Three of your favorite musicians

>Three of your favorite musicians
>Your opinion of Death Grips
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings

Testing a theory

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David Bowie, Nick Cave, Shane MacGowan

I still appreciate Exmilitary for its loud punkish sound but I don't really care anymore considering they're meme band 101 here and people have made them kind of lame

Don't know who 100 gecs is

Rubbish but if you like them cool

>Three of your favorite musicians
Mozart, Arnold Schönberg, Pierre Boulez
>Your opinion of Death Grips
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
Jazz music is fascist.
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
Also fascist.

>Sd Laika, OPN, Grimes
>Like them
>Like them
>Like most of them


I don't think that's any of your business

t. fascist

>Three of your favorite musicians
Kevin Shields, Julia Holter, Glenn Branca
>Your opinion of Death Grips
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
I love both.
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
I don't know a lot about visual arts but I don't mind abstract art, I love how it looks personally.

>ween, pavement, women
>i haven't listened to them much so i dont really feel too strongly about them either way. i guess they seem interesting.
>Pollock's artwork is cool

dean blunt, james ferraro, acid bath

don't care
don't care

>Foetus, My Bloody Valentine, Captain Beefheart
>Good music
>Haven't listened to them yet

Mozart, Chopin, Stravinsky

Death Grips are classic

100 gecs is trash

The Pollock is interesting but like most post-war art, the principle object of interest is the artist who produced it and not the product itself, which appears almost as a necessary accident to the life and personality of the artist.

Aphex Twin, Metallica, Talking Heads

Love Money Store and like the rest of their discography

I've just now listened to a few of their songs. Not really digging it. I don't like how they seem to rely on aesthetics more than the sound of their music - i think people recognise that one album cover more than the songs themselves. Also making song titles lower case because it's softer and cooler or something?? Haven't listened enough to fully form opinion tho.

I don't really get abstract expressionism but Pollock's drip stuff looks nice at least

>Sparks, New Order, Arthur Russell
>their early stuff is good
>their music is shit and theyre faggot trannies
>i dont see any meaning or emotion in them, and without that art is worthless

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>>Three of your favorite musicians
Mercyful Fate, Voivod, Neurosis
>>Your opinion of Death Grips
Never got into them
>>Your opinion of 100 gecs
>>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
They look pretty neat

I'm pretty sure I know exactly what your political views are

based xoomer

>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bladee, Thomas Tallis
>Dislike them
>Dislike them
>I have a neutral opinion.

Schoenberg, Autechre, Mozart
both are great
they look cool

Current 93, Coil, Tangerine Dream
DG - not a bad band, On GP is the only classic they made
gecs - pretty bad
pollock - don't really know them, but this one looks like a road map and that's kinda cool

Thanks but I'm 20

Dave Jones but just cause he got ran over, survived and studied martial arts and zen, so cool. Gruff Rhys, and that girl from the Stilletoes I don’t think anybody knows the name of . For all the other questions no clue didnt listen


Ildjarn, DNA, Dj Screw
>Your opinion of Death Grips
loved them in high school, still do a little
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
overhated. good music but understandably divisive
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
I loved seeing his work live at MoMA

Death grips is alright
100 gecs is great
those paintings have their time and place but they aren't terribly interesting. ive only seen him brought up by haters

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im drunk

OP here. Ive come to the conclusion that if you you like this bullshit postmodernism you also have an objectively terrible taste in music

Swans, Death Grips, Justice
>Opinion on Death Grips
Love them, the only hip-hop band worth listening to this decade
>Opinion on 100 gecs
They’re alright, fun dumb music, I enjoy some of it
>Opinion on Pollock
I am personally more of a Zao Wou ki fan but I really like it nonetheless

you're not very good at conducting experiments, eh?

Real OP here. The theory was mostly about openness and closedness. My idea was mainly that anyone very averse to any of those 3 would likely be averse to all 3. I thought the opposite would also be true, though to a lesser extent (openness to 1 correlated with openness to all 3).

Holy fucking shit I have never realized the background of this was a Pollock painting i am completely retarded

same hahahaha

Well from what I've seen ITT people that like classical (excluding modern classical) and dadrock either hate them or don't even care about them.

>Three of your favorite musicians
Linkin Park, Evanescence, My Chemical Romance
>Your opinion of Death Grips
They're really loud, I don't like screamo stuff
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
I don't get understand them. Just looks like paint splatter

>Boris, Brian eno, boards of Canada
>I used to be a big fan, not as interested these days but i still listen to Jenny death or steroids every now and then
>I enjoyed gecs on first listen as a bit of novelty, doesn't have much replay value though.
>I have limited knowledge on visual arts. Not really interested in Pollack, but some pieces don't look bad I suppose

>Three of your favourite musicians
Death Grips, 100 Gecs, Bladee
>Opinion of death grips
one of my favorites
>opinion of 100 gecs
one of my favorites
>opinion of jackson pollock's drip paintings

lol xD raNdumb!X DDD *eats a waffle!*

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>gecs has no replay value

there it is, the most wrong opinion ever posted

True, they're addicting as fuck lol

>Three of your favorite musicians
Stabscotch, Regis, Xenakis
>Your opinion of Death Grips
Fun in high school, grew out of
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
Very bad
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
Very good

Messiaen, Eric Dolphy, Autechre
Death Grips have a solid discog. Gecs okay at best.
Pollock is hit and miss. I've seen his Lucifer in person and it set off a really profound emotional response in me. Stared at it for at least twenty minutes.

>Death Grips, 100 Gecs, Andrew Jackson Jihard
>good not great


rest are really cringe. If you didn't get a (you) from me then I suggest finding a different board.

>3 fav musicians
Boards of Canada, Beatles, any decent metal band from their subgenres at least
>Death Grips
I dig them. They have some neat albums under their belt. Haven't listened in a while though.
>100 Gecs
I just don't like it imho. What they're going for doesn't click to me as other people call them great. It's pretty cheesy.
>Jackson Pollock
Although his paintings don't look impressive from a hard-working stand point, but they are interesting and it makes him unique.

Pleb here, I dont understand modern art (if there's anything to get). What is this supposed to say? If I buy a canvas and start drawing whatever and call it art, is it art? Is it related to that Duchamp fountain? Genuinely clueless.

>three of your favorite musicians
Kanye West, Father John Misty, Adele
>Your opinion on death grips
truly awful. like terrible
>your opinion on 100 gecs
Didnt know who they were but listened to them on youtube. Just pure shite. You should be kept away from school zones if you listen to that mush
>Your opinion of Jackson pollock's drip paintings
didnt know who that was but do now. really bad. Not a fan

>Can, Sonic Youth, John Coltrane
>Exmilitary was pretty good

this but unironically

>f I buy a canvas and start drawing whatever and call it art, is it art?
Yes. The point of contention is whether or not it's good art.

>Three of your favorite musicians
Travis Scott, Kanye West, Kacey Musgraves
>Your opinion of Death Grips
good but overrated
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
Some paintings are cool and some are shit.

I don’t think there’s a lot of "meaning" behind any of Pollock’s work, the most important thing, to me at least, is how it makes you feel

I view it as aesthetic for aesthetic's sake. It contains visually appealing spatial and color ratios, and that's it. It's extremely unpretentious and just trying to make something that's pleasing to the eye.

That’s exactly what I would have said about Trout Mask Replica but with musical terminology, when I first started browsing this board

what are your favorite death grips albums? testing a theory.

>anco, pavement, boredoms
>pretty good
>pretty good

>Sweet Trip, Carissa's Wierd, Debussy
>don't care
>don't care
>fascinatingly messy

bottomless pit. Whats your theory?

>Three of your favorite musicians
the cutiepies, cuckroach, social climbers
>Your opinion of Death Grips
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings

based RYM tranny

>Three of your favorite musicians
Robbie Basho, Leo Ornstein, Lykathea Aflame
>Your opinion of Death Grips
Obnoxious following, but I can see the appeal and value of the music.
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
Trendy garbage. Nothing brokencyde and blood on the dance floor didn't do 10 years ago.
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
Directionless drivel with zero artistic merit.

>3 of your favourite musicians
Julian Casablancas, Ian Curtis, John Coltrane
>Opinion on death grips
Used to listen to them a lot, and I like their music
>Opinion on gecs
100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable.
>Opinion on Jackson Pollock paintings
They look kind of cool ig


Boris (band), Dmitri Shostakovich, Brian Eno
Dont care besides Exmilitary which I like a lot
Love them
Fucking hate them and have a lesser opinion of fans

based shostakovich geccer

>Three of your favorite musicians
Duster, The Cure, The Smiths
>Your opinion of Death Grips
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
Very interesting and forward-thinking pair of musicians. I see lots of criticism towards them, but honestly I think that they will be well-respected in a few years.
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
Visually appealing but lacking much substance

>Three of your favorite musicians
Jenn Champion, Scott Cortez, Felix Skinner
>Your opinion of Death Grips
A couple of tracks, but worthless overall
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
They rule
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
They look cool

>Xiu Xiu, Yung Lean, Neutral Milk Hotel
>Don't listen to them frequently, but they are okay.
>gec is pretty good, wish they would stop the reddit-tier irony songs though

>Three of your favorite musicians
The Beatles, Radiohead, Pink Floyd
>Your opinion of Death Grips
TMS, EXM, Steroids and BP are good.
>Your opinion of 100 gecs
Never listened despite the constant shilling here
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings
Art's monetary value always creates outrage, so art value =/= artistic value if that makes sense. I think some are appealing, like the one you posted.
Not underage, tranny, or discord user if that's what you're wondering

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>Frank Zappa, Brian Eno, Steve Albini
>love them
>love them
>they're cool