Lalisa Manoban

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nice music discussion

>USA thing where being non religious is considered super edgy

u havent been to the US in 30 over years i take it

I dont like americans

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Lal(is a Man)oban

I like the scream outfits but DC looks the best in shorts

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there is no part of a woman i can't whack off to. why are we comparing?

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That sounds more like science than religion. I think you're mixing something up here.

yeah it's pretty average but not any less cringeworthy

For me, its the beautiful and pure Minatozaki Sana

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nobody does

nice googie discussion

F off

>elder got worse with age
>kid got better looking

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Siyeon should go back to this hairstyle and make up style

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I do!

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you can't ignore lisa's girth


also word

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why cringeworthy?

that fucking NOSE HOLY FUCK

That reminds me...
es ist immer Jeongyeon

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one has access to jyp's on staff ps experts

well yeah, personally i don't understand how someone could be so deluded to have those beliefs but i mean, you do you
it's not an excuse to lose my shit whenever i come in contact with a religious person

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We all miss Wonho, very true, but we still have Chanyeol and he's more important really. He's very muscular and cool.

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Lalisa Manoban

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yeah thats a cringe from me dawg

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Proboscis monkey bros ww@

the best picture of 2019?

post mommies

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What did you do to her head

i thought that was this one

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thats ok, your waifu does

this is lewd af
why are people saying that Fromis members pretend to be pure?

wtf bros, i tho she doesnt like midgets

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we want to ruin her tight body

Which one from behind

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excellent post

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honestly both of them got better looking

huge feet to match the huge milkers

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naky and henlo are shameless, not the others

The only pure member is gyuri

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this is #3 and pic related is #2

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our thai gurl

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I get a chuckle, sometimes I post things I'm going to delete

I should stop, I just like to think someone made that, plus an excuse to brush up my German (it's terrible)

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more of these feet


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i'll agree to that

are all koreans leglets?

Suga is the biggest chad in kpop right now with Onehoe out of the game


Cute Chaelisa!

most are pretty stumpy

UFC fighter Brian Ortega allegedly slaps Jay Park during recent 'UFC 248' event

hesa stillaman

hey panini
dont you be a meanie

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suga is a twink

no, sowon is korean

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there is a certain smugness with which atheists talk about religion (not all of them of course), that rubs me the wrong way. religion is a legitmate part of the human experience and people aren't stupid for believing in a deity.
this guy for example >how someone could be so deluded to have those beliefs
i don't currently believe in god but i don't think lesser of people who do. also just as an aside: if the simulation theory is any good, then god(s) absolutely exist


Post jisuns feet

based comradbro

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imagine irene doing this


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Frick off idiot

is this a cult?

>its real

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when is her new javideo?

>CJ ENM sells its shares of Jellyfish Entertainment, label of VIXX, Gugudan, and VERIVERY

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not sure. dbh i'd bet against them having another comeback at this point

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what about religious people thinking that their beliefs are real, isn't that being smug?


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Why do you hate the United States of America, greatest country on earth, so much?

Don't you know how many aircraft carrier we got?

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imagine the smell

Papa Mochi I'm so hungry :D

here in toronto, you are surrounded by fobqts at any given time no joke
unfortunately they dont speak much english, usually are smokers and now i have corona

keep crying matteo she picked an american name


buy enough of their condoms and it'll happen sooner
Boomers are doing a Bigbang marathon.

why is she such a thot now?

when you can't beat the Korean Zombie, hit his translator

what would i do with condoms?

>people aren't stupid for believing in a deity
Believing there is some higher power that we dont comprehend isnt stupid. But believing in some magical sky wizard because some desert hippie said so is extremely stupid.

she refuses to speak english when she can and cringes when she has too

she's redpilled on the american problem

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shut the fuck up retards

Since when do people pick their names when they are born? Do they do this is America?


or telling everyone they're going to hell

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benisa manlyman


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Maybe for destabilitizing every second country in south america, africa and the middle east and being directly responsible for every civil war and terrorist group.

>what would i do with condoms?
what do the landwhale fans do with the hundreds of albums they buy for a single promotion cycle? just let them collect dust


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>1,777 members of Shincheonji cult still refusing to turn themselves in to get treatment for coronavirus

>Daegu hospital worker infected with coronavirus hid his identity as a Shincheonji cult member

what the fuck?
what a whore

What's your problem

7 korean homosexuals

im from the US and im also white

some twice video on vlive

street performing must be pretty awkward

i gotta say that since they defeated the evil that was EXO, they really are chads

Male idols look so silly. Imagine them standing next to someone like Henry Cavil.

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i hate the UK because of imperialism and colonisation


t. afro-arab south american

the real reason is eurocucks are triggered the US is the top dog now and owns their asses even though they still think they're superior, so there's a disconnect between their self-perception and the real world

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not inherently, no. i don't generally see religious people calling atheists delusional or stupid to not believe in god. generally they see them as misguided or, in the case of islam, murder targets.
what's the difference?

americans aren't white

Henry gonna get mogged hard

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fuck USrael

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but they gave your HK back

leesah x rowzay

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the US should ally with russia and invade europe

imagine your waifu doing this

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guys this isn't kpop talk

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my boy beats henry cavil any day of the week and twice on sundays

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poles would BTFO russians like they did in 1920

im absolutely without a doubt 100% whiter than you

ok guys let's stop pretending and fix kpg

wish tinny were here to weigh in on things