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I like that picture the kitty is really cute :3

oh, it's this thread again...

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cope incel

I have a gf. Do you?

Oh, this thread again? Well I hope you don’t mind if I rest my eyes while I wait for a better one... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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I wonder if the woman in that picture is dead.

yeah, that's real nice, son. why don't you go off into your room, daddy needs to take a nap

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Sure, thanks for the bump

bruh, everyone is asleep, the board is dead, a bump doesn't mean shit rn

These are results from an experiment, also who tf cares.

most men are douchebags

Literally true though. What did you think we'd say, retard? /r/incels might be more your speed.

I call massive bullshit and cite every all-male band vs every all-female band as my proof.

god, hahahaahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha, it gets me everytime i see this

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You cant sage with a picture, dumbass

if women are so great why did they need men to give them rights

Do you seriously believe that friendo? Is this your first week

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Like any of this matters. If you have a functioning brain you realize that media is clawing at small chances for some capital. If you don't and more importantly won't, you deserve to be taken advantage of. The more this shit gets shared - even out of contempt - it rots away at the only good things we have. You're supposed to ignore the child throwing a tantrum for it to stop, and if it doesn't then you could whip out the old wooden spoon.

I swear people only make these articles to see the reaction it gets here

Wow you're a retard, also good luck saging a thread that's on the first page.

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It’s a shame that the sexually frustrated men who make threads like these are always such dunces

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Sure, good thing I have a girlfriend then. I wonder what moves people to white knighting online. Pretty freaking sad.

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>white knighting
I don’t think you know what that means

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Just leaving this reply here in case you want to quote me so you have the last word. You can get a screenshot and post it on reddit telling people how you're fending off evil incels on Yas Forums. Buh-bye.

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Good thread

Electronic music lets you be the most creative and for some reason there's barely any female musicians who make electronic music.
A woman could never create something like this.

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*blocks your path*

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It's a good thing we know that women and men are equal. Men and women both have the potential to make great music.

Post your top5 albums made by a female.

Research also shows that neurotic people apparently avoid stressful music and prefer pop or safe sounding music

Cockahoop by Cerys Matthews
Bigger Better Faster by 4 Non Blondes
ADHDreams by the Stilletoes
Candyfloss and Medicine by Eddi Reader
Speak Squeak Creak by Melt-banana

at least you clearly understand what moves people to pathetic buttblasted whining online. pretty freaking sad


Who's buttblasted here?

if you are OP, then it’s you

And most women are cunts

>posts album made by a male

How exactly?

how do you quantify creativity

Did any of you ever meet a female
that did something just for the sake of art.

not for fame
or money

just for art...

maybe the cat women in your neighborhood that paints pictures of her cats?

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My gf literally paints for the sake of painting. I know that because she destroys most of the stuff she does

My gf draws a lot and hardly ever shares any of it. Usually it just gets tucked away or thrown away

Forgot to mention she does that because she thinks art, by definition, is when she's, in this case, painting, meaning that the painting itself, as an object, loses all artistic value

Yes, most of the creative people I know are female. Wether it's cooking, painting or making music.

History proves otherwise.

Wow, she's really retarded. How did you en up with such a stupid cunt?

You're mad because she's smarter than you

Yeah, most men only care about drinking, watching sports and the like

How the fuck did you came to that conclusion? You don't even know, and painting is not really intellectually demanding.

No one is talking about intellectually demanding stuff, this is about definitions. What is art?

The manipulation of matter to express and communicate an idea or sentiment.

More creative than me, for sure. The decades of vidya, porn addiction, masturbation and caffeine dependence have completely fried me.

You could do that just by simply talking.

what matter are you manipulating by talking?

Yeah, it's called rethoric.

So rethoric is art?

Of course.

>How the fuck did you came to that conclusion?
a smart person would know to use "come" there, not "came"

Sorry, I'm still learning english.

neither is whining on the internet, brainlet