metal is inherently anti-anime edition
Kevin Cooper
Jaxson Brooks
metal isn't anti-anime. it's literally the anime of music.
Henry Perez
Post kino moments in metal:
>Slam riff in Liege of Inveracity
>Final solo in Satan's Fall
>Opening R I F F of Into the Void
>The ending of Chapel of Ghouls
>The ending of Perennial Quest
Jeremiah Martin
Who's your favorite metal guitarist?
For me, it's Darkman
Easton Lopez
Terrance Hobbs
Juan Nguyen
The opening R I F F from Mudvayne's Dig.
Jonathan Gutierrez
doesn't mean it's pro anime
Brayden Clark
post your favorite album and anime
i'll start
meth drinker - meth drinker
kill la kill
Gabriel Reyes
Metal is inherently anime.
Asher Baker
where do you guys pirate flacs