ITT: Albums that created a genre

Not popularized, not innovated, created. I'll start.


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most prog musicians point to Procol Harum or the Beatles as the fathers of prog, iirc. ITCOTCK was just one of the first major releases to be undeniably prog

What Beatles song would you call prog?


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Tomorrow Never Knows, A Day In The Life, I Am The Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever
All technically psych, yes. But they were extremely influential on the prog movement.

obligatory at this point

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No, Led Zeppelin was never metal, and no, Sabbath's first album isn't quite metal, either.

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Influential being the key word. ITCOTCK was the first definitively prog album

>Alt rock

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it's semantics at this point but I just find it odd to use the word "created" for ITCOTCK when bands like Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull, Van der Graaf, etc. were founded all around the same time as KC and were far more influenced by the Beatles than KC.

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But then why would you use influence from the Beatles as a yardstick to measure "prog-ness"?

Happiness is a Warm Gun

If this is prog then so is Heroes and Villains or Good Vibrations.

The only reason you might call that song prog is because of the changing time signatures, otherwise nah. Pretty standard instrumentation and chord progressions

what genre?

what genre did it invent? i've never listened to this one

I Want You (she's so heavy)

This album changed what post-hardcore meant. Post-hardcore is basically two different genres, the one that sounds like Fugazi and the one that sounds like that Refused album.

Same thing. Changing time signatures does not a prog song make.

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Which genre?

Truly a revolutionary work. Cock music will never be the same post BBC music and you cant change my mind

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I point to Moody Blues

Celtic Punk

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Bubblegum bass


HAHAHAHHA hhhAhahahaHa HAHAHahh you really think thatH HAHAHAHA Hhahhahohoh HAHAHAHAH oh god im cryingHAHAHAHAHA

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Ambient country

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Prop pop , while of course influential on prog rock, is a completely different genre. U clearly didn’t read the op

I don’t know what genre this is but it was the first.

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Lol. Thanks for the laugh, OP.

Baroque pop

Refused is an innovative album, but they sound Like Fugazi and Nation of Ulysses lol


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>Before proto-punk

Can you rec anything similar? Love the pogues, but I've never heard the genre Celtic punk

In rym this is the first album to have Britpop as primary, only Eps and Singles before it.

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There were definitely prog albums before this. Yes, Emerlist Davjack, Music in a Dolls Hosue, and Monument come to mind.

noise rock

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>the song black sabbath
>not metal

absolutely not
maybe synthpop

Electronic music was around for several decades before that.

beatards never cease to amaze me.

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Nah dawg that would be Tom Dissevelt and Kid Baltan all the way back in the 50s

Rock and Roll

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You Never Give Me Your Money is basically prog.

not an album but

Indie Rock

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This album created Post Dubstep after Volume 2: King of Dub officially ended Dubstep.

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Sister Rosetta Tharpe

>ignores discharge, which objectively invented a genre

either Devo or Pere Ubu created post-punk

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Obviously he didn't invent the genre but you're lying to yourself if you can't see every dubstep artist after this didn't try to be exactly like this

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red krayola invented post punk and silver apples invented new wave

i don't know if devo created it, but they perfected it

Hansson & Karlsson

Electronic music has been around since the 50s

Black Sabbath's self-titled technically created it.

This invented a lot more than alt-rock...


Yeah, but Realities of War came before that album.


Early, but no. got it correct

Pere Ubu



Stole the genre from black artists

Not even Indie really




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I like this answer but I still have to say "no."

the album I posted is material they recorded between 74-77, definitely at least a pioneer of post-punk


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ok cuckold

that would be bo diddley


Hoes mad