What do you think of Van Halen’s first album?
What do you think of Van Halen’s first album?
extremely based
shits all over elvis costello
It's a fun, well-played rock record
VH is easily the most based band that has ever existed
It's my favorite of the Roth era but some days it's got stiff competition from Fair Warning and Women and Children First.
It fucking badass. EVH in one chanel and the rest of the band in the other. recorded in a like a week. the tone is still otherworldy to this day. the birth of thrash. The first metal band to smile.
One of the best debut albums in rock.
I like the three that came after it better
>the birth of thrash
Would disagree
And if that doesn't cut it for you...
VHII > Fair Warning > VH > Women & Children First > Diver Down > 1984
>tfw a Queen song is heavier than any Ozzy-era Sabbath song
I'm not a big Queen fan personally but Queen weren't slouches musically, all the hate is just people who don't even know their music hating on the fact that their hits are overplayed
5150 > anything DLR ever did with them
DLR era VH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hagar solo/Montrose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Van Hagar (except F.U.C.K.)
It's rock on steroids, what's not to love? Deserves status as classic
Excellent for a debut!
None of those songs are "Thrash" although I thought The Sex Pistols should've covered Symptom of The Universe.
Not quite thrash, but close enough. This and I'm on Fire are two of the best songs off the album!
See since the first post was directed at you.
As you can see I made a mistake, but I didn't want to delete my post and write the whole thing over again!
good but not as great as Fair Warning
Ain't Talkin Bout Love is the best if you ask me
I fucking hate like half of it. 1984 is a 10/10 though
other way around ya fuckin wuss
You can arguably go even earlier:
Their first several albums are gold until they finally peak stylistically with 1984. However my favorite hidden gem of theres is Could This Be Magic off Women and Children first.
Honestly based. EVH is one of the best guitarist of all time. You can't top the brown sound.
I prefer The Minutemen's version
Not quite fast enough to be "Thrash" but still a good song. Oh, who am I kidding? Pre Burn Deep Purple is GOAT!
finally a good Yas Forums thread. glad to see there are some people here who can still enjoy VH. although there are some strong contenders from other genres that came up recently, they're my favorite band of all time and probably always will be. I won't give an album ranking because all the DLR albums have, at the very least, 3 songs that make up for any mistakes on the rest of the album because of how dope they are. also 1984 is my favorite but VH1 is a close second.
>The first metal band to smile.
Well, they're not a metal band, so that explains that.
"THE" guitar tone
great tracks
off this world guitar playing
I don't think that riff in On Fire could ever be cranked loud enough
>that riff in On Fire at 1:09
Greatest debut album of all time.
Van Halen [Warner Bros., 1978]
For some reason Warners wants us to know that this is the biggest bar band in the San Fernando Valley. That is an understatement--all new bands are bar bands unless they're Boston. The term "bar band" becomes honorific when the band belongs in a bar. This music belongs on an aircraft carrier. C
What the fuck does this even mean.
Something about blah blah what is Warner doing promoting this Xboxhueg arena metal as being a bar band. I think back in the late 70s the critical establishment was a little unhappy at the success of bands like VH because according to established wisdom, that kind of band shouldn't exist anymore and punk was supposed to kill it off.
Van Halen II [Warner Bros., 1979]
Let it never be said that popular styles don't evolve--in the wake of Kiss and Boston, this is heavy metal that's pure, fast, and clean with a minimum of myopthea and bombast, while the guitar features are defined strictly as that. So how come pure formalists don't love the shit out of these guys? Not because they're into dominating women, that's for sure. C+
>heavy metal
Bob, I...
is this a political compass
>I think back in the late 70s the critical establishment was a little unhappy at the success of bands like VH because according to established wisdom, that kind of band shouldn't exist anymore and punk was supposed to kill it off.
so basically they were upset that their own narrative they made up about how rock was supposed to work was proven false.
I fucking hate music critics
accurate too, considering their personalities
There's still a debate over that.
Head bangers like the early stuff, there's a way the albums are produced, and there's a way that the songs are played, composed and arranged.
Oh, sure, it's not Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, or even Iron Maiden, and it's certainly not Metallica or Slayer, but if it isn't metal, then it's hard rock that borders on heavy metal, much in the same way bands like Motorhead, UFO, Deep Purple, Kiss, and AC/DC borderline on heavy metal.
yes. I agree. Have A DAVE.
imagine being this retarded.
>the birth of thrash
>Would disagree
Without EVH there is no Metallica
shut up bitch
One of the top ten most important debuts in rock music.
The first four songs are great
res is meh
sounds like shit
Ain't Talkin Bout Love is the greatest rock song of all time
cockrock par excellence
Balance > Any other VH album
As much as I like Balance...you cant be this retarded. I do not hate Hagar but there is no way in hell any Van Hagar albums are as good as the Classic VH 6-pack.
Great musicians spoiled by DLR's cabaret bullshit. The Barbra Streisand of hard rock. To be fair, he didn't get in the band because of his voice.