/gg/ - Guitar And Bass General

Lopes Edition

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Ear training:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hmm, doesn't look too bad. (Taking red tortoise colour variations into consideration.) The rosewood board helps but I would go with black covers and knobs.

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You're not actually a bedroom warrior unless you post your guitar on your bed. Cat optional.

i got a black strat body laying around
dubs decides what i do with it

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Said I needed a new acoustic in the last thread but I thought I'd ask again for more recommendations. Someone already suggested Takamine.

Jumbo = big round tone
Folk = boxy tone


So a steeper break angle makes bending easier?

How come my 12 string will bend two identical strings out of tune on the same bend?

Does top wrap increase the string length?

What is the equation for frequency on a standing wave of string? What variable were omitted from the original experiment?

What do you do for a living besides push a wheel barrow or collect dogshit?

none of that matters for the topwrapping question, quit trying to corrupt me

So under wrapping is like twice as good as normal. I'll post this on youtube for you.

The top wrap allows more string to be 'stretched' out when you bend compared to the shorter distance. The bridge isn't a locked anchor point for the strings.

Hello /gg/

Played guitar for a few months learnt a few cords and could play some beginner/intermediate stuff, but I stopped for a few years and want to come back to playing 15-30 minutes a day, but I want to take a new approach and go down the pentatonic scale and do mainly fingerstyle guitar as it's always something I ignored, my question is, would this be a good idea? and how long would it realistically take to play something like


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what is under wrapping? are you refering to string through?


Your voice ruins it


Wrapping the strings under the tailpiece. Oh no, you've just unlocked more experiments!

Is the string stretching because he just put a fresh set on or is the bridge getting up and walking a short distance?

So if we locked the ball end directly at the tune-o-matic, then it'd be much easier to bend. THanks!

is it viable to plug an electric guitar into an interface and just use virtual pedals/amps instead of real ones, or will it sound like ass? still live with mommy and dont want to be loud

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>Wrapping the strings under the tailpiece. Oh no, you've just unlocked more experiments!
no space left to lock the tailpiece against the wood for maximum resonance

If you get good software, it’ll sound great. If not, you get what you pay for.

Because you mixed your terrible singing voice way too loud and you have trouble pronouncing vowels which makes you sound like a mush mouth retard

>Because you mixed your terrible singing voice way too loud
thats common practice the voice is always the loudest
>you have trouble pronouncing vowels which makes you sound like a mush mouth retard
i was nervous and tense

Stop me from buying a Steinberger.

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heres proper pronunciation/vowels

thank god for the russian hackers

also would i need a microphone or can the whole signal go straight into the computer?

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go ahead i dont give a shit

If you have an interface, the signal just goes into the computer. Assuming you hooked it up correctly.

>would i need a microphone
Not if you're just recording guitar. But you're not recording vocals without a mic

Fine. Now what's a good small, battery powered amp?

>he definitely run out of sambo material
perfect eventually he will folder this persona off like he did with the californian daylaborer.

Yamaha THR series I believe. I don't own one but they sound nice from what I've seen and are small. Not sure if they're battery powered, but maybe.

That’s not enough to stop you?

jcope is now liquid sam

is he relatives with mr. Goldenberg?

I have a peavey TNT 115 bass amp. it has a seven band graphic eq. gimme some suggested settings.


ranges go from +15 to -15

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>ranges go from +15 to -15
15 of what?

decibels my bruh

It's so portable. Get it.

just tweak it until it sounds good

mine is cooler

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lol I’m not a shit skin like Sam and jcum, sorry to burst your projection lol

well yeah ive been doing that since like 2002. i thought it would be fun to have anons give me settings and to try them.

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It's better for everything except playing a concert and most DAWs have no latency and plug-ins for every conceivable pedal/amp emulation. I use my 2i2 95% more than my amp/pedals.

Finish it, loafer.

play around with it ,are you THIS unimaginative?

Only the racist skins are shit. Trojan era skins are cool.

too much work i have to borrow a drilling machine to finish the reverse tailpiece and also bring it back to the joiner to remove the tuneomatic posts, fill the holes and then be lucky enough to drill new ones on the correct place or pay that fat tech to drill it for me

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Mustang or Jaguar for short-scale bass?

dont want another PJ.

go Bronco or go home

unironically burn it and quit wasting time on it

no, thats my first guitar youtu.be/Stnj22gHopU

It's just an ultra-stripped down Squier Mustang. Only reservation is single pup unless instant change.

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Admit you ruined a playable guitar that you could have sold to a noob. (Jcope did this too, I remember.)

its still playable

i may hate you but really quit trying to fix a train-wreck. It would be better to carve balsa wood LP with a spoon.

"Finish it" means put it back together and play it.

>t. Shitskin


Hehe, Vernon Reid went to PRS. I'm not sure if Parker shut down (went inactive) before or after he left. If I really want to know, I'll have to do some research.

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First for cold-wave

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and? you said it wasnt playable like theres no return now, but it's just a matter of relocating the bridge.

Never heard of him lmao