Attached: 1583677346202.jpg (1920x2880, 609.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 'jin.jpg (452x452, 89.67K)

Lalisa Manoban

Attached: BBFF302D-337A-4B46-9F87-6E21ECBC99AA.png (1242x2208, 1.81M)

i NEED luda to shit in my mouth

Attached: 1540350984819.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

I guess this is the thread, since the other was early af

Attached: arin 876987.jpg (1200x1200, 155.1K)

I love after school

Attached: ♥1531364383987.jpg (1333x2000, 318.93K)


Attached: 1535546882557.jpg (1500x1000, 465.84K)

Attached: ESte_fNUcAMTkCL.jpg (1200x1200, 252.46K)

retards keep migrating to early threads even if jannies nuke them

이젠 조명이 꺼지고
마지막 페이지를 넘기면
조용히 막을 내리죠

Attached: image7.jpg (1012x660, 92.22K)

most of the posts in the other thread are just sluganti samefagging. he likes to act like he's more than one guy

louder louder~

Attached: yeonhee wiro-4c.webm (600x606, 2.88M)

Can you post the new Yeji webm (club dance scene).


short hair jeongers like that was nice, not the benis head style

Attached: 1571540205759.jpg (550x780, 51.87K)

how does one migrate to a nuked thread

thanks wizchad

Attached: 1583809993342.jpg (500x437, 133.7K)

>on time thread being deleted
so this it, it's anarchy now, every man for himself

Attached: 현실판 배틀그라운드에 우주소녀가 떴다!_ 내돌투어 _ IDOL TOUR _ WJSN _ 화성 경기도사격테마파크 우리꽃식물원 동탄호수공원{uKcsLR7neKI}-5.webm (1260x1080, 951.84K)

that tummy

Attached: EQ0e6DTUEAA4Y4M.jpg (1333x2000, 1.6M)


you remember how they nuked the previous ones even with 100+ posts user..

Attached: 3kbxmb494ue31.jpg (1000x1500, 225.79K)

Attached: 1583747044459.webm (1280x544, 2.87M)

find husband quick

cant get any more perfect than Yeonhee

it was self deleted


Gahchubby during the fly high era is ticking all the right boxes

that’s almost worse

depends on the janny, this one doesnt give a fuck

Attached: 1537738952460.jpg (1000x623, 227.23K)

is your waifu a chad?

Attached: yena eunbi.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

What do I need to become one? They do it for free?

for what purpose

Attached: 1566441302292.jpg (1200x1800, 253.07K)

i saw this woman trying to rip a bag open with her feet


Attached: 002334.jpg (1333x2000, 463.19K)

Attached: EJrAWplVUAMNgAG.jpg (1333x2000, 322.42K)

who wants luda's germs?

Attached: 1578537800208.webm (800x986, 1.29M)

You missed your window. Janny applications just ended and yes.

Attached: free.jpg (221x64, 13.2K)

no, she’s a she

arin hathn't an inkling 'bout feet!

too late now

Attached: 1583699792758.jpg (1536x2048, 361.49K)

wish we had some 2nd gen obsessed dedicated neet janny

to make sure people would migrate to his mentally ill thread

can't even be a retard in the right thread

Attached: 10251-26133-13354.webm (520x620, 2.81M)

Jannies don't do it for free. They do it because it gives them power over autists.


Attached: 1583015818400.jpg (1200x1800, 392.74K)

Attached: 1583556171022.jpg (2283x3424, 1.56M)


free 4changold

Attached: 204.jpg (1024x683, 79.11K)

I rarely laugh at kpg anymore because seethefag but her little hammy dance made me chuckle out loud

post black excellence

wth is she doing

Attached: D_wlSgsUEAEQmBE.jpg (1000x1500, 210.34K)

motherficker is too obvious with his sana anti-sluganti shit

Attached: nayeon 89y.jpg (1200x1920, 932.89K)

Attached: 1565784271206.jpg (800x1200, 231.26K)

Attached: cff5xFTwdjiWDQ6Iwa0VV38nCQ_rmcvideo_1080P_1920_5120_192.webm (562x720, 2.5M)

good enough

Attached: 8s4rzg450fk41.jpg (1333x2000, 256.08K)

Attached: seulgi black.webm (480x600, 1.58M)

that outfit though

Attached: DkTdrJgU4AE01BK2.jpg (245x755, 116.44K)

nubian king

giving all of us an easy way out

Attached: [루다] 생일 전야제.mp4_snapshot_03.45.792a.jpg (1280x1440, 714.18K)

a fine specimen of the original black koreans


post nose excellence

still mad that she didn't get a fancam from that performance

my wife

nice, the taiwanese folder was kinda lonely having only tzuyu there

Attached: 1583219207780.jpg (1225x1633, 127.06K)

>The whole country of Italy is now on lockdown because of coronavirus
US next

Attached: Twice_3rd_Anniversary_V_LIVE_18102000.0000.03.webm (394x352, 349.5K)

Sorry I don't have Sua photos.

Attached: 1576309353696.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Attached: 1582786524618.webm (690x450, 2.05M)

post her excellence

big brain little luda

Attached: EJ4DLjnUYAAApTL.jpg (478x356, 30.92K)

Attached: 1562971249874.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

is it really?