Listened Expected Got

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14 year old me loved it

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Why are these threads always such garbage


make one yourself

Because no one makes any with the albums you like.



Fuck off faggot, this is the best thread in the catalog

could someone explain norf fc
is this a euro thing?

uk equivalent of a redneck basically
fat drunken soccer fan who says thing like "bloody hell m8 oasis proper rock n roll lad"

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Visit Manchester and you'll see.

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found the billie eilish poster

what album is this?


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Sure am, but what album is this?

I don't know, I'm a newfag too

John Maus- Penis in My Mouth

John Maus - We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves

Wrong title, obvious attempt to fool you into writing something silly

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thanks mate

>what I watched

this is one is really nice, so peaceful

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based, lightbulb sun always gives me goosebumps with a feeling of emptiness all throughout my body

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>what I got: slightly worse Stupid Dream
great cover though

It was a time when I couldn't listen to it because it was too painful and it felt like a soul crushing experience.
I can enjoy now how beautiful it is, but it still has very difficult moments, like the first part in Last Chance... It reminds me how I never kissed a girl as a teenager and how much I missed, all that careless, innocent love, summer nights spend with someone who really loves you.
Stupid Dream is definitely the better one, all the songs about relationships are a lot more mature and more detached. Piano Lessons and Tinto Brass are fantastic.

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more like

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>what I watched


He's pulling your leg, mate.


He's pulling your dick, m8.

jerking yer chain

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uhhh you know uhh i don’t know

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filtered by The Doors, sad.

We're not all circus folk, user

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