Why are all of the best arists racist?

Why are all of the best arists racist?

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I like how Morrissey spends his entire life being considered a whiny faggot to most Yas Forumstards until he says he doesn't like brown people and now he's a hero indicative of racist superiority.

Morrissey has always been based.
>I don't hate Pakistanis, but I dislike them immensely.
>I don't really think, for instance, black people and white people will ever really get on or like each other.
>England is a memory now. The gates are flooded and anybody can have access to England and join in.
>Reggae, for example, is to me the most racist music in the world. It's an absolute total glorification of black supremacy

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He's right about black and white relations but he's wrong about reggae

Lmao this
Smiths were considered faggy music for tumblr girls for a long time by these guys. Now they're "based and redpilled". Hilarious.

"If anyone has seen the horrific and unwatchable footage of the Chinese cat and dog trade – animals skinned alive – then they could not possibly argue in favour of China as a caring nation. There are no animal protection laws in China and this results in the worst animal abuse and cruelty on the planet. It is indefensible."

Lol Morrissey is cool but most racist artists suck ass. It's a bunch of shitty punk bands, black metal, or autistic internet parodies like Mr Bond and Moonman.

if we are counting just anybody jew media labels as racist then the greatest performer of all time is racist

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Fair. I wouldn't call Elvis racist though, the guy clearly had an appreciation for black music especially for his time.