There's nothing more detestable in this world than a champagne socialist

There's nothing more detestable in this world than a champagne socialist

Anyway music for when it's over?

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Based. Bernie Sanders is a loser of epic proportions.

Crazy to think he dropped out of the race and endorsed biden

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Was there a single singer/band coming from USSR of the same level as musicians from US/UK?

so he finally quit the race. typical social democratic behavior, born losers

the kids are altright by bad religion

He should drop out and endorse Vermin Supreme

agreed. when will america grow some balls and get a real socialist movement going?

you ever try talking to a democratic "socialist" as a marxist-leninist? liberals are almost always more scared of communism than conservatives, it's fucking hilarious.

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A century of brainwashing, give them a break

no, because rock music was illegal.

is anyone surprised, except normalfags? they're all in on the same profiteering game.

The free ponies will come one of these days, I just know it

Common People is the Fuck Champagne Socialists song

Vote blue regardless.

tf? he hasn't dropped out

one step closer to my dude 45 getting re-elected. what a blessed time to be an amerikkkan! #MAGA2020


Not you.


>opposed to champagne socialists makes me the bootlicker
Die tankie scum

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enjoy having zero revolutionary potential, theoretically or historically ^_^

ok boomer

Have fun licking that boot

Can I get my boot licked too?

vague and ahistorical take at best

>vague and ahistorical take at best

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not an argument
lazy shit


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>not an argument
>lazy shit

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thought it was just me, if you think that's rough imagine being a ture-nkrumahist

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Leftcom reactionary oppurtunists never have arguments.

>the wealth will trickle down any day now

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>you ever try talking to a democratic "socialist" as a marxist-leninist? liberals are almost always more scared of communism than conservatives
and fags are more scared of AIDS, think about it.

Corporations are people too - Mitt Romney

Aquarium, Allegro, Sergei Kuriehin, Shnittke, Eduard Artymev, Televizor, Zvuki Mu, Auktyon, Nol, Arsenal and many more. In fact Bowie agrees with me on Aquarium being based so yeah. GET EDUCATED

what does this have to do with... nvm you're crazy

America don't want no malarkey. Get a job like the rest of us Bernie bums. Biden/Bloomberg 2020

are you too fucking stupid to get that I was implying it was a lifestyle hazard? fucking smooth-brained tard

i do, it was just completely irrelevant to the discussion, that's why i think you're crazy.

kys boomer

>terninally online faggots, presumably from bunkerchan, circlejerk about how they are better than libs or chapocels
laughing my ass off, your lot is not even relevant enough to get infiltrated by CIA glowniggers

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Get a job zoomer. Nothing wrong with being old. I have experience. I know how the game works and that Bernie Sanders is a Soviet loving joke.
Joe Biden doesn't want to raise my taxes for feminist dance therapy. He's a man with experience we can trust. Mike Bloomberg would take care of the black crime problem and put the uppity poors back in line so he's my pick for VP. I'm a proud American who respects hard work, skill, wealth, and power. I'm not a pussy faggot who lets himself be pushed around by lessers like you commie scum.

I'm voting Trump anyway but Biden/Bloomberg are based candidates too and I'm rooting for them hard against Bolshevik Bernie

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we don't even have a labour party chill
our class consciousness is close to zero right now

And that's a good thing. Move to Europe if you don't like it, or get a job.

Is there a bigger cuck than Bernie in US today? Can any burger confirm this?

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bloomberg dropped out dipshit
gtfo retard

Didn't read lol

>it was just completely irrelevant to the discussion
are you a literal retard?

AOC >>> bernie

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That's what he did 4 years ago

He's basically the arm chair politicians favorite pick. It'd be great if he could deliver on any of his promises, but he won't so it doesn't matter.

It's all the twitter activists that scream his name at everything regarding society that are unbearable.

Just like it's this one guy whose got all the solutions, and you and your lot are the only people smart enough to understand it, and everyone else is too dumb to wrap their minds around it. That's just politics in America and it's insufferable.

not enough
we need full revolution

im not gonna either

>literally wants to make things better for everyone
>muh left wing boogeyman

>social democrat = socialist

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>boomers inherit the most prosperous time in American history and that's why they think they're authorities on politics and socioeconomics

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I am.

what did she mean by this?

we cancel each other out.
im just gonna vote for trump instead though

tao lin mode
the tao lin taco bell
leave society
vybz kartel mode scare the yallidarity folks
buy guns and real estate also oil futures

I hate to say it, but true change will not happen in this country until the boomers are all dead.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.