Queen of tiktok

hit or miss girl BTFO

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Yas Forums is a NyanNyan board newfriend

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Okay, boomer!

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Why are American zoomers so creepily fanatical about a fucking politician?
Politicians are basically used car salesmen.


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the media and low iq

does she have a weird haircut or is it just me?

Because its our election year, euroscum.

okay, boomer!


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okay, boomer!

That's not an excuse to place your full trust in a person who's job is to be a slimy con artist.
They need to raise the voting age to 30.

I’m a zoomie actually and I just want to inform you that you’re ruining my board

LMAO do simps really?

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>They need to raise the voting age to 30.
yeah and back to land owning white males only. I say this with zero irony. Every time I hear a twenty year old woman talking politics I want to tear my fucking ears off

I'm not even american, but agree

like it or not TikTok is THE hottest music discovery/promotion platform right now
if you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore it because it’s cringe or not cool that’s your loss, boomer!

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i never understood people attaching themselves to ethots. no once is ever going to hook up with them

>no once is ever going to hook up with them
Imagine unironically believing this

you’re a DM away retard

>only counting trap
>using "boomer" as an insult

go back

This thread is not about music, it’s about politics, I agree that TikTok is a big platform but you are not welcomed here if it is to talk about personalities, back to your containement chinese spyware website If you don’t want to talk about music

>hit or miss girl BTFO
...wait, are they two different people?

>actually believing this
most probably get 100s of dms a day

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Tik tok are for faggots and simps like eggfat

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I love that you don't need to be good at singing, playing an instrument or music theory to make it on tik-tok.
It's all about charisma, natural talents and soul. The direction music should take. Let academics keep their autistic bs about harmony while pretty girls and boys with natural talent can prosper on these platforms.

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They're lost an desperate for a savior. I've met some who seem to think of him as some sort of Messiah. It seems to me to be the fault of a fundamentally broken society.

Unironically ugly

only the realest of niggas remember the original Hit or Miss girl



I would like to put my penis in this girls vagina if you catch my meaning

What if I told you sanders is a boomer

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Please end your life at the soonest possible moment.

chadess desu

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She's just hot af, 10/10 body
my balls hurt when I see that video.

thats cringe af and actually wearing a bernie shirt wtf

jaw drops
eyes pop out of head
tongue rolls out
picks up jaw
fixes eyes
rolls up tongue
buries face in ass

Simply Based

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>queen of tiktok

imagine writing that shit in a serious non mocking manner. fucking zoomers. they all should be lined up and killed. the future is dark.

what race is this?

fuck all politicians desu
they all let you down in the end

>makes fun of boomers
>has saggy boomer tits

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goddamn i wanna punch a woman in the face so fucking much

American Indian/Spanish hybrid often referred to as hispanic, latino, or mestizo.

she's latina

she's a mess

She's honestly got kind of a fucked up face but she has a lot of charisma which makes up for it. Plus that tight little body of course


Races don't exist.

And that's a bad thing because...?

Explain the prevalence of sickle cell disease amongst blacks


>Every faggot here tried to convince themselves that she was a he
A bunch of closeted faggots out here.

>genetic differences = different races

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burgers are unironically retarded. I'm sure there have been literal dictatorships where the dear leader was less worshipped than Sanders or Trump

Hahahhahaha, seething incels. Why do you nerds even think you have a chance. Nobody wants to fuck a fat fucking neckbeard with rotten teeth.

Christ, just like those Japanese otaku. I don't want this cancer to spread to the West.

Legitimately an alpha bitch. Would love to see her bully another girl into eating her out

You have never touched a boob


Ok boomer

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