Lalisa Manoban
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cutest girl in the galaxy~
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>So #BlackSwan is trending - but it has nothing to do with our wonderful production of Swan Lake which opens tomorrow
wtf i didn't know the royal ballet is this based
>That Adam's apple
lmao really is a tranny
Krystal in a tennis skirt
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:( we wanted a googthread
wtf is this true
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The more popular you get
The more haters you get
This is what blackpink, twice and bts teach me
No plenty of women have prominent tracheal cartilage especially when they’re skinny like Lisa
>when she sees it
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Stay well Taengoo
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why are twitter roasties so fucking stupid I can't take it
I have no doubt in my mind that she took ecstacy for this show.
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march 20th 2020...i am forgotten
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I thought it was like this
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>Nara gaining attention for her thighs during her Hello Venus days as 'Itaewon Class' popularity rises
The MOST DISLIKED song of each kpop group. Can you guess?
i was happy for a second there
love her so much
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gave me a heart attack, you piece of shit
it is, they're reaching hard
Fake news.
t. I'm banging Somi
one druggie is enough for one group ^:)
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signal must be twice's, lots of plebs got filtered by it
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one million miles distance
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who's the france of asia?
I get signal, but TT? Wtf nigga?
lisa's powerful throbbing benis
my quivering boyhole
lalisa manoban
based matthew tell somi to post her feet more often
Yoo Jeongyeon
Alors je sens l'enfer s'ouvrir sous mes pieds
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>minju thumbnail with jennie
culture wise? literally vietnam
they eat bread and shit
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love Victoria
love Luna
love Krystal
love Amber
love Sulli (RIP)
love f(x)
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>my second favorite leader in the history of human kind
who's your first
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Based and pillpilled.
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our googie
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Wtf, KTL is their best song
I really crave some Lidl right now.
Twice needs to release an album so i can lose weight.
Somi's a flop, forget about her.
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i'm so bad bad bad
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wtf I love seashitters now
what a woman
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I’m sure they do support lgbt for reputational reasons, but what have they ever even done to demonstrate that
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as a liberal and a LGBTQ+ ally this is why I CAN'T STAND MUDSLIMES
might buy a big 4k tv just to watch MVs in 4k
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>Nara gaining attention for her thighs during her Hello Venus days as 'Itaewon Class' popularity rises
I wonder if I'll ever meet Dubu
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i want to bend her over a table
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>you tell him no condom no sex
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The cutest
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why not?
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i want to fuck her pussy raw
Damn, JYP antis are far more dedicated.
Do you really think so? I think you’re in the minority
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