

Attached: 3813C19B-FFAE-42F4-9ED3-FEF097CA9265.jpg (1242x1703, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:

thats so fucking disgusting jesus christ why do people promote this degeneracy

What the fuck man

She cute

Homosexuals are definitely NOT mentally ill.

Hate this guy, want to fight him.

You already know that people in comments to that pic are calling him beautiful.
lmfao, you americans and your stupid bitchboy desire to normalise every fucking deviation in the book.

You will fall.

Her bf

Attached: Untitled.png (592x741, 749.88K)


He's gotten WAY too far up his own ass. Here he is acting like a total fucking retard while playing AFX's Ventolin at a show recently. I literally couldn't figure out how to copy the video url so you get a reddit link

Blue board.

So I googled it, and reddit somehow made this as annoying as possible.
>step 1. get the video
>after the last backslash of the reddit post's url, add '.json'
>find the fallback_url. this is a link to the video.
>step 2. get the sound
>same as fallback_url, except replace DASH_x_x_M with 'audio'

So I can fetch the video:
v.redd dot it/8nonardwcdi41/DASH_1080
and the audio:
v.redd dot it/8nonardwcdi41/audio

But they're separated unless you combine it yourself in a program offline.

mods not banning OP and everyone else in this thread is proof 4channel is systemically transphobic

or if you want to download the videos just copy the link and paste on

Who the fuck cares faggot I'm systemically transphobic

Attached: bernievsbiden.jpg (500x484, 180.76K)

damn thanks for the info, copied and saved to hide my future redditness.

fuck trannies

Attached: 1529383122473.jpg (334x506, 42.28K)

He has bigger boobs.

I mean if you're downloading it instead of just wanting to share the vid online, then you can just feed the reddit link to youtube-dl. Pic related.

Youtube-dl is a program you use to download videos online. So I renamed mine to "z.exe" and put it in "C:\Users\User". So I just open cmd and type "z [paste url here]". I think you need ffmpeg in the same folder though. You download that from ffmpeg's website.

Attached: Untitled.png (677x342, 35.87K)

I wanna have both of their penis I my mouth at the same time

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shitty dancing is way too far up his own ass? should he be pretending to twiddle knobs playing someone else's song instead? nice reddit link to fucking nothing, and afx is cringe

arca's transsexuality has nothing to do with her level of talent, which is good for y'all, because statistically speaking none of us are likely to reach her level

but her art does speak to her own gender transition in an intriguing, and extremely expressive way. i look forward to her new album

Mmm. Power. His dick is probably as thick as that water bottle.

Dude got mkultraed by 5g
Many such cases


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>tfw i have those nipples and im not even a tranny

dam you lads sound triggered

gayest post i've ever read. good bait

He looks just like this guy I used to have sex with except a little more fit. This guy had a cock the size of my arm and was so fun to have sex with but we had like nothing in common other than wanting to fuck so we eventually stopped talking.

>implying suffering doesn't cause people to be better artists
>implying this effect isn't incredibly apparent in Arca's music, which reads like a diary
>implying her gender dysphoria hasn't been a major aspect of her work for decades
>implying this impulse, though negative, didn't help her to make better music

Na, not buying it.

Ok tranny

let me suck on them

/moo is so fucking gay


Fuck off.

Bitch we know

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Yas Forums will be fine with michael gira taking out his cock with swans but mad when arca posts a topless pic lol

I’m not mad. Just cringing at his life. He went from being an attractive innovator to being brainwashed by Bjork and losing all his talent, injecting hormones to intentionally become an ugly freak and his shows now are less about music and all about watching him grind his gross tranny body over anything he can get his hands on.

why are his nipples weird tho

nice blog faggot


Go bench press at the gym.

is beautiful.

Attached: my wife.jpg (1080x1349, 254.05K)

You can't post tiddies on a Blu board

gender is just an act. stop roleplaying that its 1954

Ugh what the fuck am I looking at

Attached: E462700A-BF58-436A-9F25-D44362262E72.jpg (399x388, 12.32K)

yeah an act performed for the entirety of human history


eh eh perro caca

Whatever caveman don't you have some rocks to smash


i don't care what the uglies do but it's always so disappointing when good looking people turn into trannies

a hot chick... you must be gay

in various different ways

neither cis or trans people are here to be your idea of good looking. now fuck off and die

What a waste of trips

she slipped their finger into a hole after hesitating. there appeared to be a film thinly interrupting her finger from moving further inward. she imagined the nerve endings spreading radially throughout her fingetips. the nervous terminations becoming thinner and thinner. stroking the membrane inside the orifice. the black sun shone its negative light across the ocean and made the skin on her face transparent, stopping gradually past her cheekbone into the opaque. she saw the world through her shut eyelids, blurry from out of her convex eye. deciding on impulse to push her ring finger upward into the slit at last, she could feel a warm dense mucus pour outward. the smell of sulphur and lavender emanated outward from the glory and the hole her arm was in went forearm deep. the more she pushed in, the more the ooze lined the sides of her finger then palm then wrist. pushing inward more she presses the button suspended in the warm and granular fluid. the implant she was born with stopped sending and receiving as soon as she opened her eyes for the first time in her life. now her life could begin.

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the individuals that identify as my family called me selfish for coming here. let's just say i agree to disagree. the first night i slept alone past the Boundary i cried. and i didn't cry because i was alone, i cried because i realized how alone i had been feeling all along. they wipe everyone, you know. as soon as the linguistic program is codified into the infant as the primary means of communication, they wipe all pre linguistic memories. no one knows when humans realized that the deal with the devil was signed at birth, but some people out there share a similar faith that we aren't doing anything wrong. those of us that come here, we give up the ability to communicate through the network. it leaves us to have to meet in person. i've only ever truly met myself.

the service industry began the day that feeling became beholden to conflict avoidance. it's not only that we judge ourselves but also that we can't know the depth to which others project their own psychic disturbances onto their image of us. all we can know is our image of another. love, alejandra

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>gender is just an idea from the 50s lol it doesn’t mean anything
>goes to the doctor to be turned into a girl
how do trannies do these mental gymnastics

fuck you