Was green day always bad or was there a turning point?

was green day always bad or was there a turning point?

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to me they were always bad
i was baffled by how popular they were
and they just kept getting more and more popular the more stuff they put out

The turning point was after Dookie and Insomniac was released.

Dookie is an unironic 10/10 for me but I'm indifferent to everything else they've put out

insomniac and american idiot are their only good albums

They're very repetitive in style.
Nimrod is probably their best & most versatile.
American Idiot is my personal favorite though
Warning is an underrated little gem


absolutely based.

They had some solid singles

Was all down hill after dookie

Green Day was always good.

In fact they are probably one of the best bands in history period, they had 3 zeitgeists, like a fucking empire


American Idiot

Revolution Radio

sure maybe not all the stuff in between is great, but they are far from bad

I see it as Hitchin' a ride's wiser sibling

Always bad. And I'm a standardless tourist who mostly enjoys anything from harsh noise to girl pop.
This. I ws always surprised by their popularity, and even more by how they treated themselves as a real "rock n' roll!!" band when their sound is so weak and effeminate

American Idiot was when they went to shit, Jesus of Suburbia sealed the coffin.

>Revolution Radio

They make relatable, catchy and fun guitar songs that you can jive out to.

If that isn't rock n roll at it's core, I dunno what is.

It's true. They haven't been this relevant since 21 Guns and that was a travesty in comparison to Revolution Radio

Nobody gave a shit after American Idiot, to imply that any Green Day album was as culturally popular as Idiot or Dookie is retarded, especially not a rock album released in the 2010s.

I was born in the 80s and they lost me after nimrod.

this. even when kids were goin nuts about dookie, i didn't get the appeal

It was a zeitgeist in terms of Green Days career more so than culture at large, which was my point.

Sure, they might not be relevant like they were post dookie or post idiot, but Revolution Radio was a breath of fresh after the stench of the 21 guns- 123 era. It has certainly put Green Day back into former fans minds and critics alike.

The album after American Idiot was real popular even though I thought it sucked

I always ignored them so I can't tell you. Considered them cancer when I was younger but I had way narrower tastes then

they always struck me as extremely unsexy
like i still could never picture anybody getting laid to green day song
even those ballad-y ones

Green Day is incel music and that's a good thing

In middle school Green Day was 75% of girl's favorite band. They all wanted to fuck Billie Joe even if the music isn't smooth R&B

IMO there's a massive turning point starting with UNO, DOS, TRE. Like wow. People like to shit on 21st Century Breakdown, but IMO the songwriting was still solid despite the concept being a re-hash of American Idiot.

Green Day is one of those frustrating bands for me that found success doing something that was "in" at the right time (pop-punk, then later arena rock revival) yet IMO never fully understood their own talents. To me their best songs are those straightforward pop songs hidden or semi-hidden each of their albums. Welcome to Paradise, Walking Contradiction, Scattered, Redundant, King for a Day, Church on Sunday, Viva la Gloria.

But then again after all that they ended up trying to do a triple album of just that and it sucked ass so... what do I know

back2thekitchen whore

They were always shit, people now just realize it.

Green day is gr8 senpai.

turning point was 21st

They bounced back with RR

If you think RR is better than 21st u iz a dumb dumy

They were always ok as a catchy
punkish pop band but American idiot was the turning point, their 15 minutes was long gone so they jumped on the political bandwagon and successfully marketed themselves as wise elder revolutionaries. '00s green day was rage for emo chicks. As much as I can't stand RATM at least that's always been their schtick, they didn't jump on or abandon it depending on what made them more relevant

Dookie through Amrerican Idiot were all above 5/10. Everything else is straight trash. So that includes:
>Dookie: 6/10
>Insomniac: 10/10
>Nimrod: 6/10
>Warning: 7.5/10
>American Idiot: 8.5/10

The typical 'Green Day' sound like on Dookie that people praise so much is so much more simple / easy to create, therefore 'bad' than stuff off 21st Century Breakdown. 21st Century Breakdown is a great album. Even their new record is good if you actually give it a chance instead of listening to the songs once. I'm sure the majority of you have never picked up an instrument and tried to create a song from scratch in your lives. If you're gonna hate on Green Day, then you might aswell hate on most rock bands. It's guitar music. Guitar notes and chords played by men. It makes no sense to hate on any of it. Saying that.. it makes no sense to hate on ANY music whatsoever if it is in tune. It's sound, vibration, energy. If you're going to hate on something, then hate on the people that want to be a singer so they can be a famous celebrity and those that promote things like materialism like these trashy pop stars of today that are destroying society.

I guarantee you idiots would love every Green Day song if some guy on Youtube created a 'metal' cover of it playing the exact same music but with a metal guitar tone and a big, scary, growly voice.

They sold out far too hard on 21st.

let's b real it's trash compared to RR

RR is like Green Day's Marshall Mathers 2

>Insomniac 10/10


Slightly concerned that this may not in fact be bait.

Greenday was bad with the one after American Idiot. It was dismal seeing them upping their game only to return with an album where they looked the same as 5 years ago, dress like 5 years ago and sound like 5 years ago minus what made them good 5 years ago.

They dropped the ball hard, it's like they didn't do their homework and just pull some scraps and released an album with that. Besides that they're pretty cool. I'm just happy they're still honest and have the attitude.

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This guy right here, fucking gets it.


Good Riddance should have been their last song.

This desu

Member the collective eyeroll of a le epic Bush sucks meme album that was AI?

Haven't heard GD since American idiot, is the new album worth of they just got stuck with the disaster that 21st century breakdown started?


RR is worth it.

Super worth it.

Yeah basically from Dookie to Warning their albums ranged from great to decent. Dookie, as this guy said, is a legit 10/10 album.

American Idiot had some great moments too but it didn't have the same feel as the previous albums. They were obviously out of touch by that point, and songs like Jesus of Surburbia, a ten minute punk 'ballad', pretty clearly show this. Songs like Whatsername, Wake Me Up When September ends and American Idiot were great, but the rest is either corny or forgettable.

I haven't listened to any full albums after that and I don't really care to. They are basically just like pop rock at this point, as far as I've heard.

If you want to get an idea of what the hype around Green Day with millenials and Gen Xers was then listen to these songs.
>When I Come Around
>Sassafras Roots
>Basket Case
>Brain Stew
>Good Riddance
>Macy's Day Parade

They just captured that turn of the millenia optimistic apathy pretty well.

1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours and Kerplunk are their most honest and real albums, which makes them the best ones to me. I think Green Day died in 1992 when they left Lookout after years of pondering. You can tell something about their sound died with Dookie, despite how good it was.

Guess that's just growing up

>American Idiot had some great moments too but it didn't have the same feel as the previous albums. They were obviously out of touch by that point, and songs like Jesus of Surburbia, a ten minute punk 'ballad', pretty clearly show this. Songs like Whatsername, Wake Me Up When September ends and American Idiot were great, but the rest is either corny or forgettable.
The real issue with American Idiot was being overexposed reaching Justin Bieber levels of annoying. I literally recall almost every tack of the album getting a music video, fucking ridiculous, certainly the half of it for sure.

Besides that AI is pretty good on its own and the side outside the music itself was pretty good with all the "trying to make people more close to politics" and the whole thing with the style. Of course it was way better on paper than execution. If you do that shit now, it would end up as straight up propaganda, although I feel that with AI it was just at the right time therefore more honest. Reminding as well that punk (as a whole) was never apolitical.

Besides that BJ is pretty good, he can make catchy stuff as well as good ballades without being something to write home about in the big picture of music history. Which ends up with GD being a band that makes fun music from time to time, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Never understood the hate Greenday stuff, it's understandable but the biggest critisism comes from more shallow stuff.


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The lead singer can write a hook, but hasnt done so in quite a while

As someone who was in the 5th grade when dookie released, my impression of the average green day fan in 2004 was a 15 year old girl watching the daily show listening to AI on repeat while her WoW bf asks her for nudes before he gets drafted by hitler

They've always been hit or miss.

Dookie was good, but everything else was terrible. Yes there are a few rare good songs on insomniac/nimrod/warning but nothing was ever as exciting and great as dookie.

Dookie where every song sings and sounds the same wahhh wahh with 4 power cords

>Of course it was way better on paper than execution. If you do that shit now, it would end up as straight up propaganda, although I feel that with AI it was just at the right time therefore more honest.
There was nothing honest about it, AI had some catchy songs but the whole album was just a slimy ball of desperate pandering and fucking everyone seemed to fall for it. I dare anyone today to listen to Holiday and not laugh or cringe.
>Reminding as well that punk (as a whole) was never apolitical.
And green day as a whole was never punk

I think the turning point was nimrod. Good riddance was an unexpected ballad from a snotty pop punk band that surprised everyone by being a hit.
After good riddance, they seemed to want to be taken more seriously and write music that was more than “just” snotty/goofy punk music. That’s where I think they went off the rails- since then, Green Day has been trying so hard to be “mature” and conceptual- and has failed miserably at every record post nimrod. Warning had some good songs but overall it felt a bit sleepy to me and it did not capture the energy of the younger Green Day I was originally charmed by. As bands age, it’s hard to stay creative and reinvent the magic again and again, especially if you make angsty teen music. It’s off putting to not develop and adjust your sound to something more age appropriate, but in Green Day’s case, they didn’t grow as a sound or a band. They’re still stuck in 1998-99 and it’s cringey to me.
Also, I’m genuinely surprised so many people remember american idiot as good, because I thought it was 100% pure trash.

>Also, I’m genuinely surprised so many people remember american idiot as good, because I thought it was 100% pure trash.
Yeah, it's crazy.... almost like if music taste were subjective.

Their first four albums are very fun. Punk music with pop melodies, talented songwriting, dope basslines (Dirnt is underrated as fuck) and some pretty insane drum fills. After Insomniac there is nothing interesting that they did besides American Idiot. I am a big Green Day fan and have been since I was 5 years old but even I can say they're huge sellouts and I get why everyone loves to shit on them especially these days since they put themselves in this position almost like Imagine Dragons or Nickelback-tier.

39/Smooth -> Insomniac are all 10/10s for me
American Idiot is a solid 7-8/10

>Songs like Whatsername, Wake Me Up When September Ends and American Idiot were great
>the rest is either corny or forgettable

Whatsername, Wake Me Up When September Ends and American Idiot are the corniest fucking songs. Jesus of Suburbia and Homecoming are by far the best songs on the album you really don't know what you're talking about and it shows with your "list" of Green Day hype songs.

>Good Riddance, Waiting, and Macy's Day Parade being put in a list of Green Day "hype" songs

Get the fuck out of here you effeminate little bitch, come back when your opinion wasn't fetched out of a toilet.


Pop punk in general is garbage

They are even worse now
dont listen to this fag

pretty good until Insomniac
decend until American Idiot
terrible ever since