even the middle aged folk here are relatively low risk. this is only going to exasperate problems we already know about ...yes i'm noided but making music is avoiding reality to me. also there's an element of excitement to this... I mean obviously in a morbid way but you can't tell me it won't be interesting to see how all this unfolds
Hudson Lopez
how do ppl make interesting music when there is only like a few chords and scales
Jackson Morales
>Everything sounds at least decent and spacious on stereos No, it doesn't... A mono signal will sound sound mono no matter what setup you have.
Ethan Richardson
Looking for some producers interested in joining a music group of rappers and other producers.
We stylize in a genre called crushed Trap Some shit like this Video game, melodic trap beats If you wanna work together lmk
>his laptop doesn't have 10 inch built in monitors it's almost like you don't wanna make it on purpose
James Sanders
Generic recipes which won't work on every context are the opposite of a technique. Technique is teaching you HOW to do something, not to tell you what to do. Mixing is literally learning how to hear so you can apply those proportions to recordings. Giving people generic ready-made stuff as something to use, and not to just observe and see how they work, is the opposite of giving tips to learn how to mix.
John Ross
Why is chipsynth PortaFM and chipsynth MD so impossible to pirate?
Jeeeeez my man, this is some pretty grating shit. V cool though. It sounds extremely r a w in a satisfying way. I wish I knew your tricks. What are you making this with?
The production seems solid enough, but it's a little "safe" for me personally. I would recommend adding a melody line, making your saw synth there a little more aggressive sounding, or just layering another synth with it to make it fuller. You could also swap out those drum sounds for something a little less "stock drum" sounding, and break up the pattern a bit. In general, it needs more interest and variation. Not to be overly critical, it's definitely not bad.
David Thompson
can you shit on this again. i put time into the mix
Yyyyeah I’m thinking about pulling this style back and brining in some friendlier elements, this track just got out of hand and I couldn’t go back on some of the decisions I made :/ A lot of absynth, fm8, massive and serum
I completely believe one of you autist actually did this
Elijah Perry
We are the music makers, and the dreamers of dreams (about Chris' belly)
Logan Ward
This is pretty awesome. Been digging more each new one you post, actually. Here the sculpting of timbre achieves some moments that are for real wonderful. I like considerably more than the rest the parts that start at 0:21 and 01:47 though. I get the stylistic choice of having those blaring snare/clap like sounds, but I feel your stuff really improves on sections in which you balance them more with the bass parts and make both present together. I kind of feel that your sound is building up to a more matured stage where you could have all those explosive highs kind of dancing around low stuff more, achieving maybe more groove and swing without losing the AGHHH FUCKING SHITTT BLASTING FUCKING CLASHING HARMONICS BEATING UPPPP vibe.
Ethan Martinez
>i put time into the mix You didn't put time, you made it be reborn from total ashes lol It's a huge improvement, man. Things are generally tight and coherent, and whatever may be slightly lackluster here or there in terms of punch, you're clearly now in a great place to just naturally start developing without huge worries. It's firm and sounding good all over. I can't give any praises for that stab though, both the instrument and what it is playing offer pretty much no interest. It's not offending, but doesn't seem to add anything. But overall pretty impressive progress. Also as a detail, but could improve even more I think, is that in some moments your kick gets softer, but your claps keep hitting hard and loud and become too piercing. They are a bit bright and overdone in general, but still sit well. But when the kick loses power, would be go to tame them around the kick some more. It's a small deal though.
Ryder Campbell
Thoughts on this dungeon synth? I just downloaded Erang's free sample pack. Would love general advice on it.
Sorry, man, I feel bad for you insisting there and your stuff getting ignored, but this is too cringe and boring to even listen to. Don't want to be beam, but every time I see people doing these meme genres, what goes on my head is that it's someone who wanted to do real music, but failed to create anything and so they adopt these totally formulaic titles where they can just copy literally everything they heard before without exploring sounds in any way. Cool you are commited and working, but I don't know, just stinks.
Jackson Scott
>depriving yourself of food for that altered perception ((((:
Thank you so much man I definitely have along way with getting this sound more balanced, it's definitely too unruly as is
I can definitely see that perspective when people do shit like haphazardly vaporwaving a song and calling it a day or whatever, but there have definitely been cases where people were either slow to start or immediately took sounds that were regarded as "meme genres" and went on to create both incredibly interesting and accessible music
... kind of agree with the other guy though, this is a bit *too* slow moving rec me some DS stuff though because I know pretty much fucking none this almost comes across as early RPG-ish to me
Lucas Sullivan
okay nah fuck fasting and sleep dep this is fucking drunk typing