b-but this isn't true metal

> b-but this isn't true metal

who fucking cares ghost is based

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>Genuinely performs dressed like this at Coachella

Literally proving metalheads are fucking the capeshit fans of music and care more about aesthetic than substance

mans makeup is tight

It's the opposite. We'll listen to bands that look like retards if they're good like Immortal. These guys look stupid AND their music sucks.

>unironically listening to scoobydoo-core

>Literally proving metalheads are fucking the capeshit fans of music and care more about aesthetic than substance

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No one cares whether or not it is metal. What matters is that the autists at Metal Archives decided to let Ghost in despite consistently not allowing other bands in for "not being metal".

Aesthetic can be substance
>AND their music sucks
>neckbeard archives
Who cares?

>A metal website doesn't allow non metal bands
The horror.

Gonna say this again, if Black Sabbath is metal then Ghost is metal

That's the point. They let Ghost in. Keep up user.

Not him but they still refuse to include Avenged Sevenfold who, regardless of what you think about their music, are undeniably a metal band.

I'm not really following your logic there

S/T and Meliora are good, great even
Infest was OK
Prequelle fucking sucked

They had at least a tenuous argument when it came to bands like Sevenfold (hard rock not metal or whatever) but after they let Ghost in? All credibility dropped.

>They won't let in some bandwagonning teenybopper band


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>>They won't let in some bandwagonning teenybopper band
But they did let Ghost in.

Ghost sort of reminds me of wrestling. they know it's fake, we know it's fake but in the meantime they're raking in the $$$ while they can.

A good way to put it. Really dig the covers nevertheless

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One of the most overrated bands of the 2010s. Literally zoomer music

so why do you hate it again?

>Ctrl+F "scooby"
>only one result
Disappointed. Also it's not just that it is or isn't metal, it's still boring as fuck. It's spooky buttrock and Tobias Forge has specialized in the spaghetti/wall business his whole life and finally found something that stuck (pic related is him at 15, he was also in a fucking glam metal throwback before Steel Panther made them all obsolete).

I'm not gonna go back and listen to the whole discography but Cirice is just pop rock with a doomy riff, Dance Macabre is basically a Scorpions ripoff, and Square Hammer sounds like BoC had sex with Message In A Bottle by The Police.

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they don't suck because their sound may or may not be metal they suck because their singer sounds like somebody who sings on royalty free covers of songs.
his voice is horrible.

Optics of a7x failed cause Metallica crashed the musical economy, musically and structurally, autists don't group think until the walls get smaller, but they still group think, and challenging the old Chad's of metal like Pantera means growing out of autism literally.
Good luck deus vult

MA mods are retarded like all mods

back to /x/, schizo

wtf is "zoomer music"

Not him but I assume it means you have to be under 25 to like it

Who is worse at this point: Ghost or Code Orange?

I like Ghost but I can also admit it's a huge gimmick, and that's okay

This band is fucking horrible. The gimmicks, the writing, it's not metal. It's legitimately worse than the likes of Disturbed. A7X is twice as metal. Fuck this garbage band triggers me and I'm really not a metal elitist. How can you pretend this is good??

I like Ghost, they sound like Blue Oyster Cult meets Scooby Doo. Metalheads are retards and their opinions should be discarded

Shut the fuck up. Listen to this shit, it's the most cringey over produced shit """"metal"""" I've ever heard. This is not blue oyster cult quality. This is Skillet tier.


Of course Ghost aren't metal, they're actually good lmao

I wonder what metalheads would say if Mercyful Fate was a new band that came out today.

I wonder how much of a fag you are irl

wait its a mask that looks like face paint and not just face paint???

definitely NOT based

they're shit

Please show me a good song by ghost. Everything I've ever heard has been complete shit.

Ghost are an excellent band. I'm not bashing them at all. But the success of Ghost among the metal community shows how shallow and idiotic metal fans are. Usually, they will attack any music that is not 'heavy' sounding enough, and will definitely attack music that has clean vocals and catchy vocal melodies. They have it in their stupid heads that 'heavy' means it's better and more real. The reason they think this is because the 'heavy' sound makes them feel all badass and manly. They are led by their ego.

Metal fans will most likely bash mainstream popstars and their listens for being shallow and things like that, but image is a huge deal to these idiot metal fans.. probably more so than the mainstream pop fans. They like their musicians to look manly, unattractive, intimidating, old, etc with their long hair and scruffy beards. They will attack musicians that are young and good looking because they feel threatened by them. But because Ghost wear their scary make-up and masks, they feel comfortable to enjoy them. Imagine for a second if Ghost performed these exact same songs but without their make-up. Have you seen how the lead singer Tobias Forge looks? He's in his late 30s but has a boyish look to him.. a babyface. The kind of look teenagers and young women go crazy over.

Again, I really like Ghost. And I am sure Tobias thinks exactly how I do about these narrow minded idiots.

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Same thing I said when I first heard Mercyful Fate 20 years ago
>the vocals are shit but the guitar fucking shreds

Fuck off, I am not some elitist metal head. I like music that isn't heavy. I like rap, rock, alternative music etc. What I don't like is manufactured, over produced garbage with no soul. That's what Ghost is, dressed up in stupid gimmick outfits. I would actually respect them more if they dropped the gimmick and just acted like the Imagine Dragons they are.

The metal community could not be shit and Ghost would still suck. Also don't lump them in with metal, this band's peers are hard buttrock bands like Shinedown and Volbeat and Alter Bridge

Guys, King Diamond is making a new album this year. We can all stop pretending Ghost was ever good.

I would say "damn, this is sick"

So hip hop?

Ghost has nothing in common with KD other than skullface and as pointed out it isn't even fucking paint.

I know what kind of band Ghost are. That is why I explained how the metal community wouldn't support them if they played without their scary look. Because of the sound of their music not being 'heavy' enough and the lead singer's boyish good looks.

I still think Ghost are a great band. Aswell as Shinedown, Volbeat and Alter Bridge from what i've heard. I'm not the kind of idiot that goes around hating bands because they have catchy music. Heavy does not equal better. Get this into your idiot heads.

>Putting this much effort into bait
I can't tell if it's cringe or not

Manufactured repetitive shit designed to get stuck in your head likes some advertisement doesn't equal good either.

Ghost are pretty great and very talented musically but the crowd when I saw them most recently was completely lifeless until Dance Macabre. Kid in front of me was doing a Faceb**k livestream before the show started

>metal heads suck
>waah let me in I'm also part of metal!
Ghost is shit, regardless if it's heavy metal or not

I saw them live 4 years ago, it was my first time hearing them and I was baffled that the venue was so packed because the band was boring as shit live (and this was before Tobias went full attention whore and fired all his OG goons and replaced them with actual goons).

If they dropped their gimmick then people wouldn't be confusing them for a metal band. And those bands don't suck because they have catchy music, they suck because they suck.

I'm a metalhead but I also listen to the Frozen soundtrack
Checkmate atheists

Fucking kill yourself

i wonder how that ned flanders themed metal band is doing

elistism is good, get over it you fucking reddlt fags

>I'm a metalhead but I also listen to the Frozen soundtrack

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What's their Scoobiest song?