Average Yas Forums user

>average Yas Forums user

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what does 'rekindle' mean?

who the fuck wears converse in 2020?

>To relight (a fire)
>To revive something once lost

he's not obese though


Why isn't he black?

is this the kind of guy that always brags that bass takes more skill than guitar, and that bass players are more chill?

i don't know.
i don't know 'that kind of guy'. i don't know any kinda of guy. i don't think about guys that hard. or gals. i don't devote much thought to anyone. i don't see why i should. i just wanna grill for god's sake.

I Have some one-stars lowtops that are about 11 years old, but I use them for yardwork.


This is the right mindset to have

just because bass can be easier than guitar doesn't mean everyone who plays bass does it because its "easier"

>t. basscuck

What's wrong with them? They're good value for money.
I can play guitar but not rhythmic and I have a bass guitar because I love Rush, am I below or above average?

just pure cringe, m80

You're right Jaco Pastorius, Thundercat, Victor Wooten, and Lemmy must have all decided to play bass because its easier. How could i be so blind.

stop embarrassing yourself, pal
you are just spouting the same names that every bassist does when they are asked for their influences and inspiration
also, those players (except maybe Lemmy) were trying to give the bass a protagonism that just didn't fit the instrument, understand that bass is a fucking support instrument, don't be a cringelord like those drummers who play "solos" that sincerely sound like shit and nobody cares about

What you're listening to, son?

>learns scales
>picks guitar based on tone
>smiths and dino jr
>wears converse
These are all good traits

not really.


i recommend adidas sambas

Converse boys are so cuuute

let me get the based department's number, bro

imma fuck that tight asshole a yours

Like 90% of these apply to me, i even look like the guy, what the fuck

I wear converses because I find them comfy.

>Hating drum solos

I also know you masturbated once today and twice yesterday

Once yesterday! PWNED BRO

whats wrong with taking lessons at that age?

nah, I started bass at 17 after listen to mostly ska, dub and hard-core. Then I played guitar at 20 after listening to low.

imagine anybody finding converse uncomfortable

>They're good value for money.
no they are not. They are shoes for brandsluts. Anyone paying more than $40 for shoes that arent made from leather are morons. I buy a new pair of $7 sneakers every year and they are great. I dont want to hear otherwise.
I bought an ibanez gio because it looks cool :) After actually learning how to play, I hate how it sounds :):):)

I wear old Osiris high tops or crocs.

any Chads?

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I paid 30 something dollars for a pair because they were black and simple last year and they're really good. 7 dollars means five pairs for the price of my shoes and I don't change them that often, so I'll wear them for three more years, at least.


>thinks Yas Forumstants were the first to think playing guitar will get him pussy

Why do you think the guitar was inventes to begin with? Not to metion all else known to human civilization. It is all in tribute to woman. Go creator your masterpiece and find your women/woman.

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Can't argue with the dubs

>Anyone paying more than $40 for shoes that arent made from leather are morons.
Looks like you don't like having top quality running shoes

>converse shoes

For people who talk with their feet

Why would I run? Im not an athlete
hmm I doubt converse lasts 3 whole years, but still, those 5 pairs make you last 5 years. But, thats like my opinion man :)

>Why would I run?
It's fun. You can also play basketball or football with them or some shit.

Learning scales and taking lessons is absolutely based. I refuse to believe this is typical of Yas Forums

biggest achievement so far is that a chick I wanted to fuck started crying while I played some pixies

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Because it sucked or what?

converse feel like sections of fire hose staple gunned together i don't know how people tolerate wearing those fucking things all day

>average Yas Forums user
>playing an instrument
>not meticulously clicking in midi notes on a DAW piano roll for hours on days only to later abandon the song

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I do both.

holy fuckin shit based

yea it fucking sucked. But she also wanted to suck so she joined the game.

>Y-You are just spouting the names of the best bassists to have ever lived
You sure showed him
>Hating drum solos
You are an intense flavor of pleb, huh?

I think this is a bit of projection, right OP? There is some stuff which is pretty accurate, like too awkward to join a band let alone play in public, but there's some overly specific things that may just apply to you like finding converse shoes uncomfortable.

Which song? And please don't say Where Is My Mind.

of course it was where is my mind.
I want to get laid man


The Smiths taste is the only one that matches me. Predictably, I have no friends.
